De colonia a potencia: el primer ministro Narendra Modi va a elecciones y se afirma como el supremo mandamás de la India
India, el país más poblado del mundo con sus más de 1.400 millones de habitantes, de los cuales 970 millones están en condiciones de votar, comenzó este viernes su proceso de elecciones legislativas en las que el omnipresente y favorito primer ministro, Narendra Modi, busca un tercer mandato, que durará otros cinco años.
Con una oposición debilitada por el liderazgo y carisma del primer ministro Modi que busca convertir a la India en una potencia, pero también desgastada por una política oficial de acorralamiento según denuncian los detractores del premier, más de 2.000 formaciones políticas compiten por una representación parlamentaria.
Son tan grandes los comicios y tan diversa la india que los centros de votación estarán abiertos hasta 1 de junio. Es decir, las elecciones duran seis semanas, están divididas en siete etapas y el resultado del sufragio en los 28 estados y los ocho territorios de la Unión se hará público el 4 de junio.
El Partido Bharatiya Janata, de Modi, aspira a quedarse con una fuerte mayoría de los 543 miembros del Parlamento, luego de que 2019 obtuviera 303 escaños. Con sus socios, llegaron a sumar 352 bancas.
Tres grandes hechos con trascendencia internacional marcan los últimos pasos del gobierno de Narendra Modi en su camino a ocupar un lugar en la historia mayor que el primer gobernante tras la independencia de la India, en 1947 y convertir a este país en potencia.
Primero, un impresionante despliegue como anfitrión de la cumbre de líderes del G20 a fines de 2023, a la que sólo faltó su rival chino, Xi Jinping. Segundo, el lanzamiento de la primera misión de astronautas Indios a la Luna, que por cierto fueron entrenados en Rusia. Y la inauguración con inmenso despliegue y presencia del gobernantes del templo en Ayodhya, para Lord Ram, al tiempo que fue motivo de alto orgullo para el hinduismo cuyo dominio político, religioso y cultural en la década que gobierna Modi.
India es hoy la cuarta economía mundial y aspira en no muchos años ranquear tercera, pese a los grandes desafíos sociales y económicos que tiene por delante. Su desempeño es aún superior que el Reino Unido, país que la colonizó durante casi un siglo.
La democracia parlamentaria india va a elecciones en un país que en la década de Modi mejoró enormemente la infraestructura -hay miles y miles de rutas construidas y se nota- de transporte, mercados de acciones enormes y profundos, bancos más fuertes, reservas de divisas masivas, un sistema fiscal menos complejo y menos corrupción que en tiempos que gobernaba el Partido del Congreso Nacional de los Gandhi. Pero NCP (siglas en inglés) mantenía un esquema secular, basado en la diversidad, la libertad y la tolerancia religiosa el oficialista el BJP (Partido Bharatiya Janata) ensalza los valores hinduista y escusado de arrinconar a los 200 millones de musulmanes que viven en India.
El Congreso Nacional formó una alianza con otros líderes de la oposición, la Alianza Nacional para el Desarrollo con el lema de «salvar la democracia». Pero después de los golpes judiciales a uno de los vástagos de los Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi, no lograron consensuar un candidato a primer ministro.
También hay pesos pesados regionales, como la ministra principal de Bengala Occidental y miembro del Congreso Trinamool de toda la India, Mamata Banerjee, y el ministro principal de Tamil Nadu, Muthuvel Karunanidhi Stalin, que lucharán por impedir que el BJP se haga con el poder en sus respectivos estados, donde Modi aún no ha logrado abrirse paso.
Pujante y dividido
Bharat es el nombre que ahora utiliza Modi para destacar el viejo nombre del país. La India, más usado por los seguidores del premier se está convirtiendo en un mercado único que busca emparejarse con las cadenas de suministro globales, desde los enrutadores de Internet hasta los vehículos eléctricos de dos ruedas. El gigante sector de servicios tecnológicos espera hacer una fortuna a medida que las empresas de todo el mundo buscan ayuda para adoptar la inteligencia artificial.
Pero sigue siendo un país dividido en dos aunque el todo sea pujante. Un sur tecnológico y más rico gratis a la liberalización de la economía y un norte históricamente más pobre que es la base inicial de voto a Modi, quien sin embargo con sus hábitos de monje ha logrado a sus 73 años una popularidad que arrasa también entre los jóvenes que hoy acceden a mayores posibilidades de educación y trabajo, a teléfonos celulares y una red de wifi descomunal cuando antes sus padres quedaban inmortalizados en esos populosos locutorios y centros de llamadas telefónicas.
