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Con nevadas furiosas, inundaciones y vientos violentos, la tormenta Nelson arruina la Pascua en Francia y Gran Bretaña



La tormenta Nelson está arruinando las vacaciones de Pascua en Francia y en Gran Bretaña. Un fenómeno isótermico que provoca enfriamiento hizo nevar en Brest, en la Bretaña, este jueves, cuando se inicia la primavera europea, y en Vendée, sobre el océano Atlántico. En la Costa Azul hay vientos de 100 kilómetros por hora, que va a llegar a 130 K, inundaciones. En el Morbihan las olas superan los 10 metros. El mal tiempo se intensificará el Viernes.

Météo France ha puesto seis departamentos en alerta naranja por vientos violentos. Se registraron ráfagas de 183 km/h en Pointe du Raz, una estación turística especialmente expuesta en Finisterre.

Una fuerte ráfaga de viento ya causó daños el miércoles por la tarde en la isla de Yeu, en Vendée, con un tornado. En las localidades costeras se han registrado ráfagas de más de 100 km/h. Por ejemplo, Météo-France registró vientos de 122 km/h en Sibiril y de 119 km/h en Brest (Finisterre).

El centro de baja presión de la tormenta Nelson continúa acercándose al noreste de Francia.

“Un viento se considera generalmente violento y, por tanto, peligroso, cuando su velocidad alcanza los 80 km/h con viento medio y los 100 km/h con ráfagas tierra adentro”, explica Météo-France.

Por tanto, el servicio de meteorología francés llama a la población de los departamentos afectados a limitar los desplazamientos, a tener cuidado con la caída de árboles y objetos y a no trabajar en los tejados.

Olas gigantes y vientos huracanados golpean contra un faro en Les Sables-d'Olonne, en el oeste de Francia, este jueves. Foto: AFPOlas gigantes y vientos huracanados golpean contra un faro en Les Sables-d’Olonne, en el oeste de Francia, este jueves. Foto: AFP

Cierran parques en París

En Paris la alcaldía ordenó cerrar los parques, plazas y jardines desde el jueves al mediodía, al igual que los cementerios, “hasta nueva orden” , a la espera de fuertes vientos entre jueves y viernes. Recomiendan no salir de la casa, ser prudente, no recorrer el Bois de Boulogne y el Bois de Vincennes y no descender a los sótanos de las casas y edificios.

Se esperan tormentas para el viernes sin respiro. Tras el paso de la tormenta Nelson, el tiempo de mañana seguirá inestable. Se pronosticaban lluvias tormentosas entre el suroeste y el noreste. Se esperaba que la degradación comenzara durante la noche del jueves.

A causa del temporal, este jueves varias líneas de tren se encontraban interrumpidas. Este es el caso de Normandía. En Bretaña y Países del Loire, las rutas también se ven interrumpidas o modificadas. Por tanto, la SNCF invita a los viajeros a consultar los horarios en los sitios correspondientes.

Inundaciones y vientos feroces en la Costa Azul

Viento también en Pirineos y la cuenca mediterránea. Como indica Météo-France, el viento también sopla sobre los Pirineos, a 90/100 km/h, «o incluso 100/120 km/h en las montañas vascas».

La tormenta Nelson pegó también en Brighton, Gran Bretaña. Foto:  REUTERSLa tormenta Nelson pegó también en Brighton, Gran Bretaña. Foto: REUTERS

Además, “las fuertes olas, asociadas al alto nivel del mar, provocan la inmersión marina en el este de la cuenca mediterránea y, más particularmente, en la costa de Var”.

El departamento de Var también está en alerta naranja. Se esperan importantes ráfagas de viento en Francia el jueves.

Unas horas antes de que la tormenta llegara al oeste del país, un tornado azotó la isla de Yeu, con unas sesenta casas afectadas, tejas arrancadas y árboles arrancados de raíz. Según el SDIS del departamento, una persona resultó levemente herida.


En Gran Bretaña la tormenta Nelson está produciendo vientos terroríficos. Forzaron a un avión de Easy Jet, que venía de Portugal, a abortar un aterrizaje en el aeropuerto de Gatwick.

Toda la isla está afectada por fuertes vientos y mucha lluvia. En Dartmoor, en Devon y Gales también nevó durante la noche.

