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Iranian academic at Princeton University accused of publicly supporting terror groups



FIRST ON FOX – A decades-old interview is adding to a widening scandal involving a former high-ranking Iranian official and controversial Princeton professor. Seyed Hossein Mousavian is accused of endorsing Hezbollah and Hamas in a 1997 German newspaper interview.

The new revelations about Mousavian’s pro-Hamas and pro-Hezbollah interview in a German paper, coupled with what some claim was an endorsement of an Iranian regime fatwa (religious order) ordering the assassination of British-American author Salman Rushdie, comes at a time when the Ivy League professor is the subject of a congressional probe. Mousavian is currently facing a U.S. House Committee on Education and the Workforce investigation for allegedly advancing the interests of Iran.


Hossein Mousavian

The head of the Iranian delegation, Seyed Hossein Mousavian, speaks to journalists at the International Atomic Energy Agency on Nov. 29, 2004 in Vienna. (ROBERT NEWALD/AFP via Getty Images)

In November, Fox News Digital exclusively reported on the investigation into Mousavian’s ties to the world’s worst state-sponsor of terrorism, the Islamic Republic of Iran. The investigation is ongoing, and the congressional committee has not issued any findings.

In an interview back in 1997 with the left-wing German daily paper Taz, Mousavian, who was Iran’s Ambassador to Germany at the time, was asked if Iran supports groups like Hezbollah and Hamas. Mousavian seemed to put his support behind Hamas. «If by that you mean that we supply Hamas with weapons: No, we do not. But if you mean that we support the Palestinians in their struggle, yes, we do.»

When asked by the paper if Iran provides Hezbollah support materially or financiallyMousavian said «We support Hezbollah morally and not by supplying weapons.»


The U.S. Middle East Media Research Institute first translated Mousavian’s German language interview earlier this month on its website and provided background material on his alleged role in stoking terrorism in Europe, including the assassination of Kurdish dissidents in a Berlin restaurant named Mykonos in 1992.

Mousavian, a Middle East security and nuclear policy specialist at Princeton University, was hosted by the Obama administration, according to the Washington Free Beacon, at least three times at the White House, and invited to speak at an important U.S. STRATCOM military event in August 2023 during the Biden administration

Iranians walk past a billboard displaying Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in the capital Tehran, on July 31 2022. (Photo by ATTA KENARE/AFP via Getty Images)

According to the congressional letter, first obtained by Fox News Digital, Mousavian’s appearance at the STRATCOM symposium «concerned members of the Armed Services Committees of both the House and the Senate. Additionally, aspects of this issue trouble us as members of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce.»

Mousavian told Fox News Digital in November that, «My talk at the U.S. Strategic Command was all about peace in the Middle East and why the U.S. should avoid wars and focus on peace and cooperation.» 


When asked by Fox News Digital if he considers Hamas and Hezbollah terrorist organizations, Mousavian refused to answer numerous Fox News Digital press queries via email, telephone and WhatsApp. Fox News Digital approached Princeton University via telephone and email for comment. The Ivy League institution did not respond to Fox News Digital’s questions.

Mousavian also seemed to defend the Iranian-led campaign to assassinate U.S. and British writer Salman Rushdie because the famous novelist depicted the Muslim prophet Muhammad irreverently.

Princeton Professor Seyed Hossein Mousavian is at the center of an investigation by the U.S. House Committee on Education and the Workforce investigation into his ties to Iran. (News Photo/Joshua Comins | Photo by: Photographer name/Education Images/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

In 2022, a 24-year-old man named Hadi Matar, who is fan of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, a U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organization, allegedly stabbed Rushdie in the neck and liver during the author’s speech in Chautauqua, New York. After the attack, Rushdie lost sight in one eye and the use of one hand.

A Nov. 5, 1992 Reuters report, titled «German Opposition Wants Iranian Envoy Expelled,» said that, » …Hossein Mousavian was summoned to the German Foreign Ministry after remarking in a radio interview that Bonn would not act against its trade interests with Iran to back Rushdie’s request for the death decree to be lifted.»

