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Trump vindicated as explosive report confirms Iran supervises Houthi ‘political and military affairs’



FIRST ON FOX: Following a year of significant setbacks in the Middle East for Iran with its proxy forces flagging in the Gaza Strip, Lebanon and Syria, Tehran is leaning on its influence over the Houthi terrorist group in Yemen to carry out its offensive aims. 

According to findings obtained by sources embedded in Tehran who are affiliated with the Iranian resistance group called the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran, not only are some of Iran’s most senior military officials in its Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) involved in Houthi decision-making, but Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has his thumb on the deadly group. 


President Donald Trump’s recent threats against Tehran over its sponsorship of the Houthis are supported in the report, which claims well-placed sources have confirmed that one of the most senior commanders in the IRGC’s Quds Force – the elite branch of the Iranian military – is «directly commanding Houthi activities.»

Houthi military spokesperson Yahya Sarea attends a rally in Sana’a, Yemen, on Nov. 22, 2024. (REUTERS/Khaled Abdullah)



Khamenei, according to the report compiled by the Paris-based National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) and first obtained by Fox News Digital, personally supervises all Houthi «political and military affairs» that are first approved by his regime.

«According to reports received from within the IRGC, Khamenei has personally emphasized the importance of Houthi attacks and the necessity of sending weapons and equipment for the Houthis to IRGC commanders and regime officials,» the report said. 

The weakening of Iran’s «Axis of Resistance» amid the war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli campaign against Hezbollah in Lebanon, and the fall of the Bashar al-Assad regime in Syria has increasingly pushed Tehran to lean on its proxies in Iraq and Yemen.

President Trump is taking action against the Houthis to defend U.S. shipping assets and deter terrorist threats, the White House posted on X on March 15, 2025.

President Trump is taking action against the Houthis to defend U.S. shipping assets and deter terrorist threats. (The White House)

More than 100 attacks on commercial shipping vessels have been committed by Houthi forces since the Oct. 7, 2023, Hamas terrorist attack on Israel, which sparked responses from surrounding terrorist networks, including Hezbollah.

The exchange of missile and drone fire by both the Houthis and U.S. forces escalated this week when the terrorist network threatened to renew strikes on Israeli vessels after Jerusalem cut off humanitarian aid headed for the Gaza Strip this month.

President Trump responded by vowing «overwhelming lethal force» until the Houthi attacks ceased and warned Iran that it would be held «fully accountable» for any attacks.

A strike launched from a naval ship.

A missile is launched from a warship during the U.S.-led coalition operation against Yemen’s Houthi rebels in early February. (U.S. Central Command)


«[IRGC Brig. Gen. Abdolreza] Shahlai is in charge of all military, political, and economic matters related to the regime’s intervention in Yemen, including all Houthi operations and attacks,» the report said, noting his close ties to the former commander of the Quds Force who was killed by then-President Trump’s order in Iraq in 2020, Qassem Soleimani. Soleimani had the blood of hundreds of American soldiers on his hands. 

The report also found that the Iranian Embassy in Yemen is currently under «full control» of the Quds Force.


While it is not necessarily unheard of for intelligence operatives to work out of embassies abroad, the report said it could find no evidence that any personnel from Iran’s Foreign Ministry were in its embassy in Yemen.

The Iranian Embassy in Sana’a, Yemen, did not respond to Fox News Digital’s questions. 

Houthi rebels

Armed rebels of the Iran-backed Houthi militia take part in a demonstration against the U.S. and Israel. (Osamah Yahya/picture alliance via Getty Images)



«The mullahs’ regime is the root cause of war and instability in the region, sustained through repression at home and the export of terrorism and conflict abroad,» Ali Safavi, a member of the NCRI’s Foreign Affairs Committee, told Fox News Digital. «The only viable solution to the Iranian crisis is the regime’s overthrow by the Iranian people.»

