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Presionado por las críticas, el Pentágono revela detalles de la internación secreta de su jefe



Tras el ocultamiento al presidente Joe Biden y a toda la Casa Blanca durante cuatro días de la internación del secretario de Defensa, Lloyd Austin, en cuidados intensivos, el Pentágono dio a conocer nuevos detalles sobre la hospitalización, mientras siguen las críticas por la opacidad del procedimiento. El ex presidente Donald Trump usó políticamente el tema y reclamó la renuncia del funcionario.

Según afirma ahora el Pentágono, Austin se sometió a un procedimiento médico el 22 de diciembre por un tema menor aún no revelado, regresó a su casa un día después y fue admitido en cuidados intensivos el 1° de enero cuando comenzó a experimentar dolores intensos.


Estos nuevos datos, en medio del secreto general del asunto, se difunden luego de que miembros de ambos partidos en el Congreso expresaran profundas preocupaciones sobre el ocultamiento deliberado de la estadía de Austin en el hospital y el hecho de que el presidente Biden y otros altos líderes fueron mantenidos en la ignorancia durante días en un momento crítico de la guerra en Gaza y en Ucrania.

Sin embargo, el comunicado, emitido por el mayor general de la Fuerza Aérea Pat Ryder, no proporcionó ningún detalle sobre el procedimiento médico o lo que realmente sucedió el lunes para requerir que Austin estuviera en cuidados intensivos en el Centro Médico del Ejército Walter Reed.

Ryan dijo que Austin fue colocado en la unidad de cuidados intensivos del hospital «debido a sus necesidades médicas, pero luego permaneció en ese lugar en parte debido a consideraciones de espacio y privacidad del hospital».


El hecho de que el Pentágono no haya revelado durante días la hospitalización de Austin, ni siquiera al presidente Biden, al Consejo de Seguridad Nacional y a los principales líderes del Pentágono, refleja una sorprendente falta de transparencia sobre su enfermedad, su gravedad y cuándo podría ser liberado.

Gabinete. El presidente Biden flanqueado por su canciller, Antony Blinken, y el jefe del Pentágono, Lloyd Austin (Reuters)Gabinete. El presidente Biden flanqueado por su canciller, Antony Blinken, y el jefe del Pentágono, Lloyd Austin (Reuters)

Ese secretismo, cuando Estados Unidos hace malabarismos con innumerables crisis de seguridad nacional, va en contra de la práctica normal del presidente y otros altos funcionarios y miembros del gabinete estadounidenses.

Ryder dijo que el Consejo de Seguridad Nacional y la subsecretaria de Defensa Kathleen Hicks no fueron notificadas hasta el jueves 4 de enero que Austin había estado hospitalizado desde el 1 de enero.

El asesor de Seguridad Nacional, Jack Sullivan, le informó a Biden sobre la estadía médica de Austin el jueves, según tres personas con conocimiento de la hospitalización que no estaban autorizadas a hablar públicamente y hablaron con la AP bajo condición de anonimato.


​En un comunicado emitido el sábado por la noche, Austin asumió la responsabilidad por los retrasos en la notificación.

“Reconozco que podría haber hecho un mejor trabajo asegurando que el público estuviera adecuadamente informado. Me comprometo a hacerlo mejor”, dijo, reconociendo las preocupaciones sobre la transparencia. «Pero es importante decir esto: este fue mi procedimiento médico y asumo toda la responsabilidad por mis decisiones sobre la divulgación».

Austin, de 70 años, permanece hospitalizado y los funcionarios no han podido decir cuánto tiempo permanecerá en Walter Reed. En su declaración, Austin dijo que se está recuperando y espera regresar pronto al Pentágono, pero no proporcionó otros detalles sobre su dolencia.


El senador Roger Wicker, el republicano de mayor rango en el Comité de Servicios Armados del Senado, dijo que el episodio erosiona la confianza en la administración Biden y pidió al departamento que proporcione a los legisladores una «explicación completa de los hechos de inmediato».

Israel. Austin Lloyd y su colega israelí, Yoav Gallant, en una rueda de prensa en Tel Aviv (Reuters)Israel. Austin Lloyd y su colega israelí, Yoav Gallant, en una rueda de prensa en Tel Aviv (Reuters)

«Me alegra saber que el Secretario Austin está en mejor condición y le deseo una pronta recuperación», dijo Wicker en un comunicado. «Sin embargo, el hecho es que el Departamento de Defensa ocultó deliberadamente la condición médica del Secretario de Defensa durante días. Eso es inaceptable”.

