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Spain’s parliament passes controversial amnesty bill forgiving Catalan separatist crimes



  • Spain’s Parliament has approved an amnesty bill, forgiving crimes by Catalan separatists during a failed independence referendum in 2017.
  • The 2017 crisis saw Catalonia’s regional administration staging a referendum against orders from Madrid.
  • The bill’s passage remains uncertain, facing rejection in the conservative-majority Senate.

Spain’s Parliament approved on Thursday a controversial amnesty bill aimed at forgiving crimes — both proven and alleged — committed by Catalan separatists during a chaotic attempt to hold an independence referendum in the region six years ago.

Socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez has promoted the amnesty as a way to move past the 2017 secession attempt by the then-leaders of Catalonia, a northeastern region centered around Barcelona where many speak the local Catalan language as well as Spanish.

However, the bill has also met opposition from millions of Spaniards who believe that the people who provoked one of Spain’s biggest political crises should face charges including embezzlement and promoting public disorder.


Sánchez has already pardoned nine jailed Catalan independence leaders, a move that helped heal wounds at little political cost. But the amnesty is proving to be much more divisive.

Pedro Sanchez

Spain’s Socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, Spain’s Deputy Prime Minister and Ministry of Finance Maria Jesus Montero and Spain’s second Deputy Prime Minister and Labour Minister Yolanda Diaz are seen on March 14, 2024, at the Spanish Parliament in Madrid, Spain. Spain’s Parliament approved on Thursday a controversial amnesty bill aimed at forgiving crimes committed by Catalan separatists during a chaotic attempt to hold an independence referendum in the region six years ago. (AP Photo/Manu Fernandez)

The bill was passed by 178-172 votes in favor in the 350-seat lower house of Parliament in Madrid.

The secession crisis erupted in 2017, when a regional administration led by Carles Puigdemont staged a referendum on independence, defying orders from the national government and a ruling from Spain’s top court that doing so violated the constitution. Madrid sent in police in an attempt to stop the referendum, which were opposed by protests that turned violent.


The Catalan Parliament declared independence on Oct. 27 that year but it failed to garner any international support. Puigdemont and several other senior officials later fled Spain.

Hundreds or thousands of people in Catalonia face the threat of prosecutions related to the referendum or protests, and Puigdemont and other leaders remain abroad.

Recent court probes have accused the former regional president of terrorism for allegedly masterminding massive protests that clashed violently with police and closed roads, train lines and the Barcelona airport in 2019.

Sánchez agreed to the amnesty to secure the backing of two Catalan separatist parties, after an inconclusive national election last July turned them into kingmakers.

The conservative opposition accuses Sánchez of selling out the rule of law in exchange for another term in the Moncloa Palace and has organized major street protests during recent months.

Socialist party parliamentary spokesman Patxi López defended the bill Thursday as a move to seek a page-turning «reconciliation» with Catalonia.

The opposition Popular Party leader Alberto Núñez Feijóo hit back saying that «this is not reconciliation but submission.»


It was not clear whether the deal will add stability to Sánchez’s minority government: Junts, a separatist party led by Puigdemont, said that Sánchez owed them the amnesty for having supported his bid to stay in power, and that their potential backing of his policies would depend on what they can get in return.

The bill still faces a number of procedural steps before becoming law. The Senate, which has a conservative majority is expected to reject it, which would mean that Parliament’s lower house will have to vote for it a second time to push it through.

Sánchez’s party has had a very hard time crafting a bill that satisfies the separatists and which will surely be highly scrutinized by the courts. Parliament rejected an earlier version of the bill in late January when Junts said it didn’t do enough to protect Puigdemont. The bill then went back to a parliamentary committee, where it was tweaked to suit Junts’ needs.

Puigdemont now lives in Belgium, where he has become a European Parliament member. A fugitive from Spanish justice, he calls himself a political exile.

Thursday’s vote comes a day after Catalonia’s regional leader called early elections. That decision added more uncertainty to Spanish politics and led to Sánchez canceling plans for a 2024 budget because of the difficulty he would have had trying to get the support of the two separatist parties during election time.

Oriol Bartomeus, a professor of political science at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, said Sánchez’s government remains weak despite having cleared the amnesty hurdle. But the snap election in Catalonia at least buys him some time.



«The good thing for Sánchez is that instead of now having to face some extremely difficult negotiations over a budget, he can get a breather if the Socialists do well in the Catalan elections,» Bartomeus told The Associated Press.

