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US-funded Radio Free Asia closes its Hong Kong bureau over safety concerns under new security law



HONG KONG (AP) — The president of U.S.-funded Radio Free Asia said on Friday that its Hong Kong bureau has been closed because of safety concerns under a new national security law, deepening worries about the city’s media freedoms.

Bay Fang, the president of RFA, said in a statement that it will no longer have full-time staff in Hong Kong, although it would retain its official media registration.


«Actions by Hong Kong authorities, including referring to RFA as a ‘foreign force,’ raise serious questions about our ability to operate in safety with the enactment of Article 23,» Fang said.


Surveillance cameras are seen as a visitor looks at Victoria Harbour in Hong Kong, Monday, March 11, 2024. The president of U.S.-funded Radio Free Asia said its Hong Kong bureau has been closed because of safety concerns under a new national security law, deepening concerns about the city’s media freedoms. Bay Fang, the president of RFA, said in a statement Friday March 29, 2024 that it will no longer have full-time staff in Hong Kong, although it would retain its official media registration.  ( AP Photo/Louise Delmotte)

RFA’s move is widely seen as a reflection of the city’s narrowing space for a free press following the enactment of the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance, locally also known as Article 23 legislation.

Rep. Gregory Meeks, the ranking member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, expressed concern over RFA’s shutdown and said the new law «not only represents a significant escalation in efforts by Hong Kong and Beijing authorities to suppress free speech and expression,» but «also undermines media freedom and the public’s ability to obtain fact-based information.»


Cédric Alviani, the Asia-Pacific bureau director for Reporters Without Borders, called the broadcaster’s withdrawal «a consequence of the chilling effect applied on media outlets» by the new security law.

«We urge democracies to build up pressure on Chinese authorities so that press freedom is fully restored in the territory,» Alviani said.

Hong Kong, once seen as a bastion of media freedom in Asia, has already changed drastically since Beijing imposed a similar security law in 2020, following anti-government protests in 2019.

Since the introduction of the 2020 law, two local news outlets known for critical coverage of the government, Apple Daily and Stand News, were forced to shut down after the arrest of their senior management, including Apple Daily publisher Jimmy Lai.

Hong Kong ranked 140th out of 180 countries and territories in Reporters Without Borders’ latest World Press Freedom Index.

The new home-grown security law, which was enacted through an expedited legislative process last week, has expanded the government’s power to stamp out challenges to its rule.

It targets espionage, disclosing state secrets, and «colluding with external forces» to commit illegal acts, among others. Some offenses, such as treason and insurrection, carry a maximum penalty of life imprisonment.


The legislation has sparked worries among many journalists over a further decline in media freedom. They fear the broadly framed law could criminalize their day-to-day work.

RFA, funded by the U.S. Congress through the U.S. Agency for Global Media, has recently been under the Hong Kong government’s attack. In January, police issued a letter to RFA and condemned it for quoting «false statements» by wanted activist Ted Hui that they said smeared the police force.

Hui, a former pro-democracy lawmaker, is one of the overseas-based activists for whom police have offered awards of 1 million Hong Kong dollars ($128,000) for information leading to their arrest. He is accused of requesting foreign countries to impose sanctions on Hong Kong and China.

In February, Hong Kong’s security minister, Chris Tang, said some comments quoted in reports by RFA about the new legislation were «fake» and «false.»

He did not specify the comments or reports, but said they suggested that some provisions of the law were targeting the media. He insisted there were protections for the media in the legislation.

When asked whether the work of RFA is considered «external interference» or «espionage,» Tang said any violation of the law should be judged on a case-by-case basis. If someone deliberately used false information to defame the government’s legislative work, he said he had to let Hong Kongers see clearly the intention of these «external forces» and those who have fled and want to endanger Hong Kong’s security.

The Hong Kong government on Friday refused to comment on operational decisions of individual organizations. But it condemned «all scaremongering and smearing remarks» against the new law in an email response.


It said many other countries also have security laws. «To single out Hong Kong and suggest that journalists would only experience concerns when operating here but not in other countries would be grossly biased, if not outrageous,» it said.

The government insisted the new law only targets an extremely small minority of people who endanger national security and that most journalists will not unwittingly violate it.

Fang said RFA’s Hong Kong bureau has operated as a private news organization since its launch in 1996 and that its editorial independence was safeguarded by a firewall endorsed by the U.S. Congress.