No son sólo los republicanos los que expresan alarma. En una declaración conjunta, los representantes Mike Rogers, republicano por Alabama, y Adam Smith, demócrata por Washington, dijeron que estaban “preocupados por cómo se manejó la divulgación del estado del secretario”.

«La transparencia es de vital importancia», dijeron los dos legisladores. «Austin «debe proporcionar estos detalles adicionales sobre su salud y el proceso de toma de decisiones que tuvo lugar la semana pasada lo antes posible».


La Asociación de Prensa del Pentágono, que representa a los periodistas que cubren el Departamento de Defensa, envió una carta de protesta el viernes por la noche, calificando la demora en alertar al público como “un ultraje”.

“En un momento en el que existen crecientes amenazas a los miembros del servicio militar estadounidense en el Medio Oriente y en el que Estados Unidos desempeña papeles clave en la seguridad nacional en las guerras en Israel y Ucrania, es particularmente crítico que el público estadounidense esté informado sobre el estado de salud. y la capacidad de toma de decisiones de su máximo líder de defensa», dijo el grupo en su carta.

Este lunes, Donald Trump se lanzó a la carga una vez más contra la administración de Biden y pidió el despido del secretario de Defensa por ocultar su hospitalización, «una conducta profesional inadecuada», disparó.

Negociaciones. Lloyd Austin durante una reciente visita a Israel (EFE). Negociaciones. Lloyd Austin durante una reciente visita a Israel (EFE).

«El fracasado Secretario de Defensa, Lloyd Austin – escribió Trump en su red social Truth- debería ser despedido inmediatamente por conducta profesional inadecuada e incumplimiento de sus deberes. Desapareció durante una semana y nadie, incluido su jefe, el corrupto Joe Biden, Tenía la más mínima idea de dónde estaba o podría estar», sostuvo el magnate republicano.

Pero el presidente Biden no tiene intención de despedir al secretario de Defensa, por ocultar su hospitalización durante tres días. Así lo adelantó un funcionario desde el anonimato.

«Austin permanecerá en su puesto y continuará el trabajo que ha realizado hasta ahora», dijo más tarde el portavoz del Consejo de Seguridad Nacional de Estados Unidos, John Kirby.

Según reporta ABC News, el presidente Biden estaba «exasperado» por no haber sido informado más rápidamente sobre la hospitalización en curso del secretario de Defensa, que solo se reveló públicamente a fines de la semana pasada después de varios días.


Trascendió que habrá una revisión de la forma inusual en que se dio a conocer el tratamiento médico de Austin y alguien podría perder su empleo. La Casa Blanca apoya públicamente a Austin, y un funcionario de la administración le dijo a ABC News que Biden «tiene plena confianza en el secretario Austin» y «espera con ansias que regrese al Pentágono».

Fuente The Associated Press, ANSA y Clarín

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Pope Francis now ‘out of danger from death’ as health condition continues to improve



Pope Francis is «out of danger from death» as of Monday evening, marking a significant improvement after weeks of hospitalization involving the head of the Roman Catholic Church.

In a statement obtained by Fox News, the Vatican said that the «clinical conditions of the Holy Father continue to be stable.»


«The improvements recorded in the previous days have been further consolidated, as confirmed by both blood tests and clinical objectivity and good response to drug therapy,» the release read.

The Vatican also said that Pope Francis, 88, «is out of danger from death from the infections that he arrived at the hospital with.»



Pope Francis waves from his popemobile after the weekly Angelus prayers, at the Saint Peter’s Square in the Vatican on October 20, 2024. (Filippo Monteforte/AFP/Getty)

The pope was first admitted to Gemelli Hospital on Feb. 14 after fighting a week-long bout of bronchitis that gradually worsened. There, he was first diagnosed with a complex viral, bacterial and fungal respiratory tract infection. 

Doctors then detected the onset of pneumonia in both of Pope Francis’s lungs – a significant health threat to the octogenarian, who has chronic lung disease and had part of one lung removed when he was younger.



A photo of Pope Francis in better health

Pope Francis takes part in an interreligious meeting with young people at the Catholic Junior College in Singapore on September 13, 2024. (Tiziana Fabi/Pool/AFP/Getty)

As of Monday, Pope Francis will continue to recover in Rome’s Gemelli Hospital «for further days,» Holy See officials said, citing the «complexity of the clinical picture and the important infectious picture presented at hospitalization.» 