The Reuters report continued «Social Democrat Freimut Duve told parliament in a special debate on what has become known as the ‘Rushdie Affair’ that Mousavian should leave Germany as he did not respect its laws.»

In the radio interview after Rushdie’s appearance, Mousavian defended the historic Islamic practice of imposing the death sentence for blasphemy.


Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini

Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini died in 1989, but his fatwa against Salman Rushdie did not. (Reuters)

Mousavian declined to answer numerous Fox News Digital press queries about whether he continues to endorse the Iranian religious decree to murder Rushdie.

Mousavian denied his country’s role in the Iranian state-sponsored murders of the four Kurdish dissidents in the Mykonos restaurant. He termed the Berlin court verdict, which convicted Iranian and Hezbollah operatives of the assassinations, as «nonsense» in the German Taz interview. Mousavian refused to answer Fox News Digital press queries about his rejection of the Berlin court Mykonos verdict.

According to a 1997 article from the Berlin newspaper Der Tagesspiegel, Abolghasem Mesbahi, a former senior-level Iranian intelligence official, told a Berlin court during the Mykonos trial, «Mousavian participated in most of the [Iranian regime’s] crimes that took place in Europe.»

During Mousavian’s tenure as Iran’s ambassador to Germany, he was in charge of the embassy that the Berlin court found «served as the ‘headquarters» for the planning of the 1992 assassination of four Iranian dissidents at the Greek restaurant Mykonos in Berlin.»

Palestinian protesters in NYC

Israeli and Palestinian supporters rally around 42nd St. for and against the terrorist attack on Israel by Hamas. Anti-Israel supporters march after the rally in that neighborhood, stopping in front of the permanent missions of Egypt, Kuwait and the United States, chanting to end support for Israel. (Photo by Lev Radin/Pacific Press/LightRocket via Getty Images)

«This accusation is a big lie,» Mousavian told Fox News Digital in November. «The 398-page verdict is published, and everyone can have access to it. The Berlin court verdict does not contain any direct or indirect allegations against me. German authorities never forced me to leave the country. … I have been a frequent visitor to Germany,» added Mousavian.

The calls for Mousavian to be fired coincide with the scandal-plagued pro-Iran regime academic, Mohammad Jafar Mahallati, who taught at Oberlin College in Ohio.

Mahallati was Iran’s former ambassador to the U.N. from 1987-1989. Oberlin College ousted Mahallati in November 2023 after a mushrooming series of scandals, including Mahallati’s pro-Hamas teachings and calls for the destruction of the Jewish state. According to Amnesty International, Mahallati covered up the Iranian regime’s mass murder of 5,000 Iranian dissidents in 1988.

The California-based Alliance Against the Islamic Regime of Iran Apologists (AAIRIA) spearheaded the high-intensity campaign to fire Mahallati. 


Iranian American human rights activist Lawdan Bazargan, the lead organizer on the AAIRIA campaign, told Fox News Digital about Mousavian «It is profoundly disheartening that Princeton University would appoint such an individual, allowing him to masquerade as a proponent of peace. To think that an agent of an oppressive Islamic regime, known for its flagrant disregard for religious freedom and its menacing slogans of ‘death to America’ and ‘death to Israel,’ could have the audacity to proclaim involvement in peace initiatives is nothing short of a cynical farce.»

She added, «Princeton’s endorsement of Mousavian tarnishes its reputation and undermines the principles of peace, tolerance, and academic integrity it purports to uphold.»

AAIRIA urged Princeton to summarily fire Mousavian, who is not a tenured academic, and the NGO announced a protest at Princeton University next week against the controversial academic. Just last month, the National Association of Scholars issued a call to terminate Mousavian’s employment.


A leading antisemitism expert has claimed that Mousavian’s account contains antisemitic posts against Israel. Mousavian falsely claimed in an October X post that Israel bombed a hospital in Gaza and termed it «a crime similar to the Holocaust of Nazi Germany.» 

