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Un gato pone en alerta a Fukushima



El animal cayó en un depósito de productos químicos de una fábrica de chapado de Fukuyama y luego se adentró en la noche.

Los primeros indicios de la presencia de un intruso en la fábrica de chapado metálico fueron las huellas, teñidas de ocre y con un número variable de dedos.

Una revisión de las grabaciones de seguridad confirmó el fallo de seguridad, y las autoridades emitieron rápidamente una alerta pública.

Hay que estar atentos, se advirtió a los ciudadanos de Fukuyama, Japón, a un gato con “anomalías”.

La Central nuclear de Fukushima Dai-ichi   AFP PHOTOLa Central nuclear de Fukushima Dai-ichi AFP PHOTO

Durante la última semana, la ciudad ha estado en alerta por el gato potencialmente peligroso que parece haber caído en un tanque de productos químicos tóxicos de la fábrica, Nomura Plating Corporation, y luego escapó, corriendo a través de un oscuro patio de la fábrica hacia la ciudad.


Las autoridades se han puesto en contacto con el ayuntamiento, el consejo escolar y las guarderías para advertirles del posible riesgo.

Motonari Ibaraki, representante de Nomura Plating, dijo que las huellas fueron vistas cerca del tanque por un empleado que llegó a trabajar el lunes por la mañana y que el video de seguridad mostraba al gato huyendo de la fábrica a eso de las 9:30 de la noche anterior.

El tanque contiene cromo hexavalente, una solución de color marrón rojizo muy utilizada en revestimientos que ha demostrado causar cáncer de pulmón en humanos si se inhala.

Según el Instituto Nacional de Ciencias de la Salud Medioambiental de EE. UU., la exposición también puede provocar daños renales y hepáticos, irritación y ulceración nasal y cutánea, e irritación y daños oculares.

Los trabajadores que manipulan este producto químico toman precauciones como el uso de mascarillas y guantes de goma.

El gato, según sugieren las huellas ocres de sus patas, fue más imprudente, por lo que se ha advertido a los residentes de Fukuyama que tengan cuidado si se cruzan con él.

El mensaje es sencillo, dijo Satoshi Taki, que trabaja en la División de Conservación del Medio Ambiente de la ciudad de Fukuyama: no toques al gato.

Ibaraki, el representante de Nomura Plating, dijo que el depósito de la fábrica se había cubierto con una lámina para evitar la formación de bruma, pero que se encontró desprendida el lunes por la mañana, presumiblemente porque el gato se cayó dentro.

Dijo que la empresa iba a tomar medidas para impedir que animales pequeños ingresaran en la planta.

El viernes por la mañana no se había visto al gato. Taki dijo que, al final, puede que no haya sobrevivido a su experiencia en la fábrica.

Hisako Ueno colaboró con reportes.

c. 2024 The New York Times Company

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Death toll climbs to 116 in religious gathering stampede in India



Thousands of people at a religious gathering in India rushed to leave a makeshift tent, setting off a stampede Tuesday that killed more than 100 and left scores injured, officials said.

It was not immediately clear what triggered the panic following an event with a Hindu guru known locally as Bhole Baba. Local news reports cited authorities who said heat and suffocation in the tent could have been a factor. Video of the aftermath showed the structure appeared to have collapsed.

At least 116 people died, most of them women and children, said Prashant Kumar, the director-general of police in northern India’s state of Uttar Pradesh, where the stampede occurred.


More than 80 others were injured and admitted to hospitals, senior police officer Shalabh Mathur said.

«People started falling one upon another, one upon another. Those who were crushed died. People there pulled them out,» witness Shakuntala Devi told the Press Trust of India news agency.

Relatives wailed in distress as bodies of the dead, placed on stretchers and covered in white sheets, lined the grounds of a local hospital. A bus that arrived there carried more victims, whose bodies were lying on the seats inside.

Deadly stampedes are relatively common around Indian religious festivals, where large crowds gather in small areas with shoddy infrastructure and few safety measures.

Police officer Rajesh Singh said there was likely overcrowding at the event in a village in Hathras district about 220 miles southwest of the state capital, Lucknow.

People mourn next to the bodies of their relatives outside the Sikandrarao hospital in Hathras district about 217 miles southwest of Lucknow, India, Tuesday, July 2, 2024. A stampede among thousands of people at a religious gathering in northern India killed at least 60 and left scores injured, officials said Tuesday, adding that many women and children were among the dead and the toll could rise. (AP Photo)

Initial reports said organizers had permission to host about 5,000 people, but more than 15,000 came for the event by the Hindu preacher, who used to be a police officer in the state before he left his job to give religious sermons. He has led other such gatherings over the last two decades.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi offered condolences to the families of the dead and said the federal government was working with state authorities to ensure the injured received help.

Uttar Pradesh’s chief minister, Yogi Adityanath, called the stampede «heart-wrenching» in a post on X. He said authorities were investigating.

«Look what happened and how many people have lost their lives. Will anyone be accountable?» Rajesh Kumar Jha, a member of parliament, told reporters. He said the stampede was a failure by the state and federal governments to manage large crowds, adding that «people will keep on dying» if authorities do not take safety protocols seriously enough.

In 2013, pilgrims visiting a temple for a popular Hindu festival in central Madhya Pradesh state trampled each other amid fears that a bridge would collapse. At least 115 were crushed to death or died in the river.


In 2011, more than 100 Hindu devotees died in a crush at a religious festival in the southern state of Kerala.

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