Pope Francis had solid food introduced into his diet on Sunday after days of gradual improvement. On Monday, he «alternated prayer with rest» and worshipped throughout the day. 

Pope Francis waving

Pope Francis waves during an audience with Hungarian pilgrims in Paul VI hall at the Vatican on April 25, 2024. (Fillipo Monteforte/AFP via Getty)


«This morning the Holy Father was able to follow the Spiritual Exercises in connection with the Paul VI Room, then received the Eucharist and went to the Chapel of the private apartment for a moment of prayer,» the Holy See said on Monday. «In the afternoon he joined the Spiritual Exercises of the Curia again.»

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Rubio says mineral deal ‘not main topic on agenda’ in Ukraine meeting



Secretary of State Marco Rubio told reporters on Monday that the mineral deal, sought by President Donald Trump, is «not the main topic on the agenda» for the meeting set with the Ukrainian delegation in Saudi Arabia on Tuesday. 

«I wouldn’t prejudge tomorrow about whether or not we have a minerals deal,» he told reporters on board a flight to Saudi Arabia. «It’s an important topic, but it’s not the main topic on the agenda.


«The minerals deal is on the table that’s continuing to be worked on – it’s not part of this conversation, per se,» he said, noting that Tuesday’s meeting in Jeddah can be considered successful even without securing such an agreement.

Secretary of State Marco Rubio speaks with the media on his military airplane as he flies to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, March 10, 2025. (Saul Loeb/Pool/AFP via Getty Images)



«It’s certainly a deal the president wants to see done, but it doesn’t necessarily have to happen tomorrow,» Rubio added. 

The Ukrainian delegation is set to include Andriy Yermak, head of the presidential office, Andrii Sybiha, minister of foreign affairs, Pavlo Palisa, colonel of armed forces of Ukraine and an advisor to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, as well as Defense Minister Rustem Umerov, who was not only involved in initial talks with Russia following its February 2022 invasion, but who also survived a poisoning attack after a peace meeting in March that year. 

Rubio will meet with the delegation in the city of Jeddah around noon local time on Tuesday.


«The important point in this meeting is to establish clearly their intentions, their desire, as they’ve said publicly now, numerous times, to reach a point where peace is possible,» Rubio said, adding that he will need to be assured that Kyiv is prepared to make some hard decisions, like giving up territory seized by Russia, in order to end the three-year war. 

Ukraine's National Police said seven people are dead and five wounded in a mortar strike east of Kyiv, in Makariv. (National Police of Ukraine)

Ukraine’s National Police said seven people are dead and five wounded in a mortar strike east of Kyiv, in Makariv. (National Police of Ukraine)

«Both sides need to come to an understanding,» he said. «The Russians can’t conquer all of Ukraine, and obviously it will be very difficult for Ukraine, in any reasonable time period, to sort of force the Russians back all the way to where they were in 2014. So the only solution to this war is diplomacy and getting them to a table where that’s possible.

 «Then we’ll have to determine how far they are from the Russian position, which we don’t know yet either. And then once you understand where both sides truly are, it gives you a sense of how big the divide is and how hard it’s going to be,» Rubio explained. «I’m hoping it’ll be a positive interaction along those lines.»

Rubio lands in Saudi Arabia

Secretary of State Marco Rubio greets well-wishers upon arrival at King Abdulaziz International Airport in Jeddah on March 10, 2025. (Saul Loeb/Pool/AFP via Getty Images)


Steve Witkoff, special envoy to the Middle East who has increasingly been involved with the talks regarding Ukraine and Russia, told Fox News’ Dana Perino on «America’s Newsroom» Monday morning, that the Trump administration has «gone a long way» to «narrow the differences» when dealing with Moscow and to get it to the negotiating table – though he did not go into detail. 

Witkoff suggested relations with Ukraine began to once again improve after Zelenskyy sent Trump a letter in which he apologized for the Oval Office exchange that went sour late last month after he refused to sign a mineral deal and angered the Trump administration – resulting in a series of explosive outbursts on live TV. 


While a mineral deal is unlikely to be achieved this week, according to Rubio, he said he hopes that with a successful meeting in Jeddah, he can secure the resumption of aid to Ukraine, though he did not detail if this would include the defensive aid the Trump administration halted, despite Russia’s continued bombardment against Ukrainian targets, or the intelligence sharing which the U.S. also stopped following the Oval Office showdown. 