Rabbi Abraham Cooper, the associate dean of the Los Angeles-based Simon Wiesenthal Center, told Fox News Digital that «Cleary, this is a person who feels no matter what he does that his status will be protected at Princeton.»

A building within Princeton University campus

Princeton University campus, Oct. 20., 2022.  (Stephanie Pagones/Fox News Digital)

Regarding Mousavian comparing Israel with the crimes of Nazi Germany, Cooper said «that anyone who uses that language is proving his antisemitic credentials. He feels confident and is immune from any action against him.»

A Fox News Digital examination of Mousavain’s X Posts since Oct. 7 shows the overwhelming number of posts are attacks on the Jewish state and support of many Hamas talking points, including that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza.


Cooper said «I think Princeton has a lot to answer for,» and Mousavian should be disqualified as an academic in American higher education.

«To say this is a scandal would not give justice to the issues exposed. It might be time to call Princeton University forward at a congressional hearing because it covers issues of sensitive national security, «said Cooper, who has testified in Congress about antisemitism.

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Mujeres suicidas: El arma oculta de un grupo terrorista



Una mujer sostenía a un bebé mientras detonaba una bomba durante el fin de semana en el norte de Nigeria, matándolos a ambos y al menos a media docena más, dijeron las autoridades locales, poniendo fin abruptamente a una rara pausa en la violencia que ha asolado la región durante más de una década.

A ella se unieron otras dos mujeres suicidas en el estado de Borno, Nigeria, que mataron al menos a 32 personas e hirieron a decenas más en una serie de atentados, según el vicepresidente Kashim Shettima.

Los ataques, dijeron los expertos, demostraron el complejo y mortal papel que pueden desempeñar las mujeres en insurgencias terroristas como Boko Haram.

Los atacantes atacaron tres lugares:

una celebración de boda, un área cercana a un hospital y un funeral para las víctimas del atentado anterior, dijo Barkindo Saidu, director general de la agencia de gestión de emergencias del estado de Borno.

Cadáveres de las víctimas de un ataque en Abuja el 14 de abril de 2014. AFP FOTO

Los ataques tuvieron lugar en la ciudad de Gwoza, una zona anteriormente controlada por Boko Haram durante 15 años.

Aunque ninguna organización se ha atribuido todavía la responsabilidad, los ataques son similares a atentados suicidas anteriores llevados a cabo por Boko Haram, un grupo islamista responsable de decenas de miles de muertes y el desplazamiento de más de 2 millones de personas en la región.

Boko Haram fue noticia en 2014 tras secuestrar a más de 200 colegialas.

Las mujeres son enviadas a la muerte porque “se mimetizan”.

Los grupos armados suelen utilizar a mujeres como atacantes suicidas porque las consideran menos valiosas para la organización y más ventajosas tácticamente, dijeron los expertos.


Víctimas heridas de un atentado suicida reciben tratamiento en un hospital de Maiduguri, Nigeria, el domingo. Foto Joshua Omiri/Associated PressVíctimas heridas de un atentado suicida reciben tratamiento en un hospital de Maiduguri, Nigeria, el domingo. Foto Joshua Omiri/Associated Press

«Las mujeres despiertan menos sospechas y son capaces de penetrar objetivos más profundamente», dijo Mia Bloom, profesora de comunicación en la Universidad Estatal de Georgia y experta en mujeres terroristas suicidas.

Bloom dijo que los grupos terroristas a menudo utilizan a mujeres cuando atacan a civiles o infraestructura cívica porque “se mezclan” y es menos probable que sean percibidas como amenazas.

Algunos grupos también ven a las mujeres como más fáciles de manipular, dijo Bloom, quien ha entrevistado a muchos sobrevivientes de Boko Haram.

Muchas de las mujeres que Boko Haram ha convertido en terroristas suicidas, afirmó, probablemente hayan sido agredidas sexualmente y estén traumatizadas.

