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Ataque terrorista frente a la embajada de Israel en Serbia: un policía mató a un sospechoso que le disparó con una ballesta



Un atacante que disparó una ballesta contra un oficial de policía que custodiaba la embajada de Israel en Belgrado fue asesinado a tiros este sábado en lo que el ministro del Interior, Ivica Dacic, calificó de ataque terrorista contra Serbia.

Dacic explicó en un comunicado publicado por la agencia de noticias local Tanjug que el atacante disparó una saeta contra el agente y lo alcanzó en el cuello. El policía “utilizó su arma en defensa propia para disparar al agresor, que murió a consecuencia de sus heridas”, agregó.

«Se trata de un ataque terrorista contra Serbia», afirmó Dacic en el comunicado, y agregó que varias personas presuntamente vinculadas al incidente fueron detenidas.

«Hay algunos indicios de que (los arrestados) ya son conocidos por los servicios de seguridad y estamos hablando de la organización wahabí, pero eso no está confirmado», afirmó Dacic, refiriéndose a una escuela estricta del Islam.

El incidente ocurrió frente a la embajada israelí en Belgrado. Foto: Twitter.

“Se están investigando todas las circunstancias del ataque y los posibles motivos», apuntó Dacic.

El policía se encontraba en un puesto de guardia y el agresor se le había acercado varias veces para preguntarle dónde había un museo. Llevaba una bolsa de la que en un momento sacó la ballesta y disparó al guardia, dijo Dacic.

El policía estaba consciente cuando fue trasladado al principal hospital de la capital serbia, donde pasará por el quirófano para extraerle la flecha, dijo el funcionario, y agregó que la vida del agente corría riesgo pero había que esperar los resultados de la cirugía.

Por su parte, el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores israelí calificó al incidente ocurrido frente a su representación diplomática en Belgrado como un “intento de ataque terrorista”.

“Hoy se produjo un intento de atentado terrorista en las inmediaciones de la embajada de Israel en Belgrado. La embajada estaba cerrada y ningún miembro del personal resultó herido. Un policía local resultó herido. Se están investigando las circunstancias del incidente”, señaló el ministerio en un comunicado.

Serbia ha mantenido una estrecha relación con Israel durante su intervención armada en la Franja de Gaza.



Court eases travel restrictions for Andrew Tate as he awaits trial on charges of rape, human trafficking



  • A Romanian court ruled on Friday that social media influencer Andrew Tate can travel within the European Union without restrictions while he awaits trial.
  • Tate awaits trial on charges of human trafficking, rape and forming a criminal gang to sexually exploit women.
  • Tate, along with his brother Tristan and two Romanian women, was arrested in December 2022 near Bucharest.

A court in Romania’s capital ruled Friday that social media influencer Andrew Tate can leave Romania but must remain within the European Union as he awaits trial on charges of human trafficking, rape and forming a criminal gang to sexually exploit women.

The Bucharest Tribunal’s decision to allow Tate, 37, to leave the country was hailed by his spokesperson, Mateea Petrescu, as a «significant victory and a major step forward» in the case. It is not clear whether prosecutors can or will appeal the court’s decision.

Tate, a former professional kickboxer and dual British U.S. citizen, was initially arrested in December 2022 near Bucharest along with his brother Tristan and two Romanian women. Romanian prosecutors formally indicted all four in June last year and all four have denied the allegations.


After Friday’s decision, Tate wrote on the social media platform X: «I AM FREE. FOR THE FIRST TIME IN 3 YEARS I CAN LEAVE ROMANIA. THE SHAM CASE IS FALLING APART.»

Andrew Tate smiles while waiting along with his brother Tristan, left, for a hearing inside the Court of Appeals building in Bucharest, Romania, on June 26, 2024. A court in Romania’s capital ruled on Friday that Tate can leave Romania but must remain within the European Union as he awaits trial on charges of human trafficking, rape and forming a criminal gang to sexually exploit women. (AP Photo/Vadim Ghirda, File)

«We embrace and applaud the decision of the court today, I consider it a reflection of the exemplary behavior and assistance of my clients,» said Eugen Vidineac, one of Tate’s lawyers, adding that the Tates are «still determined to clear their name and reputation.»

On April 26, the Bucharest Tribunal ruled that the prosecutors’ case file against Tate met the legal criteria and that a trial could start but did not set a date for it to begin. That ruling came after the legal case had been discussed for months in the preliminary chamber stages, a process in which the defendants can challenge prosecutors’ evidence and case file.

After the Tate brothers’ arrest, they were held for three months in police detention before being moved to house arrest. They were later restricted to Bucharest municipality and nearby Ilfov county, and then to Romania.

Vidineac said the ability to travel within the 27-nation EU bloc will allow the Tates to «pursue professional opportunities without restriction.»

Andrew Tate

Andrew Tate speaks to the media as he leaves Romania’s anti-organized crime and terrorism directorate after a digital investigation of devices in Bucharest, Romania on Jan. 25, 2023. (MIHAI BARBU/AFP via Getty Images)

Andrew Tate, who has amassed 9.5 million followers on the social media platform X, has repeatedly claimed that prosecutors have no evidence against him and that there is a political conspiracy to silence him. He was previously banned from various social media platforms for allegedly expressing misogynistic views and using hate speech.


In a separate case, Andrew Tate was served at his home in Romania with a civil lawsuit lodged by four British women after a claim was issued by the High Court in London, according to a statement released in May by McCue Jury & Partners, the law firm representing the four women.

The four allege Tate sexually and physically assaulted them and reported him to British authorities in 2014 and 2015. After a four-year investigation, the Crown Prosecution Service decided in 2019 not to prosecute him. The alleged victims then turned to crowdfunding to pursue a civil case against him.

Andrew Tate

Andrew Tate arrives at the Municipal Court of Bucharest, Romania, on June 21, 2023. (DANIEL MIHAILESCU/AFP via Getty Images)

In a separate third case, the Tate brothers also appeared in March at the Bucharest Court of Appeal after British authorities issued arrest warrants over allegations of sexual aggression in a U.K. case dating back to 2012-2015.

The appeals court granted the British request to extradite the Tates to the U.K., but only after legal proceedings in Romania have concluded.

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