En política exterior India también tomó una actitud por completo mucho más dinámica y mas contestaría. Si en el pasado tuvo afinidad con la ex Unión Soviética, hoy se busca mostrar no comprometida con ninguna de las potencias en pugna, aunque su rival sigue siendo China. Para el caso, Modi, que no se sumó al esquema de sanciones occidentales contra Rusia tras su invasión a Ucrania, fue recibido con honores por Joe Biden el año pasado. A su vez viene haciendo un fuerte reclamo a países como la Argentina de que acepten su programa mundial de seguridad alimentaria.
Su creciente importancia en el escenario global tiene su correlato en el ámbito local al punto que el Consejo Argentino para las Relaciones Internacionales (CARI), presidido por Francisco de Santibañes, creó el primer centro de estudios especializados sobre India con los auspicios del embajador indio Dinesh Batía.
Trump’s row with Zelenskyy recalls Obama, Biden humiliations of Netanyahu
JERUSALEM, Israel – Democratic lawmakers’ reactions to last week’s public row between President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodmyr Zelenskyy set off a firestorm of criticism, yet comparisons of how Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was treated by Presidents Joe Biden and Barack Obama have critics calling foul.
Former Presidents Obama and Biden publicly humiliated Netanyahu, according to media reports, and the Israeli leader, in sharp contrast to Zelenskyy, did not garner the same solidarity from many European leaders and legacy media outlets.
Jerusalem Center for Security and Foreign Affairs President Dan Diker told Fox News Digital, «The real question is why the international media, European powers and social networks were noticeably unsympathetic to Israel and its PM Netanyahu during the Obama and Biden administrations, dressing down and even humiliation of Netanyahu during and in between White House visits, in contrast to the immediate and widespread international sympathy for Zelenskyy following his 100 mph head on collision with and excoriation by President Trump and VP Vance?»
Dicker continued, saying, «Broadcast around the world, we remember Obama’s dumping of the Netanyahu-led delegation to the White House in 2010 and the Biden administration’s overall maximum political pressure campaigns to force Israel to yield to American demands.»
President Donald Trump, center, meets with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy as Vice President JD Vance, right, reacts at the White House in Washington, D.C., Feb. 28, 2025. (REUTERS/Brian Snyder/File Photo)
There are striking parallels between the two countries — Ukraine and Israel — which are at war against anti-democratic regimes. Israel has been waging a multi-front existential war against Iranian regime proxies (Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis and other forces) since October 2023. Russia invaded Ukraine a little more than three years ago and absorbed a chunk of the country’s territory. Ukraine is fighting for its life.
However, one key difference is the outrage over the White House spat with Zelenskyy was not mirrored in the same way in the court of public opinion after Biden and Obama launched verbal attacks, including profanity-laced tirades, against Netanyahu.
After the 2024 State of the Union speech, Biden was caught on a hot mic on the House floor, where Biden said he and Netanyahu would have a «come to Jesus» moment soon.
Biden warned Israel that invading Rafah would be crossing a «red line.» Israel defied Biden and secured the freedom of some hostages held by the Hamas terrorist organization in Rafah.
After Israel entered Rafah, Biden reportedly said of Netanyahu, «He’s a f—ing liar.»
Biden called Netanyahu «a pain in my a–» and said «he’s been killing me lately.»
According to Politico columnist Jonathan Martin, Biden termed Netanyahu a «bad f—ing guy.»
Then-President Barack Obama, left, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu shake hands after making a statement on the killings in the West Bank after their meeting in the Oval Office of the White House on Sept. 1, 2010 in Washington, D.C. (Ron Sachs-Pool/Getty Images)
Biden’s seemingly relentless attacks on Netanyahu continued with Israel’s self-defensive measures against the Lebanese terrorist organization Hezbollah and its chief strategic partner, the Islamic Republic of Iran. The U.S. government has designated Hezbollah a terrorist entity and classified Iran as the world’s worst state-sponsor of terrorism.
Reuters reported that «War,» a book by the journalist Bob Woodward, noted that Biden regularly accused Netanyahu of having no strategy and shouted «Bibi, what the f—-?» at him in July after Israeli strikes near Beirut and in Iran.
The Obama administration laid the foundation to delegitimize Netanyahu and create «daylight» between Israel and the United States, argued experts on U.S.-Israel relations.
Obama refused to pose with Netanyahu for photographers during the Israeli leader’s White House visit in 2010 and held a private dinner without the prime minister, which was said to have been a breach of custom.
President Joe Biden, right, shakes hands with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as they meet on the sidelines of the 78th United Nations General Assembly in New York City on Sept. 20, 2023. (JIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images)
When asked about his alleged conflict-ridden relationship with Netanyahu, Obama said in 2010, «I think that he is dealing with a very complex situation in a very tough neighborhood. And what I have consistently shared with him is my interest in working with him — not at cross-purposes — so that we can achieve the kind of peace that will ensure Israel’s security for decades to come.