«A decisive international policy toward Iran must recognize and support the legitimacy of the Iranian resistance, proscribe the IRGC as a terrorist entity, activate the U.N. Security Council snapback mechanism and endorse the Resistance Units’ fight against the regime,» he added. 




Panorama Internacional: Donald Trump, Stalin y los espectros de la Unión Soviética



En un celebrado ensayo, El juego estratégico, Zbigniew Brzezinski notaba que aparte de cruces ideológicos típicos, el litigio entre Washington y Moscú se definía por “la ampliación del poder y la influencia sobre territorios, población y poderío militar para intimidar o contener al oponente”. Las categorías geopolíticas y estratégicas determinan “el centro, la sustancia y el resultado del conflicto”, señalaba. El ex asesor de Seguridad nacional de Carter aludía a las tensiones entre su país y a la entonces Unión Soviética, que colapsaría cuatro años después de esa publicación, pero el comentario encaja con perfección en este presente.

Permite observar que a la muerte de la URSS, le ha sobrevivido la metodología estratégica que exhibió con holgura Stalin para devorar Europa oriental mucho antes del reparto de Yalta. Un estilo que prevalece hoy en Vladimir Putin para sostener sus demandas sobre Ucrania, encubrir sus graves pretensiones hacia adelante y hasta abusarse de la ingenuidad narcisista del líder norteamericano Donald Trump distante de aquellas categorías.


Este desorden geopolítico se agudizó con el regreso del magnate a la Casa Blanca al exhibir una inmediata cercanía con Moscú y el alejamiento de sus aliados históricos. Putin, con mayor claridad, aprovechó la novedad para facilitar su proyecto imperial que se modela como un espectro de la experiencia soviética. En Rusia hay una democracia ficticia, sin oposición, libertad de expresión e independencia de poderes, coronado con un liderazgo vitalicio que, hermanado a la potencia China, se propone como relevo del Occidente decadente.

La conversación que sostuvieron Trump y Putin por segunda vez este martes ejemplifica estas distorsiones. Washington planteó ese contacto como el umbral de un giro definitorio para cancelar la guerra. No sucedió tal cosa porque Putin no lo quiso a despecho de lo que pretendiera Trump. De modo que no habrá tregua en el modelo que imaginaba EE.UU. pactado con Kiev, menos desde ya el más soberano que demandan el gobierno ucraniano y sus aliados europeos.

Una noción de cómo se manejó el poder en ese diálogo lo revelan un par de detalles poco conocidos. La charla se extendió por más de dos horas, casi tres, un extenso desarrollo que incluyó en detalle la agenda global, pero el Kremlin la resumió en un texto mínimo de no más de 500 palabras. Nada para destacar, salvo precisiones cuidadosamente diferentes a las que sostuvo la Casa Blanca. Peor aún, Putin hizo esperar a Trump más de una hora sobre el horario pactado debido a que el líder ruso estaba entretenido en una reunión con empresarios, según se pretextó.

El autócrata ruso Vladimir Putin. Foto EFE

No fue una excepción. Días antes, el enviado especial de Trump a la región, Steve Witkoff, debió esperar 8 horas hasta que Putin lo recibiera en su despacho. Stalin también solía utilizar ese desprecio hacia sus visitantes y hasta con aliados para marcar quién estaba al mando, y era legendaria su demanda de ciega consideración. Tras uno de sus discursos, la gente tenía tal temor de ser el primero en dejar de aplaudir que la ovación de pie se prolongó 11 minutos. Finalmente, el director de una fábrica de papel se animó a sentarse. Esa noche fue arrestado y condenado a 10 años de prisión.

En las conclusiones de la charla, Putin le brindó algún consuelo a Trump para que no quedara con las manos vacías. Se aceptó un cese limitado que apartó del blanco a las estructuras de energía ucranianas. Menos de 24 horas después Moscú volvió a atacarlas. Al mejor estilo soviético y pese a la evidencia, la cancillería rusa negó esos bombardeos que se repitieron el día siguiente. No hubo reproches de la parte norteamericana, alcanzó con el desmentido.

