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Canadian police say 9 people will be charged after $20 million worth of gold was stolen last year from airport



Police said nine people are facing charges in what authorities are calling the biggest gold theft in Canadian history from Toronto’s Pearson International airport a year ago.

Peel Regional Police said Wednesday that 6,600 gold bars worth more than 20 million Canadian dollars ($14.5 million) and CA$2.5 million ($1.8 million) was stolen and the gold was melted down and used to purchase illegal firearms.

Those charged include a Air Canada warehouse employee and a former Air Canada manager who gave police a tour of cargo of the facility after the theft. A jewelry store owner is also charged.


«This story is a sensational one and which probably, we jokingly say, belongs in a Netflix series,» Peel Regional Chief Nishan Duraiappah said.

Canada Pearson Heist

Police in Canada announced that 9 individuals will be facing charges following the country’s largest gold theft, in which 6,600 gold bars worth more than 20 million Canadian dollars were stolen from Toronto’s Pearson International airport last year. (Arlyn McAdorey/The Canadian Press via AP)

Peel Reginal Detective Sgt. Mike Mavity said the gold bars, weighing 419 kilograms (923 pounds), and foreign currency, ordered from a refinery in Zurich, Switzerland, were transported in the haul of a Air Canada flight on April 17 last year.

He said that late afternoon a truck driver arrived at the airline’s cargo warehouse with a fraudulent bill that was provided to a airline warehouse attendant.

Mavity said a bill for seafood that was picked up the day before was used to pick up the gold. The duplicate bill was printed off at the Air Canada warehouse, he said.

«They needed people within Air Canada to facilitate this theft,» Mavity said in front of the truck police say was used in the theft.

Mavity said police are searching for the Air Canada manager who gave police a tour of the facility in the days after the theft. He said that manager left his job last summer and said they have an idea of where he is.

Mavity said some of the suspects were known to police and some were not. He said they seized six crudely made bracelets made of gold.

«I don’t think I ever imagined they would have to deal with the largest gold heist in Canadian history,» said Patrick Brown, the mayor of Brampton, Ontario. «It’s almost out of an ‘Ocean’s Eleven’ movie or CSI.»

Air Canada employee Parmpal Sidhu, 54, from Brampton, Ontario, jewelry store owner Ali Raza, 37, from Toronto, Amit Jalota, 40, a Oakville, Ontario resident, Ammad Chaudhary, 43, from Georgetown, Ontario and Prasath Paramalingam, 35, from Brampton are among those that have been arrested. Mavity said they have been released on bail conditions and will be in court at a later date.


Mavity said the truck driver that allegedly picked up the gold, Durante King-Mclean, a 25-year-old from Brampton, is currently in custody in the U.S. on firearms and trafficking related charges.

Police are searching for former Air Canada manager Simran Preet Panesar, 31, from Brampton as well as Archit Grover, 36, from Brampton and Arsalan Chaudhary, 42, from Mississauga Ontario.

Peel Regional Deputy Chief Nick Milinovich said only CA$90,000 ($65,00) of the more than CA$20 million has been recovered.

U.S. ATF Special Agent, Eric DeGree, said King-Mclean, was arrested in Pennsylvania after a traffic stop and that led to the seizure of 65 illegal firearms that were allegedly destined to be smuggled into Canada. DeGree said he tried to flee after police discovered the firearms in his rental car.

Brinks, an American cash handling company, arrived at the airport cargo facility the night of April 17 to pick up the gold and were told the gold and currency was missing after a search.

Brinks sued Air Canada over the theft last year. According to the company’s filing last year, a thief walked away with the costly cargo after presenting a fake document at an Air Canada warehouse on April 17.

In a Nov. 8 statement of defense, Air Canada rejected «each and every allegation» in the Brink’s lawsuit, saying it fulfilled its carriage contracts and denying any improper or «careless» conduct.


The country’s largest airline also said Brink’s failed to note the value of the haul on the waybill — a document typically issued by a carrier with details of the shipment — and that if Brink’s did suffer losses, a multilateral treaty known as the Montreal Convention would cap Air Canada’s liability.

In Federal Court filings that claim breach of contract and millions of dollars in damages, Brinks said an «unidentified individual» gained access to the airline’s cargo warehouse and presented a «fraudulent» waybill shortly after an Air Canada flight from Zurich landed at Pearson.