«And that’s going to mean some tough choices. And there are going to be times where he and I are having robust discussions about what kind of choices need to be made.»
The Obama administration frequently used anonymous government officials to channel Obama’s views, according to critics. In 2014, the Atlantic magazine’s Jeffery Goldberg reported that an unnamed Obama administration official termed Netanyahu «chickens—» regarding efforts to secure a peace deal with the Palestinians.
President Donald Trump, center, accompanied by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, left, speaks during a meeting in the Oval Office of the White House on Feb. 4, 2025 in Washington, D.C. (Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)
The strained relations between Obama and Netanyahu reached a head at the end of Obama’s term in December 2016. Obama’s alleged abandonment of Israel at the United Nations by allowing the United Nations Security Council to censure Israel prompted Netanyahu to term the move a «shameful ambush.»
The 2016 U.N. Security Council resolution condemned Israel for building Jewish communities in the West Bank, the historic biblical region known in Israel as Judea and Samaria.
Netanyahu’s speeches to the U.S. Congress in 2015 (to argue against Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran) and in 2024 (to defend Israel’s war against the Iran-backed Hamas) ruffled the feathers of the Obama and Biden administrations.
Eugene Kontorovich, senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation, told Fox News Digital, «Democrats seethed for years that Netanyahu dared have a different policy than Obama. By this standard, Zelenskyy’s open, argumentative bickering with President Trump and VP Vance at a press event should hang over the former comedian. However, President Trump has already expressed a willingness to reengage.»
Fox News’ Kristine Parks and Reuters contributed to this report.
Premios Oscar 2025: de qué se trata «No Other Land», el documental ganador hecho por israelíes y palestinos
Palestinos e israelíes, juntos
La crítica de Israel
Leading evangelicals in push to have President Trump recognize Israeli sovereignty over ‘biblical heartland’
TEL AVIV, Israel – Last week, an influential group of American Christians publicly reaffirmed the Jewish people’s right to Judea and Samaria as the biblical heartland of Israel. The Judea and Samaria area is more commonly known as the West Bank.
The declaration was unveiled at the annual National Religious Broadcasters Convention in Dallas by American Christian Leaders for Israel and was expected to be signed by 3,000 religious leaders before being delivered to President Donald Trump.
The push to apply Israeli sovereignty to the area comes after Trump said last month that his administration would make an announcement on the matter in the coming weeks when asked about annexation.
The Oslo Accords, forged under the Clinton administration, divided the West Bank into three regions: Area A, under full Palestinian jurisdiction; Area B, under Palestinian civil administration and Israeli security control; and Area C, under full Israeli authority.
The Cave of the Patriarchs, also known as the Cave of Machpelah. The site is the burial place of Patriarchs and Matriarchs of the Jewish people, Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca, Jacob and Leah, and is situated in Hebron in Judea and Samaria, also more commonly referred to as the West Bank.
A 2020 Trump plan, dubbed Peace to Prosperity, envisioned Israel annexing parts of Judea and Samaria, but was shelved in favor of the Abraham Accords, which normalized Jerusalem’s ties with four Arab countries.
«The evangelicals gave Trump the presidency. He will support our position on the Bible and that’s why he chose Mike Huckabee [as ambassador to Jerusalem], who supports Israeli sovereignty over Judea and Samaria,» Dr. Mike Evans, founder of Friends of Zion, which boasts just under 30 million members, told Fox News Digital.
The declaration reaffirms «the Jewish people’s inalienable right to the Biblical Heartland of Israel and reject all efforts—both from the United States and the international community—to pressure the Jewish people to relinquish their ancestral homeland in Judea and Samaria.»
The Tomb of Joseph near Shechem (Nablus). Samaria, Jul 6, 2021. (Roee Oz/TPS)
Evans said evangelicals support Israel «because they believe in moral clarity, good versus evil, they are friends of Zion. They see Jews being killed because they’re Jews, not because of land.»
Pastor John Hagee, the influential founder and chairman of Christians United for Israel, told Fox News Digital that Evangelicals «know the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob will always keep His word to the Children of Israel. From beginning to end, the Bible is a Zionist document mandating that all believers stand with, and bless, Israel and her people.
«For almost half a century, I have been preaching the message that Israel does not occupy the land, Israel owns the land, the title deed of which is recorded in the pages of the Bible. The land was endowed by God to the Jewish people for all time,» added Hagee.
