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Father of murdered IDF soldier says Hamas terrorists tried to sell his son’s head for $10,000



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The father of a deceased Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldier revealed that Hamas terrorists had tried to sell his son’s head for $10,000. 

«That is just insane barbarism,» David Tahar said in an interview with Channel 14. He had tried for months to find his son’s head after the IDF recovered his body following the Oct. 7 attack, saying, «A father needs to know everything about his children.»

«From a CT scan I received recently, his whole body is full of shrapnel, and unfortunately the body of Adir was also abused after he was killed,» his father claimed. 

David Tahar told Fox News Digital that the terrorists killed his son, Cpl. Adir Tahar, 19, with an anti-tank missile after he helped save some of his comrades. The attack devastated the Golani Brigade unit that his son served in, and the terrorists then decapitated Adir Tahar. 


David Tahar claimed that evidence showed the terrorists shot at Adir Tahar’s body with their guns after he died. The IDF only managed to identify Adir Tahar’s body thanks to his identity tags, DNA testing and personal items in his pockets, The Times of Israel reported. 

Cpl. Adir Tahar

IDF Cpl. Adir Tahar died on Oct. 7 defending his comrades, after which his father claimed Hamas militants beheaded Adir and took his head back to into the Gaza Strip. (Courtesy of David Tahar)

David’s father said that «on Tuesday night, I saw Adir before I buried him, I received his casket and I opened it and there, I saw that he was missing his head.» 

He described the horrifying moment as «one of the most difficult moments a man can experience is seeing his son lying down, dead, especially when he is lying down without a head. It is one of the more horrifying feelings in the world,» he told Fox News Digital.

Reports say the fate of Adir Tahar’s head was finally resolved after Israeli forces learned from two captured Hamas terrorists that they had tried to sell an IDF soldier’s head and gave details as to where the forces could find it. 


An elite unit deployed to central Gaza found the head in a bag inside a freezer in Palestine Square, according to Israeli outlet i24. DNA and dental records identified it as Adir Tahar’s head, and it was returned to Israel.

IDF soldier killed

David Tahar with his son, Cpl. Adir Tahar of the IDF. (Courtesy of David Tahar)

David Tahar told Fox News Digital about his son. «Amir was a very, very smart boy, a humble boy, a very talented boy, a loved boy, a boy who tried to create unity between his friends, between his family members. Adir was the third of four kids, a really special kid: a kid who tried to bring only good into the world… Adir was a kid who cared for others. He would always care for his friends. He was very proud to be in Golani.» The Golani Brigade is one of the most famous units of the IDF.


Amir’s father says he has established a way to keep his son’s memory alive through the Jerusalem Great Synagogue Emergency Israel Campaign.

Adir Tahar IDF

Cpl. Adir Tahar on patrol with his unit in the IDF. (IDF Spokesman’s Unit.)

The IDF confirmed Adir’s death but was not able to confirm the attempts to sell the head for $10,000. 

David Adir warned that the world needs to wake up to what Israel is dealing with today, or other countries could experience a similar fate at the hands of «barbarians.» «The world better wake up and uproot… those who hate life and sanctify death.»


The atrocities Hamas terrorists committed remain largely unobserved by the mainstream media, with Telegram flooded by videos of the violence from Oct. 7 as well as a compilation of the footage shown to select audiences, including journalists and politicians around the world.

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Elecciones en Francia: qué escenarios políticos se abren ahora tras el triunfo de la izquierda



El triunfo de la izquierda en este balotaje suponen un revés para la líder ultraderechista Marine Le Pen, que fracasa en su intento de lograr la mayoría absoluta, que las proyecciones consideraban posible hace una semana, e incluso de ganar, como parecía posible hace dos días.

Varias hipótesis emergen: una difícil coalición entre parte de la izquierda y el oficialismo, o incluso un gobierno tecnócrata con apoyo parlamentario en la segunda economía de la UE.

Sin embargo, una eventual coalición parece difícil por las críticas cruzadas entre La Francia Insumisa (LFI, izquierda radical) de Mélenchon, importante socio del NFP, y el oficialismo. Macron calificó durante la campaña a este partido de «antiparlamentario» y «antisemita».

Una alternativa a LFI sería integrar en esta coalición a los diputados de derecha de Los Republicanos (LR), que no pactaron con RN. Sus eventuales escaños, entre 57 y 67, podrían ser cruciales para una alianza parlamentaria sin la izquierda radical.

«Nuestro pueblo ha rechazado claramente el peor escenario posible», declaró el líder izquierda radical Jean-Luc Mélenchon, para quien el NFP, que carece de mayoría absoluta, debe «gobernar», pero sin «entablar negociaciones» con la alianza de Macron.

El presidente francés pidió «prudencia» tras conocerse las primeras proyecciones y aseguró que su alianza de centroderecha «sigue bien viva». «La cuestión es quién gobernará a partir de ahora y logrará una mayoría», agregó.

El ultraderechista Jordan Bardella, gran derrotado en este balotaje en Francia. Foto EFE

Los pactos implícitos entre el oficialismo y la coalición de izquierdas, consistentes en concentrar el voto en el candidato con más posibilidades de derrotar a RN en cada circunscripción, frustraron no obstante la victoria ultraderechista.

El gran interrogante es a quien llamará el presidente Emmanuel Macron a ser el primer ministro. Macron quiere una coalición “coherente” para llegar a los 289 diputados para poder gobernar y pasar su legislación.. Pero ha decidido cancelar su discurso: no hablará hoy al país.

Frente a este escenario será Macron quien elija al primer ministro, opte por un gobierno técnico o por una gran coalición de convergencia moderada, excluyendo al RN y a la Francia Insumisa, a quien consideran ultra y antisemita.

El parlamento en Francia

En sus primeras palabras, el jefe de la Francia Insumisa, Jean Luc Melenchon habló y desafió al jefe de Estado. Dijo que “el presidente debe inclinarse y llamar al Nuevo Frente Popular a gobernar”. El primer ministro Gabriel Attal deberá renunciar y el NFP va a aplicar su completo programa, que va a aterrorizar a los empresarios.

El ex presidente François Hollande ganó en Tulle en esta segunda vuelta y puede llegar a ser un primer ministro moderado en el nuevo gobierno.

Artistas, deportistas, sindicatos y organizaciones se movilizaron para frenar la llegada al poder de la extrema derecha, como la estrella del fútbol Kylian Mbappé, que había llamado a votar «del lado bueno», en estos tensos comicios.

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