«The pause in aid broadly is something I hope we can resolve,» Rubio said. «I think what happens tomorrow will be key to that.»

Trump Zelensky

Trump and Zelensky were involved in an Oval Office shouting match. (Fox News )



Rubio also said that Russia will see its own consequences if it doesn’t agree to negotiate on ending the war in Ukraine, including additional sanctions. 

«It should be clear to everyone that the United States has tools available to also impose costs on the Russian side of this equation,» Rubio said. «But we hope it doesn’t come to that. 

«What we’re hoping is that both sides realize that this is not a conflict that can end by military means,» he added. 


On Friday, in a posting on the Truth Social platform, Trump threatened Russia with «large scale Banking Sanctions, Sanctions and Tariffs,» until a ceasefire and peace settlement are reached.  

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North Korea fires missiles as US, South Korea begin their 1st joint military exercise of Trump’s 2nd term



North Korea fired several ballistic missiles into the sea on Monday, just hours after South Korea and the United States kicked off their first major joint military exercise of President Donald Trump’s second term. 

South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said the missile firings were detected from the North’s southwestern Hwanghae Province. The weapons were described as close-range, and in response, South Korea’s military said it has bolstered its surveillance posture and is closely coordinating with the U.S. 


«We are aware of the DPRK’s multiple ballistic missile launches and are consulting closely with the Republic of Korea and Japan, as well as other regional allies and partners. The United States condemns these actions and calls on the DPRK to refrain from further unlawful and destabilizing acts,» the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command said in a statement. «While we have assessed that this event does not pose an immediate threat to U.S. personnel, or territory, or to our allies, we continue to monitor the situation. The U.S. commitments to the defense of the ROK and Japan remain ironclad.»

The launches come after South Korean and U.S. forces began their annual Freedom Shield exercise Monday.  



A missile flies during what North Korean state media said was a test of a new intermediate-range hypersonic ballistic missile at an undisclosed location on Jan. 6. (Reuters/KCNA)

«Freedom Shield is an 11-day exercise conducted by the Republic of Korea and the United States consisting of training to reflect the Korea Theater of Operations – a combined, joint, multi-domain, and interagency operating environment,» according to the U.S. Army.  

«Field training events throughout FS25 include urban combat operations, field hospital operations, mass casualty treatment and evacuation, field artillery exercises, air assault training, wet gap crossing, air defense artillery asset deployment and validation, and a joint assault exercise with the U.S. Marine Corps,» the Army added. 


However, North Korea’s Foreign Ministry is calling the exercises an «aggressive and confrontational war rehearsal.» 

«Despite of the DPRK’s repeated warning, the US and the Republic of Korea are dead set on staging the large-scale joint military exercises. This is a dangerous provocative act of driving the acute situation on the Korean peninsula, where a single accidental gun report may spark off a physical conflict between the two sides, beyond the extreme limit,» read a statement published in North Korean state media. 


US military in South Korea

U.S. Army soldiers prepare to cross the Hantan River at a training field in Yeoncheon, South Korea, near the border with North Korea on Monday, March 10. (AP/Ahn Young-joon)

This year’s training comes after South Korean KF-16 fighter jets accidentally dropped bombs on a civilian area during a live-fire training exercise with the U.S. on Thursday, injuring multiple people and damaging multiple buildings, including three houses and a Catholic church. 

South Korean media reported that the accident happened in Pocheon, a city near the heavily armed border with North Korea. About 30 people were wounded, two of them seriously. 

The initial assessment from the South Korean air force was that one of the KF-16 pilots entered the wrong coordinates and failed to visually verify the target before proceeding with the bombing. The second pilot had the correct coordinates but focused only on maintaining flight formation and dropped the bombs on the first pilot’s instructions without recognizing the target was wrong, according to the content of the latest briefing provided to The Associated Press. 

North Korean missile test on TV

People watch a television screen showing a news broadcast with file footage of a North Korean missile test at a train station in Seoul on March 10, 2025. North Korea fired «multiple unidentified ballistic missiles» on March 10, South Korea’s military said, the same day Seoul and Washington began a major annual joint military drill known as Freedom Shield.  (Jung Yeon-Je/AFP via Getty Images)


Gen. Lee Youngsu, chief of staff of the South Korean air force, bowed and apologized Monday over the injuries and property damage caused by the bombing, which he said «should have never happened and must never happen again.» 

Fox News’ Bradford Betz and The Associated Press contributed to this report. 


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