La fortaleza de Putin


Toda la escena fortaleció la posición del líder ruso camino a una negociación, quizá por el momento improbable, para una paz en el conflicto que claramente los europeos exigen que no valide una victoria absoluta de Moscú. Ese riesgo existe. Putin le reclamó a Trump que cualquier diálogo de paz se de sin la intervención de Ucrania, desdeñando los derechos existenciales de ese país, pero también vetando a Europa, que en las visiones de los líderes aparece como un poder que no debe ser tenido en cuenta.

Las coincidencias entre ambos son aún mayores. Trascendió que uno de los hijos de Trump y su yerno, conspiran para hallar un relevo del presidente Volodimir Zelenski y forzar elecciones anticipadas en Ucrania a despecho de que la guerra lo impediría. Pero es una demanda del Kremlin, obsesionado con colocar un aliado títere en Kiev. EE.UU. acompaña esa pretensión debido, además, a que Trump no perdona a Zelenski que no lo haya acompañado en la denuncia de corrupción que había construido contra Joe Biden y uno de sus hijos con negocios en Ucrania.

Todo este combo, en fin, hace que después de tres años como un paria en el mundo por haber violado la juridicidad internacional y atacado de modo salvaje a Ucrania negando el derecho a existir de ese país, la Rusia de Putin está de regreso discutiendo la agenda global como una potencia equivalente a la norteamericana.

El premier noruego Jonas Gahr y el presidente ucraniano Volodimir Zelensi en Oslo. Foto ReutersEl premier noruego Jonas Gahr y el presidente ucraniano Volodimir Zelensi en Oslo. Foto Reuters

“No puedo recordar otro periodo en mi vida en el que la diplomacia haya sufrido un vuelco tan enorme en tan poco tiempo”, reflexiona Nigel Gould-Davies, investigador sobre Rusia y Eurasia del Instituto Internacional de Estudios Estratégicos. Para este cientista es deplorable la afinidad y simpatía de Trump hacia Putin y su reticencia a castigar o restringir a Rusia, lo que le permite al líder del Kremlin ceñirse a su estrategia de “destruir militarmente Ucrania y sobrevivir políticamente a Occidente”. Las categorías del Juego Estratégico.

En la década de 1980 –recuerda Gould-Davies-, Mijaíl Gorbachov líder de la URSS, tardo cuatro años en abandonar los compromisos soviéticos de larga data en Europa del Este. “Hoy EE.UU. ha demorado apenas cuatro semanas en cuestionar y derribar sus compromisos fundamentales con Europa”.

«Una desfachatez impresionante»

Analistas como Jo Adetunji, respetada editora de la británica The Conversation, remarcan con cierto escándalo que Trump no haya reconvenido a Putin cuando en el diálogo entre ambos afirmó que Ucrania no es un negociador confiable, no tiene palabra y viola los derechos humanos. “Una desfachatez impresionante, fue Rusia la que incumplió acuerdos vinculados a las fronteras ucranianas así como numerosas disposiciones de la Convención de Ginebra sobre el trato a la población civil y a los prisioneros de guerra”, señala la periodista. Nadie olvida a Bucha.


Todo esta arquitectura de desvíos explica una sugestiva cadena de hechos. Desde el repudio del poder económico y político europeo contra Washington y la decisión de unificar posiciones militares del bloque como una advertencia a Moscú, a los descontroles que aparecen en escenarios como el de Oriente Medio. Allí Israel destruyó la tregua armada por el propio Trump con la banda terrorista Hamas por un aparente interés de sobrevivencia política del premier Benjamín Netanyahu. La crisis ahora bordea una guerra ampliada, que puede acabar en un desastre por imprudencia y ausencia de un orden internacional tangible.