Aerial view of Joshua’s Alter in Judea and Samaria, more commonly referred to as the West Bank. (TPS-IL)
Earlier this week, Fox News Digital reported that some Republican lawmakers led by Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-N.Y.) urged the president to recognize Judea and Samaria as Israeli territory. Their letter to the president expressed support for Jerusalem applying sovereignty over the area, which the lawmakers said was «the heart of our shared Judeo-Christian heritage.»
Israel’s Parliament Speaker Amir Ohana on Feb. 23 urged the government in Jerusalem to extend sovereignty over Judea and Samaria, saying full control over the region was the «one and only way» to achieve lasting peace.
Another Likud lawmaker, Dan Illouz, told Fox News Digital that Hamas’s Oct. 7, 2023 massacre «proved that any withdrawal, any concession, any illusion of coexistence with those who seek our destruction is not just naive—it is suicidal … we withdrew from Gaza, and in return we got Hamas and the massacre of our people. Judea and Samaria cannot become another terror state.»
President Donald Trump, left, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu answer questions during a joint press conference in the East Room at the White House in Washington, D.C., on Feb. 4, 2025. ( REUTERS/Leah Millis)
«A push for sovereignty in Judea and Samaria would be the end of Israel,» Yossi Beilin, a former Israeli lawmaker and an architect of the 1993 Oslo Accords with the Palestinians, told Fox News Digital. «If Israel were to become a minority of Jews dominating a majority of Palestinians, it would be neither Jewish nor democratic. I don’t believe it could ever happen, but just waving this [idea] is bad enough,» he said.
«The right in Israel believes that Trump would support whatever they demand. But five years ago, he suggested there could be a two-state solution. As such, it is not as clear-cut as it seems,» he added.
Late last month, Netanyahu ordered the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) to conduct a «massive» counter-terrorism operation in Judea and Samaria after three buses exploded near Tel Aviv, and bombs were found on two others in what is being investigated as a coordinated attack.
Israeli soldiers take part in an operation in Jenin, as it seeks to take out Iranian-backed terror groups. Feb. 24, 2025. (REUTERS/Raneen Sawafta)
«This brutality and forceful displacement of civilians in the West Bank… was never about self-defense, but rather a colonial expansion scheme and an ethnic cleansing campaign,» Ahmad Fattouh, a spokesman for Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s dominant Fatah faction, told Fox News Digital.
«Annexing the West Bank will set us back to 1948 and destroy any future stability or prospects for peace. Every rational voice understands too well that there is no way forward except the two-state solution; otherwise, it will lead to endless havoc,» he added.
Israel Ganz, head of the Yesha Council, the umbrella group representing Israeli communities in Judea and Samaria, is working in conjunction with the government in Jerusalem to push for sovereignty.
Pastor John Hagee speaks during «March For Israel» at the National Mall on Nov. 14, 2023 in Washington, D.C.
«We started a campaign to push for it, but we won’t do it without the support of the U.S.,» he told Fox News Digital. «Many in the Trump administration are very connected, they know the area, and they believe in our right to this place. They understand that if they want to stabilize the situation, we must have sovereignty in Judea and Samaria.»
«For Israel to be able to continue to survive and thrive along the coastal plain, which produces about 80% of the country’s GDP, then it must keep control of the high grounds in Judea and Samaria,» Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus (ret.), a former IDF international spokesperson and now a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, told Fox News Digital.
«If any other entity, Palestinian or otherwise, holds that, it would be used as a way to threaten Israel’s security; its core infrastructure, including Ben-Gurion Airport, and also its population– concentrated in a narrow strip between Haifa [in the north] and Ashdod [in the south]–approximately 15 kilometers wide,» he said.
Palestinian terrorists take up position during a confrontation with the Israeli army in Jenin on July 3, 2023. The Israeli army said it had launched drone strikes in Jenin as part of an «extensive counterterrorism effort.» (Photo by JAAFAR ASHTIYEH/AFP via Getty Images)
Another element, Conricus explained, is that some 500,000 Israelis currently live in Judea and Samaria, and they need to be protected.
«The trends of escalation in Judea and Samaria and Jerusalem are highest now since Oct. 7. We see significant terrorist activity in almost all Palestinian cities and continued weakness of the P.A. in exercising control,» he said.
Ze’ev Orenstein, director of international affairs at the Jerusalem-based City of David Foundation, told Fox News Digital that the Jewish people’s millenia-long connection to the Land of Israel bestows upon them an inherent right to Judea and Samaria.
«The reality is that there is likely no other people on the planet today with a deeper–and longer–connection to any piece of land than the Jewish people with the Land of Israel, in general, and Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem, in particular; where the inhabitants continue to worship the very same G-d, speak the same language, practice the same faith, celebrate the same festivals, and walk upon the very same stones, as their ancestors did so many thousands of years ago,» Orenstein added.
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