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US warns Bosnia against celebration of controversial self-proclaimed holiday



  • The U.S. issued a warning on Tuesday that the celebration of a self-proclaimed national holiday by Bosnian Serbs violates Bosnia’s constitution.
  • The Jan. 9 holiday marks the 1992 declaration of an independent state by Bosnian Serbs, leading to a war that resulted in over 100,000 deaths.
  • Bosnia’s Constitutional Court has previously ruled against the date due to its association with war crimes committed by Bosnian Serbs during the conflict.

The United States on Tuesday warned that ongoing celebrations of a Bosnian Serb self-proclaimed national holiday were in violation of Bosnia’s constitution and a 1995 peace agreement, and as such amounted to a criminal offense.

In a statement, the U.S. embassy in Sarajevo urged Bosnia’s legal authorities to «investigate any violations of law» related to the marking of Jan. 9 as the day of the Republika Srpska entity, which is what the part of Bosnia run by ethnic Serbs is called.

«The issue is not the celebration of the holiday, but rather the decision to do so on January 9,» the statement said.


The Jan. 9 holiday commemorates the date in 1992 when Bosnian Serbs declared the creation of their own state in Bosnia, igniting the country’s devastating four-year war that killed more than 100,000 people.

Milorad Dodik uses his phone

Bosnian Serb leader Milorad Dodik uses his phone prior to the start of an interview in the Bosnian town of Banja Luka, on Dec. 29, 2023. The U.S. has warned that ongoing celebrations of a Bosnian Serb self-proclaimed national holiday violate Bosnia’s constitution and a 1995 peace agreement, and as such amount to a criminal offense.

Bosnia’s Constitutional Court has ruled against the date in the past.

During the war, Bosnian Serbs expelled and killed Bosniaks, who are mostly Muslims, and Croats from the territories they controlled.

The conflict ended in 1995 in a U.S.-brokered peace agreement. The so-called Dayton accords created Serb and Bosniak-Croat entities in Bosnia, held together by weak joint central institutions.

Bosnian Serbs, however, have sought to gain as much independence as possible. Nationalist pro-Russian leader Milorad Dodik has openly called for secession from Bosnia, defying U.S. and British sanctions imposed over his policies.

On Monday, two U.S. fighter jets flew over Bosnia in a demonstration of support for the Balkan country’s territorial integrity.

In Brussels, European Commission spokesman Peter Stano on Tuesday insisted on the «need to respect the sovereignty, territorial integrity, constitutional order, including decisions by the Constitutional Court, by all actors in Bosnia-Herzegovina.»

«Any action going against these principles will lead to serious consequences,» said Stano.

Tuesday’s planned celebrations in the northwestern town of Banja Luka include a parade of police forces. Simultaneous fireworks will be held in the evening in Bosnian Serb towns and in Belgrade, the capital of neighboring Serbia.

As part of the ceremonies, Dodik handed out official awards, including one for Hungary’s right-wing Prime Minister Viktor Orban. Orban did not attend but Dodik said he will receive the medal at a meeting next month, Klix news portal reported.

The award, Dodik added, is a sign of «gratitude to the man who is ready to acknowledge us (Bosnian Serbs) as a real political fact.» Last year, Dodik made a similar award to Russia’s President Vladimir Putin.

Serbia’s populist leader Aleksandar Vucic congratulated Dodik on the holiday, pledging support for Bosnia’s territorial integrity but also complaining of alleged efforts to «wipe out the existence of Republika Srpska.»

Serbia, Vucic said, will «strongly resist any annulment or humiliation of Republika Srpska.»


Vucic is a former ultranationalist who supported the aggression against non-Serbs in the former Yugoslavia during the 1990s. He now says he is pro-European but Dodik remains a close ally and the two meet on a regular basis.

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe also last week warned that the designation of Jan. 9 as Republika Srpska’s national holiday amounted to an «act of discrimination» and was unconstitutional.

Dodik has dismissed Western criticism, saying that the Serbs have the right to celebrate an own holiday as they choose. At a ceremony on Monday, he reiterated that the Serb goal remains a «Serb state in these areas.»

Western countries fear that Russia could try to stir up trouble in the Balkans to avert attention from the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, which was launched by Moscow nearly two years ago. Dodik is a Kremlin ally.

Bosnia is seeking entry into the European Union, but the effort has been stalled because of slow reform and inner divisions.

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Elecciones en Francia: qué escenarios políticos se abren ahora tras el triunfo de la izquierda



El triunfo de la izquierda en este balotaje suponen un revés para la líder ultraderechista Marine Le Pen, que fracasa en su intento de lograr la mayoría absoluta, que las proyecciones consideraban posible hace una semana, e incluso de ganar, como parecía posible hace dos días.

Varias hipótesis emergen: una difícil coalición entre parte de la izquierda y el oficialismo, o incluso un gobierno tecnócrata con apoyo parlamentario en la segunda economía de la UE.

Sin embargo, una eventual coalición parece difícil por las críticas cruzadas entre La Francia Insumisa (LFI, izquierda radical) de Mélenchon, importante socio del NFP, y el oficialismo. Macron calificó durante la campaña a este partido de «antiparlamentario» y «antisemita».

Una alternativa a LFI sería integrar en esta coalición a los diputados de derecha de Los Republicanos (LR), que no pactaron con RN. Sus eventuales escaños, entre 57 y 67, podrían ser cruciales para una alianza parlamentaria sin la izquierda radical.

«Nuestro pueblo ha rechazado claramente el peor escenario posible», declaró el líder izquierda radical Jean-Luc Mélenchon, para quien el NFP, que carece de mayoría absoluta, debe «gobernar», pero sin «entablar negociaciones» con la alianza de Macron.

El presidente francés pidió «prudencia» tras conocerse las primeras proyecciones y aseguró que su alianza de centroderecha «sigue bien viva». «La cuestión es quién gobernará a partir de ahora y logrará una mayoría», agregó.

El ultraderechista Jordan Bardella, gran derrotado en este balotaje en Francia. Foto EFE

Los pactos implícitos entre el oficialismo y la coalición de izquierdas, consistentes en concentrar el voto en el candidato con más posibilidades de derrotar a RN en cada circunscripción, frustraron no obstante la victoria ultraderechista.

El gran interrogante es a quien llamará el presidente Emmanuel Macron a ser el primer ministro. Macron quiere una coalición “coherente” para llegar a los 289 diputados para poder gobernar y pasar su legislación.. Pero ha decidido cancelar su discurso: no hablará hoy al país.

Frente a este escenario será Macron quien elija al primer ministro, opte por un gobierno técnico o por una gran coalición de convergencia moderada, excluyendo al RN y a la Francia Insumisa, a quien consideran ultra y antisemita.

El parlamento en Francia

En sus primeras palabras, el jefe de la Francia Insumisa, Jean Luc Melenchon habló y desafió al jefe de Estado. Dijo que “el presidente debe inclinarse y llamar al Nuevo Frente Popular a gobernar”. El primer ministro Gabriel Attal deberá renunciar y el NFP va a aplicar su completo programa, que va a aterrorizar a los empresarios.

El ex presidente François Hollande ganó en Tulle en esta segunda vuelta y puede llegar a ser un primer ministro moderado en el nuevo gobierno.

Artistas, deportistas, sindicatos y organizaciones se movilizaron para frenar la llegada al poder de la extrema derecha, como la estrella del fútbol Kylian Mbappé, que había llamado a votar «del lado bueno», en estos tensos comicios.

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