Es probable que por todo esto y por sus polémicas ideas económicas, comiencen a visualizarse límites contra Trump. Inesperadamente el presidente conservador de la muy conservadora Corte Suprema de EE.UU., John Roberts, lo reprendió públicamente por exigir la destitución de un juez. Horas después el titular de la FED, Jerome Powell, el Banco Central de la potencia, denunció la incertidumbre con la que el magnate anegó una economía que tenía un ritmo sólido. El Capitolio aún no habla. Como aquellos aplaudidores de Stalin, los republicanos que controlan ambas cámaras, incluso los liberales contrarios a las prácticas proteccionistas que entusiasman a Trump, sigue aplaudiendo y no se animan a sentarse. Se verá hasta cuando.

© Copyright Clarín 2025

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Ex-Haiti envoy slams ‘deeply flawed’ approach of Biden admin



A former special envoy to Haiti blames what he views as former President Joe Biden’s absentee approach to decision-making for the current woes afflicting the Caribbean nation.

Daniel Foote served as special envoy to Haiti in 2021 but resigned in protest over what he said was the administration’s failed approach of supporting unpopular and unelected leaders.


«All of the governments that the U.S. has backed or anointed or imposed in the last 110 years have not represented the Haitian people,» Foote said. He said the Biden administration backed the then-unelected Prime Minister Ariel Henry solely for his unwavering loyalty despite lingering questions about how Henry rose to power.


Suspects in the assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moise are shown to the media, along with the weapons and equipment they allegedly used in the attack, in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, on July 8, 2021. (AP Photo/Joseph Odelyn)


Foote has been involved with Haiti since the devastating 2010 earthquake that killed more than 200,000 people. He now believes the country has descended into near-total collapse.

«It’s a thousand times worse now because we broke whatever weak social contract there was between the people and the government. And there has been no government since basically 2012. It’s a failed state.»

A recent U.N. report revealed that more than 1 million people have been displaced due to gang violence in Haiti, nearly 10% of the population. Another report indicated that 85% of Haiti’s capital, Port-au-Prince, is under gang control.


Foote said he never met Biden while serving as envoy, claiming that by then, Biden had «deteriorated to the point that they didn’t want him to see a lot of people.» Instead, he said, Victoria Nuland, undersecretary of state for political affairs, and U.S. Ambassador to Haiti Michele Sison devised the plan to support Henry.

Foote said he recalled a remark that Biden allegedly made as a senator in 1994: «If Haiti just quietly sunk into the Caribbean, or rose up 300 feet, it wouldn’t matter a whole lot in terms of our interests.»

«That explains Joe Biden’s approach to Haiti,» Foote said.




Police stop a motorist in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, on April 22, 2024. (AP Photo/Ramon Espinosa)

Biden’s spokesperson and Sison did not respond to a Fox News Digital request for comment.

Nuland rejected Foote’s accusations, calling them «completely false» and referred Fox News Digital to former Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs Brian Nichols.


«What I observed that there was intense coordination, and there was not one person or two people who would make a significant decision on the policy,» Nichols said, noting that he got the job roughly a week before Foote resigned on Sept. 21 and so was not involved in earlier decisions. «All issues were debated extensively internally at multiple levels, all the way up to the principals, that’s the Cabinet secretary level.»

Foote said that in the past he felt no need for security while walking around Haiti because Americans were widely welcomed. Things are not the same anymore.

«Now the Haitians are looking at China, looking at Russia,» he said. «They’re like, ‘Somebody help us. The Americans just keep screwing us over,’ yet they still want the Americans to help them.»

Armed gang member

A member of the G9 and Family gang patrols a roadblock in the Delmas 6 neighborhood of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, on March 11. (AP Photo/Odelyn Joseph)

The Biden administration committed around $600 million to fund an international security force, known as the multinational security support mission (MSS), composed of personnel from countries like Bangladesh, Kenya, Chad and Guyana. But Foote said he sees the MSS strategy as a waste of taxpayer money.

«They don’t have the security backbone to take on the gangs,» he said. «They need help. And that help is not 5,000 random police officers from a mishmash of 10 different developing countries led by the Kenyans, who have never led a security mission in history.»