«This restructuring means that RFA will shift to using a different journalistic model reserved for closed media environments,» she said.


But she assured RFA’s audience in Hong Kong and mainland China that its content would «continue without disruption.»

Hong Kong authorities have not announced any arrests under the new law. But the government on Wednesday condemned the BBC for what it called an «extremely misleading report» about an activist who was blocked from a remission of sentence, or early release, under the law. Tang also wrote a letter to condemn an opinion piece by The New York Times.


Over the past months, articles by other international media outlets, including the Washington Post and The Times, also have been criticized by officials.

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La sentencia del escalofriante caso Pelicot en Francia: se espera que se dicte este viernes y puede haber penas de hasta 20 años de prisión



El tribunal de Aviñón, al sureste de Francia, dictará mañana sentencia en el histórico macrojuicio sobre las violaciones bajo sumisión química a Gisèle Pelicot, con penas que pueden llegar hasta los 20 años para cada uno de los 51 acusados.

La Fiscalía pidió el pasado 27 de noviembre hasta 650 años de prisión por el total de los delitos, que incluyen tanto violaciones como agresiones sexuales contra la víctima, de 72 años, convertida en un símbolo feminista mundial por decidir que el juicio fuera público «para que la vergüenza cambie de bando».

La mayor pena solicitada, de 20 años (la máxima contemplada por la ley en Francia), es para su exmarido y cerebro del plan, Dominique Pelicot, de 72 años, quien desde el inicio del proceso reconoció todos los hechos y aseguró que su fantasía era «someter a una mujer insumisa».

Él abusó de ella y la puso en peligro de muerte de 2011 a 2020, drogándola e invitando a otros hombres a que la violaran.

Otro de los acusados, Jean-Pierre Maréchal, admitió en el juicio los delitos aunque jamás tocó a Gisèle Pelicot, sino que replicó los métodos del principal acusado con su propia esposa, quien también fue violada bajo los efectos de los ansiolíticos por ambos hombres.

La menor pena solicitada por la Fiscalía, de 4 años, es para otro hombre que solo está acusado de agresión sexual, sin cargos de violación.


El resto, con edades comprendidas de los 27 a los 74 años, se enfrentan a solicitudes de condenas que van de los 10 a los 20 años de cárcel por violación agravada.

Un símbolo

«Habrá un antes y un después», aseguró durante las vistas la fiscal del tribunal penal de Aviñón Laure Chabaud, sabedora de la importancia de este juicio. Por ello, pidió una «concienciación real y profunda sobre la noción de consentimiento» para los acusados y también para la sociedad.

Una mujer pasa junto a un lema que dice «Justicia para Gisele, justicia para todos» y un collage que representa a Gisele Pelicot pegado en un muro de la ciudad antes del veredicto. Foto Reuters

De hecho, en Francia el Código Penal define la violación como «cualquier acto de penetración sexual de cualquier tipo o cualquier acto buco-genital cometido contra otra persona»mediante «violencia, obligación, amenaza o sorpresa».

La noción de consentimiento no aparece en el ordenamiento jurídico francés y para que se tipifique el delito de violación debe haber penetración.

Por eso mismo las estrategias de varias defensas se basaron en tratar de elaborar argumentos enrevesados sobre qué prácticas sexuales desarrollaron sus acusados.

Las pruebas de todos los delitos están en los miles de vídeos y fotos que realizó el propio violador confeso Dominique Pelicot.


Los hechos que se juzgan ocurrieron entre 2011 y 2020, primero en la región de París y, a partir de 2013, en la casa a la que los Pelicot se mudaron al jubilarse, situada en Mazan, un pueblo de 6.000 habitantes cerca de Aviñón.

Dominique Pelicot contactaba a decenas hombres en internet y los invitaba a su domicilio, una vez que había drogado a su mujer con grandes dosis de ansiolíticos, que la dejaban incosnciente y cerca del coma, según los expertos médicos que declararon al inicio del juicio.

El principal acusado registraba esas violaciones, descubiertas en 2020 por la policía, después de haberlo detenido tras ser descubierto grabando bajo las faldas de unas mujeres en un supermercado de Carpentras.

Dominique Pelicot está acusado también en otros dos casos de violencia de género, uno por la violación y el asesinato de una mujer en 1991 y el otro por una tentativa de violación en 1999.

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