Spain granted a sweeping amnesty during its transition back to democracy following the death of dictator Francisco Franco in 1975. But legal experts are divided over the constitutionality of an amnesty for the Catalan separatists. Its legal critics say that it violates the principle of equality among Spaniards by favoring those of one region.

The government says the amnesty could help hundreds of people, while the pro-independence Catalan organization Omnium Cultural says it should benefit some 4,400 people, mostly minor officials and ordinary citizens who either helped to organize the referendum or participated in protests.

The application of the amnesty will be decided by the courts on a case-by-case basis.

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La guerra con Rusia: Donald Trump quiere que Ucrania entregue a Estados Unidos tierras raras a cambio de ayuda



El presidente estadounidiense, Donald Trump, afirmó que quiere que Ucrania entregue a EE.UU. tierras raras, minerales clave para innovaciones tecnológicas que van desde vehículos eléctricos y turbinas eólicas hasta aviones de última generación, a cambio de la ayuda que Washington está proporcionando.

«Les estamos diciendo a los ucranianos que tienen tierras raras muy valiosas. Queremos que lo que ofrecemos se garantice de alguna manera. Queremos una garantía», declaró Trump a la prensa en el Despacho Oval de la Casa Blanca, insistiendo en que Ucrania debería dar algo a Washington a cambio de las ayuda que proporciona.

Según Trump, el anterior presidente, Joe Biden, «nunca les pidió dinero» y solo «les entregó dinero», en referencia a las ayuda militar y de otra índole que Estados Unidos ha entregado a Ucrania por valor de más de 180.000 millones de dólares desde el inicio de la invasión rusa en febrero de 2022.

En opinión del mandatario, la Unión Europea no está poniéndose al nivel de Estados Unidos en lo relativo a a la ayuda a Ucrania y eso se tiene que «reequilibrar», porque «nosotros tenemos un océano de por medio y ellos no».

Trump abogó antes de su llegada a la Casa Blanca por poner fin al conflicto en Ucrania de manera inmediata, algo que no ha conseguido por el momento.

También ha dicho que espera poder hablar con el presidente ruso Vladímir Putin para poder «poner fin a la guerra» en Ucrania, mientras que el pasado viernes volvió a ser críptico sobre si ha hablado ya o no con Putin.


Con la OTAN

El secretario general de la OTAN, Mark Rutte, insistió este lunes ante los líderes de la Unión Europea (UE) en que la seguridad de Europa se basa en su relación con Estados Unidos, el llamado «vínculo transatlántico».

Rutte participó en un almuerzo con los mandatarios de los Veintisiete, que se encuentran reunidos de manera informal en el palacio de Egmont en Bruselas para abordar principalmente el futuro de su defensa, que quieren que sea más autónoma y competitiva.

El secretario general aliado subrayó «la importancia de la asociación OTAN-UE, destacando el vínculo transatlántico como fundamento de la seguridad europea«, indicó en un comunicado la Alianza Atlántica.

Al mismo tiempo, también esbozó las prioridades comunes de la OTAN y la UE e instó a ambas organizaciones a «ir juntas más deprisa y más lejos ante los crecientes retos en materia de seguridad».

Consideró igualmente que «sigue siendo crucial» el apoyo a Ucrania y que Europa “debe intensificar su ayuda militar” y mantener el compromiso a largo plazo con la recuperación y reconstrucción de ese país llegado el momento.

Rutte celebró los esfuerzos de la UE por impulsar la defensa europea y consideró que puede contribuir a que la disuasión y la defensa de la OTAN sigan siendo creíbles aumentando las inversiones, flexibilizando la normativa, abordando la fragmentación industrial y facilitando la movilidad militar.


«Para tener éxito en la protección de Europa, la UE y la OTAN deben ser coherentes, complementarias e interoperativas», afirmó.

En unas declaraciones a la prensa, el ex primer ministro neerlandés hizo hincapié en la necesidad de aumentar el gasto en defensa e incrementar la producción militar.

Rutte precisó que la Alianza tomará decisiones sobre el futuro objetivo colectivo de gasto en defensa, actualmente situado en un mínimo del 2 %, «en función de los objetivos de capacidades», y agregó que ahora están «evaluando las diferencias con cada uno de los aliados entre donde estamos y donde deberíamos estar».

«Pero será considerablemente superior al 2 %, les puedo asegurar», adelantó.

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