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Golpe a la mafia siciliana en Italia: 15 detenidos y empresas confiscadas por lavado de dinero del narcotráfico y otros delitos



Catorce personas en prisión, una bajo arresto domiciliario, nueve actividades comerciales de sector de la construcción de Catania confiscadas, 81 edificios y terrenos en dos provincias sicilianas incautados, junto con cinco vehículos, todo por un valor total de 12 millones de euros.

Es el balance de la operación antimafia «Oleandro» realizada por más de 100 agentes de la Guardia di Finanza, por orden de la Fiscalía de Catania, en las provincias de Catania, Caltanissetta, Arezzo, Nápoles y Udine, contra el «grupo Picanello» del clan mafioso Santapaola-Ercolano.

A la cabeza estarían los ‘regentes’ de la banda en el barrio, Carmelo ‘Melo’ Salemi, de 65 años, y Giuseppe Russo, de 48 años, llamado ‘el periodista’ o ‘el elegante’, que utilizaban un establo para reuniones con sus asociados.

Los delitos incluidos en la acusación son asociación mafiosa, usura, tráfico de estupefacientes y blanqueo de capitales.

Una de las actividades más rentables de la banda era la concesión de préstamos a tasas usureras, como parte de un sistema más amplio de reinversión de los ingresos provenientes de narcotráfico, extorsión y juego de azar.

El operativo antimafia en Sicilia abarcó varias ciudades en la isla italiana. Foto: EFEEl operativo antimafia en Sicilia abarcó varias ciudades en la isla italiana. Foto: EFE

Amenazas mafiosas

Los sospechosos también habrían utilizado métodos mafiosos para amenazar a las víctimas y asegurar el pago de las cuotas de capital e intereses.

De la investigación surge el mecanismo utilizado por los mafiosos, que consistía en pequeños préstamos, de 500 a 2.500 euros, a reembolsar en cuotas semanales o mensuales, con una tasa de interés que oscilaba entre 140% y 350%anual.

Uno de los protagonistas de estas actividades sería Nunzio Comis, 40 años, hijo del capo Giovanni, arrestado por la Unidad PEF de la Policía Financiera de Catania en delito flagrante en 2020 mientras cobraba el pago de una cuota de un préstamo de usura a un empresario.

Según la acusación, el blanqueo de dinero ilegal lo realizaba Fabrizio Giovanni Papa, de 58 años, empresario activo en el sector de la construcción, considerado particularmente cercano al grupo Picanello y a Carmelo Salemi.

Según la Fiscalía de Catania, Papa ponía a disposición sus propias empresas para el reciclaje de grandes cantidades de efectivo de las actividades criminales del clan, contribuyendo a ocultar su origen delictivo, y permitiendo reinvertirlo en actividades económicas o financieras, esencialmente en la construcción, a través de las mismas empresas.

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Keir Starmer elected new British prime minister after big Labour Party win



Keir Starmer will become the new prime minister of the United Kingdom after the Labor Party’s big win Thursday in the general election, the Associated Press reported.

The Labour Party won a majority of votes to thrust Starmer, leader of the Labour Party, into the powerful position. Starmer will unseat Conservative Rishi Sunak, who’s been prime minister since October 2022.

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer and his wife Victoria at the Tate Modern, central London, for a watch party for the results of the 2024 General Election in central London, as the party appears on course for a landslide win. Picture date: Friday July 5, 2024. 

Starmer, who will become the first Labour prime minister in 14 years, said he intends to put «country first, party second.»

«We have to return politics to public service,» Starmer said, adding that a position of his new stature «comes with great responsibility.»


The Labour Party’s win on Thursday is one of the biggest-ever for the House of Commons.

Current Prime Minister Sunak said he «takes responsibility for the loss» and that a «sobering verdict» was delivered by the British people during a concession speech.

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak holds a speech during his visit to the Well Healthcare Supplies as he campaigns in the Midlands on July 1, 2024 in Stoke, United Kingdom. The Prime Minister and Conservative leader makes his final appeals to voters, as the election day approaches. 

«I take responsibility for the loss,» Sunak said. «To the many good, hard-working Conservative candidates who lost tonight, despite their tireless efforts, their local records and delivery, and their dedication to their communities. I am sorry.»

Sunak said he’s already called Labour leader Keir Starmer to congratulate him on his victory.

«Today, power will change hands in a peaceful and orderly manner, with goodwill on all sides. That is something that should give us all confidence in our country’s stability and future,» Sunak said.


Starmer is expected to visit King Charles III on Friday to get permission to form a new government, the Associated Press reported.

Sunak conceded the election about 30 minutes before the Labour Party secured the 326 required seats — out of the possible 650 — to win the election and form the new government.

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese tweeted he looked forward «to working constructively» with the new government, and New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Luxon wrote, «New Zealand and the UK are great friends and can do so much more together.» Luxon also thanked Sunak «for your service to your nation and friendship to New Zealand.»


Former British Prime Minister Liz Truss, whose premiership lasted a mere 49 days, also lost her lawmaker’s seat in the election.

Truss lost her Norfolk South West seat by a few hundred votes.

Liz Truss

A copy of «Ten Years To Save The West» by Liz Truss is seen in a branch of the Waterstones book store on April 16, 2024 in London, England. The Conservative former prime minister, who was in office a mere 49 days, has released a memoir in which she writes that «the Conservative movement across the West has been faltering for almost a generation.»  (Photo by Leon Neal/Getty Images)

Many other high-profile Conservative lawmakers also lost their seats, including House of Commons leader Penny Mordaunt.


The latest vote tally shows the Labour Party won 410 seats in the 650-seat House of Commons as compared to the 118 seats for the Conservatives.

Since Margaret Thatcher became the Conservative Party leader in 1979, Conservatives have controlled the government all but 13 years until now.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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