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Serbia rocked by anti-corruption protests after construction tragedy



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Mass protests have rocked Serbia for months as protesters demand justice and accountability after the deaths of 15 people in the collapse of a railway station.

Tens of thousands of college students have been marching for nearly three months demanding those responsible for the calamity be held accountable and prosecuted accordingly. The canopy at the railway station collapsed Nov. 1 after renovations led by two Chinese companies. 

A general strike was called last week, with many calling off work as people blocked major streets in Belgrade and occupied university campuses in solidarity with the young protesters. 


«I’ve worked in the Balkans for 30 years, and I’ve never seen anything like this,» Tanya Domi, professor at Columbia University’s Harriman Institute, told Fox News Digital.


Students walk toward the northern city of Novi Sad, near the Belgrade suburb of Batajnica, Serbia, Thursday, Jan. 30, 2025, where they will participate in a 24-hour blockade of three bridges to protest the deaths of 15 people killed in the November collapse of a train station canopy. (AP Photo/Darko Vojinovic)

With protests showing no signs of dissipating, Serbian Prime Minister Milos Vucevic announced his resignation, and the mayor of Novi Sad, the city where the tragedy occurred, also stepped down.

«The protests already took down two scalps, and I think more are to come,» Domi said.

The prime minister’s resignation made him the highest regime official to step down, but it hasn’t quelled the uprising. Mass protests continued to break out in Belgrade and across the country.

«The resignation of the prime minister is simply not enough,» Helena Ivanov, senior fellow at the Henry Jackson Institute, told Fox News Digital. 


Ivanov said the student-led protesters have clearly defined objectives, including full transparency about the process that led to the collapse and holding those responsible accountable for the loss of life.

The government has thus far been unclear and tried to evade scrutiny by downplaying the government’s culpability. At first, the government tried to ignore the protests, then began to use force and accused the protests of being infiltrated by foreign agitators. Some observers complain the Vucic government’s failure to act and provide clear answers to the public is endemic of Serbia’s core institutional corruption.


«For protesters, the Novi Sad railway station canopy collapse cannot be treated as an incident and isolated event, but rather a symptom of more widespread negligence and systemic corruption that precipitated into this tragedy,» Sinisa Vukovic, director of the global policy program at Johns Hopkins University, told Fox News Digital.

The unprecedented resignation of the prime minister leaves the government in flux. The country will either see a new prime minister and government formed within 30 days or face snap elections. However, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic addressed the nation and said he will decide in the next 10 days whether Serbia faces a snap election.

Montenegro's President Jakov Milatovic

Montenegro President Jakov Milatovic, left, shakes hands with his Serbian counterpart Aleksandar Vucic at the Serbia Palace in Belgrade, Serbia, July 10, 2023. (AP Photo/Darko Vojinovic)

«This is a legitimate challenge to Vucic’s rule and the biggest challenge the president and his party have faced in the 13 years of their rule,» Ivanov added. 

Serbia’s Foreign Minister, Marko Djuric, told Fox News Digital Serbia’s commitment to stability, reform and continued growth remains unchanged. The foreign minister said, «We are listening, we are learning and we are determined to ensure that Serbia moves forward on its path of economic and democratic development.»


The protests are the most difficult to deal with from the perspective of the government and the president, Ivanov noted. The students have distanced themselves from the opposition party, which does not have broad support from the public and is generally considered weak and ineffective. 


Students across the country are saying this is their fight, not the unpopular political opposition, leading to a greater show of force among the population. 

«After 13 years of one individual dominating Serbian politics and 13 years of very important governmental institutions failing to do their job, the key message of these protests is that we expect these institutions to do their job well,» Ivanov said.

Security forces began suppressing the protests, which further exacerbated tensions and motivated more people to join the protests.


Serbian Prime Minister Milos Vucevic resigned Tuesday amid growing protests that swept the nation over the collapse of a train canopy that killed 15 people.   (AP Photo/Darko Vojinovic)


Ivana Stradner, research fellow at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, told Fox News Digital the Trump administration should not fall for Serbian President Vucic’s usual tricks of trying to balance between the U.S. and its adversaries. 


«Vucic has allowed China’s weapons and investments to thrive in Serbia. Serbia’s close ties to Iran and Russia are also undermining America’s interests. His domestic propaganda portrays the U.S. as an enemy. With friends like Vucic, Washington does not need enemies,» Stradner warned.

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