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Germany’s defense minister to overhaul military command to enhance war capabilities



  • Germany’s defense minister, Boris Pistorius, has announced a plan to overhaul military command to improve the country’s war capabilities.
  • Pistorius voiced the necessity for the German military to become «war-capable» in light of potential Russian threats.
  • Chancellor Olaf Scholz initiated a significant increase in military spending after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022.

Germany’s defense minister on Thursday announced a plan to streamline and reorganize the country’s military command as part of efforts to make the armed forces of NATO’s most populous European member «war-capable.»

Chancellor Olaf Scholz set in motion a big increase in military spending shortly after Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in early 2022, which he described as a «turning point.» Defense Minister Boris Pistorius last year took on the job of overhauling the military, the Bundeswehr, after years of neglect and in November called for a review of its structure.

Pistorius has pointed to the danger of a possible future Russian attack on a NATO country and said repeatedly that the German military must become «war-capable,» a choice of words that some in Germany find jarring given the country’s longstanding post-World War II culture of military caution.


«I am convinced it is one of the few words that really describes correctly the imperative here,» he told reporters in Berlin. «I respect the fact that others struggle with the word, but I also note that most who do have no problem with the substance behind it.»

Boris Pistorius

German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius speaks during a press conference on the decision on the future structure of the German military on April 4, 2024, in Berlin. Pistorius on Thursday announced a plan to streamline and reorganize the country’s military command as part of efforts to make the armed forces of NATO’s most populous European member «war-capable.» (Michael Kappeler/dpa via AP)

His overhaul plan envisions a single «operational military command,» which he hopes will enable quick decisions and eliminate duplication. Currently, the Bundeswehr has two command centers: one responsible for planning and running deployments abroad and the other for the defense of Germany itself.

An existing «cyber and information» department, whose responsibilities include fending off cyberattacks, protecting electronic infrastructure and analyzing hybrid threats such as disinformation, will be expanded and officially become a fourth arm of the military alongside the army, air force and navy.


Speaking on NATO’s 75th anniversary, Pistorius underlined «the challenge of resetting the Bundeswehr for a new and old challenge — that of defending the country and the alliance.»

In 2022, Scholz pledged to increase Germany’s defense spending to a NATO target of 2% of gross domestic product — a mark that, along with several other countries, it had long fallen short of — and set up a 100 billion-euro special fund to modernize the Bundeswehr.

«We have (spending of) 2% this year and we will reach it in the coming years as well, but also must reach it so that we can do justice to our responsibility and our role in NATO,» Pistorius said.

Details of how Germany will reach the 2% mark once the special military fund is exhausted, likely in 2027, remain unclear. And although progress is being made with orders for new equipment, the parliamentary commissioner for the military said last month that the Bundeswehr «still has too little of everything.»

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El alto precio que deben pagar los presos en Ucrania para conseguir la libertad: luchar en el frente contra Rusia



En una colonia penitenciaria rural en el sureste de Ucrania, varios presos se reúnen bajo alambre de púas para escuchar a un reclutador del ejército ucraniano que les ofrece una oportunidad de libertad condicional. A cambio, deben unirse a la batalla contra Rusia.

“Puedes poner fin a esto y empezar una nueva vida”, dijo el reclutador, un integrante de un batallón de asalto voluntario. “Lo principal es tu voluntad, porque vas a defender la patria. No lo conseguirás con el 50%, tienes que dar el 100% de ti mismo, incluso el 150%”.

Ucrania está ampliando el reclutamiento ante la grave escasez de personal en el campo de batalla después de más de dos años de combate contra la invasión rusa. Y sus labores de reclutamiento se han dirigido, por primera vez, a la población penitenciaria del país.

Aunque Ucrania no anuncia ningún detalle sobre el número de tropas desplegadas ni sobre las bajas, los comandantes en el frente de batalla reconocen abiertamente que enfrentan problemas de falta de personal mientras Rusia sigue acumulando fuerzas en el este de Ucrania y avanzando hacia el oeste.

Un instructor militar ucraniano del Batallón Arey habla con un prisionero convicto que se unió al ejército ucraniano antes de entrenar en el polígono, en la región de Dnipropetrovsk, Ucrania. Foto AP

Más de 3.000 prisioneros ya han sido puestos en libertad condicional y asignados a unidades militares después que el parlamento aprobó dicho reclutamiento en un polémico proyecto de ley de movilización el mes pasado, afirmó a The Associated Press la viceministra de Justicia ucraniana, Olena Vysotska.

El país tiene una población carcelaria de unas 42.000 personas, según las cifras remitidas por el gobierno a la Unión Europea.

Aproximadamente 27.000 reclusos podrían ser elegibles para el nuevo programa, según estimaciones del Ministerio de Justicia.

Convict prisoners which join Ukrainian army train at the polygon, in the Dnipropetrovsk region, Ukraine, Saturday, June 22, 2024. Ukraine is expanding its military recruiting to cope with battlefield shortages more than two years into fighting Russia’s full-scale invasion. (AP Photo/Evgeniy Maloletka)Convict prisoners which join Ukrainian army train at the polygon, in the Dnipropetrovsk region, Ukraine, Saturday, June 22, 2024. Ukraine is expanding its military recruiting to cope with battlefield shortages more than two years into fighting Russia’s full-scale invasion. (AP Photo/Evgeniy Maloletka)

“Gran parte de la motivación proviene del deseo (de los reclusos) de regresar a casa como héroes y no de regresar de la prisión”, dijo Vysotska.

Ernest Volvach, de 27 años, quiere aceptar la oferta. Está cumpliendo una condena de dos años por robo en la colonia penitenciaria de la región ucraniana de Dnipropetrovsk. Trabaja en la cocina, sirviendo comida en tazones de hojalata.

“Es una estupidez estar aquí sin hacer nada”, dijo Volvach, añadiendo que desde el inicio de la guerra quería “hacer algo por Ucrania” y tener la oportunidad de alistarse. “Ahora ha surgido”.

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