The statement of the claim says the staff then handed over 400 kilograms of gold in the form of 24 bars plus nearly $2 million in cash to the thief, who promptly «absconded with the cargo.»

DeGree said dozens of firearms authorities were seized, including two fully automatic weapons and five guns that were untraceable.

«I’m proud to say that we successfully put an international gun trafficking operation out of business. We kept 65 firearms off the streets of Canada and prevented them from being used in any number of crimes,» DeGree said.


Mavity said that «we believe they melted down the gold and with the profits they got from the gold they used to purchase illegal firearms.»

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La policía de Brasil acusa al ex presidente Jair Bolsonaro de lavado de dinero y asociación delictiva



La policía federal de Brasil ha encausado al expresidente Jair Bolsonaro por lavado de dinero y asociación delictuosa en relación con los diamantes no declarados que recibió de Arabia Saudita durante su mandato, según una fuente con conocimiento de las acusaciones.

Una segunda fuente confirmó la acusación, aunque no por qué delitos concretos. Ambos funcionarios hablaron bajo condición de anonimato porque no estaban autorizados a declarar públicamente.

El Supremo Tribunal Federal de Brasil aún no ha recibido el informe policial con la acusación. Una vez que lo tenga, el procurador general del país, Paulo Gonet, analizará el documento y decidirá si formula cargos y lleva a Bolsonaro a juicio.

Bolsonaro y sus abogados han negado que haya cometido delito alguno en relación con el caso, así como la gran cantidad de investigaciones que enfrenta. Entre ellas se incluye una supuesta orden que el expresidente dio a un ayudante para que manipulara los registros de salud pública con el fin de falsificar su certificado de vacunación de COVID-19 —algo por lo que ya fue acusado—, así como su participación en la incitación a un levantamiento en la capital, Brasilia, el 8 de enero de 2023, que buscaba destituir a su sucesor.

El año pasado, la policía federal acusó a Bolsonaro de intentar meter a escondidas joyería con diamantes supuestamente valorada en 3 millones de dólares y de vender dos relojes de lujo.

La policía dijo en agosto que Bolsonaro recibió casi 70.000 dólares en efectivo por la venta de dos relojes de lujo que recibió como regalos por parte de Arabia Saudí. Brasil exige a sus ciudadanos que llegan en avión desde el extranjero que declaren los bienes por valor de más de 1.000 dólares y que, por cualquier cantidad superior a esa exención, paguen un impuesto equivalente al 50% de su valor.

Las joyas habrían estado exentas del impuesto si hubieran sido un regalo de Arabia Saudita a Brasil, pero no eran para que Bolsonaro se las quedara. Más bien, se habrían añadido a la colección presidencial.

Las joyas, parte de una investigación sobre los obsequios recibidos por el expresidente Jair Bolsonaro durante su mandato. Foto AP

La investigación mostró que uno de los principales colaboradores de Bolsonaro, Mauro Cid, vendió en junio de 2022 un reloj de la marca Rolex y otro de la marca Patek Philippe a una tienda de Estados Unidos por un total de 68.000 dólares. Ambos relojes fueron regalos por parte del gobierno de Arabia Saudí en 2019. Cid firmó un acuerdo de culpabilidad con las autoridades y confirmó todo ello.

Bolsonaro goza de una lealtad incondicional entre su base política, como lo demuestra una avalancha de apoyo en febrero, cuando se estima que 185.000 personas obstruyeron la principal avenida de Sao Paulo para protestar por lo que el expresidente señaló que era una persecución política.

Sus detractores, sobre todo los miembros del Partido de los Trabajadores al que pertenece su rival, el presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, han celebrado cada avance de las investigaciones y han pedido su arresto en varias ocasiones.

El año pasado, el máximo tribunal electoral de Brasil falló que Bolsonaro abusó de sus poderes presidenciales durante su campaña de reelección de 2022, lo cual lo inhabilita para postularse a cualquier cargo hasta 2030. El caso se centró en una reunión en la que Bolsonaro utilizó a miembros del personal del gobierno, la televisora estatal y el palacio presidencial de Brasilia para decir a embajadores extranjeros que el sistema de voto electrónico del país estaba amañado.

Bolsonaro tiene previsto reunirse con el presidente de Argentina, Javier Milei, este fin de semana en una conferencia conservadora que se celebrará en Balneário Camboriú, en el sur de Brasil.

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