Una niña de una escuela de Chibok con su hijo, liberada hace algunos años por soldados nigerianos, es fotografiada en una casa del consejo del gobierno nigeriano local en Maiduguri, Nigeria.  (Foto AP/Jossy Ola, Archivo)Una niña de una escuela de Chibok con su hijo, liberada hace algunos años por soldados nigerianos, es fotografiada en una casa del consejo del gobierno nigeriano local en Maiduguri, Nigeria. (Foto AP/Jossy Ola, Archivo)

Algunas mujeres pueden estar realmente radicalizadas, dijo, pero otras creen que «tienen más posibilidades de sobrevivir siendo bombarderas que casarse con un combatiente de Boko».

El grupo utilizó mujeres atacantes suicidas más de la mitad del tiempo.

Organizaciones terroristas como Boko Haram, Al Shabab y los talibanes han utilizado mujeres como terroristas suicidas, pero Boko Haram las ha utilizado con más frecuencia que otros grupos.

El grupo tiene un historial de secuestro y retención de niñas como rehenes antes de obligarlas a colocarse explosivos y enviarlas a misiones suicidas.

Boko Haram utilizó a niñas con tanta frecuencia en algunas zonas que el gobierno nigeriano lanzó una campaña antiterrorista con imágenes de niños pequeños con detonadores.

Una investigación realizada por el Centro de Lucha contra el Terrorismo en West Point encontró que el grupo utilizó mujeres como atacantes en más de la mitad de sus operaciones, incluidas misiones suicidas desde abril de 2011 hasta junio de 2017.

Muchas de las atacantes eran niñas.

Estilos terroristas

El ex líder de Boko Haram, Abubakar Shekau, asesinado en 2021, era conocido por enviar a niñas y mujeres a misiones suicidas, a menudo en contra de su voluntad.

Cameron Hudson, miembro principal del programa de África del Centro de Estudios Estratégicos e Internacionales, una organización de investigación con sede en Washington, calificó el uso de mujeres por parte de Boko Haram como una «característica» de su militancia que no se ve típicamente en los grupos de africanos occidentales de Malí y Níger, donde las mujeres no suelen ocupar puestos operativos.

Incluso si Boko Haram no se atribuye la responsabilidad del ataque, dijo Hudson, la participación de las mujeres muestra que el terrorismo en la región no está simplemente influyendo en los jóvenes descontentos.

«Comunidades enteras han sido cooptadas en esto», dijo.

«Estamos viendo una insurgencia comunitaria de base amplia».

La región está plagada de violencia.

Durante la última década, el Sahel, una vasta región semiárida que se extiende a lo largo de África occidental y central, ha dado origen a una serie de organizaciones islamistas empeñadas en la insurgencia.

Además de Boko Haram, la Provincia de África Occidental del grupo Estado Islámico también opera en la región.

El estado nigeriano de Borno, que limita con los países vecinos de Chad, Camerún y Níger, ha estado plagado durante mucho tiempo de violencia terrorista, primero a manos de Boko Haram y luego de grupos rivales y disidentes que luchan por el control del territorio.

Los combatientes de Boko Haram tomaron Gwoza en 2014 y Shekau, el líder del grupo en ese momento, declaró un califato antes de que el ejército nigeriano expulsara al grupo en 2015.

Los gobiernos civiles de toda la región, incluido el vecino Níger, han experimentado varios golpes militares en los últimos años.

Pero tanto los civiles como los regímenes militares han tenido dificultades para hacer frente a las amenazas que plantean las insurgencias islamistas.

La degradación ambiental, las privaciones económicas y los Estados extremadamente débiles han convergido para crear patrones de libre circulación a través de las fronteras nacionales, dijeron los expertos, incluida la de los militantes islamistas.

«Incluso si un país fuera capaz de lograr avances, es poco probable que afecte a la amplia franja de esta región», dijo Hudson.

«Lo que estamos viendo aquí es quizás el comienzo de un resurgimiento».

c.2024 The New York Times Company

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