Police from Kenya stand on the tarmac of the Toussaint Louverture International Airport after landing in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, on June 25, 2024. (AP Photo/Marckinson Pierre)

Nichols defended the MSS, declaring their efforts «incredibly heroic.»


«Having seen them on the ground in Haiti, it’s an extremely professional force, extremely courageous and one committed to the mission,» he said.

Foote recommends that President Donald Trump send 60 U.S. special forces personnel to train an elite anti-gang unit in Haiti and reestablish a signals intelligence program to monitor gang communication. Without such action, he said, the consequences would extend far beyond Haiti’s borders.

«It’s just going to continue to create chaos right off the U.S. shores and create a massive surge in migration,» he said. «Because if you walk down the street in Port-au-Prince, you look around and think, ‘I can understand why people leave. Humans can’t live in these conditions.’»

President Biden delivers UN General Assembly speech

President Joe Biden addresses the 77th session of the United Nations General Assembly on Sept. 21, 2022. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)

Jack Brewer, who played in the NFL before founding a global foundation that has been in Haiti since the devastating 2010 earthquakes, echoed Foote’s assessment.

«People are being burned alive, police officers are getting their heads bashed into the pavement – bloody, torturous deaths,» Brewer said. «One of my doctors had five of his close friends and relatives murdered. This all just happened this week.»



Brewer said that any real change can come only from within Haiti.

«I’m talking about a culture that doesn’t accept stealing and doesn’t accept corruption,» he said. «Right now, culturally, it’s acceptable to steal, and that has to change. Until you fix the moral fabric of a nation and reinstate law and order, it doesn’t matter what America does.»


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Hamas launches first attack on Israel since ceasefire collapse



Hamas has claimed responsibility for rockets fired at Israel on Thursday.

«This launch is the resistance’s first response to the zionist entity’s violation of the ceasefire, which resulted over 710 martyrs in the last three days. It also comes after the IOF’s renewed ground invasion into Beit Lahia this morning, and the failure of the mediators and the world to curb the IOF’s aggression,» according to reports.


Strikes launched by Israel killed at least 58 Palestinians throughout the Gaza Strip overnight and into Thursday, according to hospitals via the Associated Press.

The Jewish State resumed attacks across Gaza earlier this week, breaking a ceasefire, which reportedly killed over 400 Palestinians – mostly women and children – on Tuesday, according to the Hamas-run Gaza health ministry.

Israel’s military indicated that it intercepted a missile fired by Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthi rebels early Thursday before it entered Israel’s airspace, the AP reported.



Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gives statements to the media inside The Kirya, which houses the Israeli Defense Ministry, after their meeting in Tel Aviv on Oct. 12, 2023. (Jacquelyn Martin/Pool/AFP via Getty Images)

«Hamas refused offer after offer to release our hostages. In the past two weeks, Israel did not initiate any military action, in the hope that Hamas would change course. Well, that didn’t happen. While Israel accepted the offer of President Trump’s special envoy Steve Witkoff, Hamas flatly refused to do so,» Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a video shared to X on Tuesday. «This is why I authorized yesterday, the renewal of military action against Hamas.»


«Israel does not target Palestinian civilians. We target Hamas terrorists,» he declared. «And when these terrorists embed themselves in civilian areas, when they use civilians as human shields, they’re the ones who are responsible for all unintended casualties.»

Israel launched its war on Hamas in response to the terrorist group’s heinous attack on Oct. 7, 2023.



Sen. John Fetterman, D-Pa., a staunch supporter of Israel, continued to express his support while visiting the foreign nation this week.

«Hamas does not want peace. I unapologetically, 100% stand with Israel, and demand the release of all remaining hostages. Sending this from Israel,» Fetterman said on X on Tuesday.




Rep. Jared Moskowitz, D-Fla., said on X on Wednesday, «Hamas could end this war right now if it released the hostages held in Gaza. It could’ve done so months ago, but instead it’s brought devastation by prolonging this conflict. America must lead the world in pressuring Hamas to end this war and bring the hostages home.»


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