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Parliament for new UK Labour government opens with King's Speech, plans for 'national renewal'



  • Britain’s new Labour Party government laid out its plans for «national renewal» at the grand State Opening of Parliament on Wednesday, centering on stabilizing the country’s public finances and spurring economic growth.
  • King Charles III delivered the King’s Speech, an announcement of the laws his government intends to pass in the coming year and the centerpiece of the State Opening.
  • The speech included 40 bills, compared to the Conservatives’ last speech which had just 21, ranging from house building to nationalizing Britain’s railways.

Britain’s new Labour Party government promised to calm the country’s febrile politics and ease its cost-of-living crisis as it set out its plans for «national renewal» at the grand State Opening of Parliament on Wednesday.

Stabilizing the U.K.’s public finances and spurring economic growth were at the center of Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s legislative agenda, announced in a speech written by government officials and delivered by King Charles III.

«My government will seek a new partnership with both business and working people and help the country move on from the recent cost of living challenges by prioritizing wealth creation for all communities,» the king said in a speech to hundreds of lawmakers and scarlet-robed members of the House of Lords.


Starmer campaigned on a promise to bring bold change to Britain at modest cost to taxpayers. He aims to be both pro-worker and pro-business, in favor of vast new construction projects and protective of the environment. The risk is he may end up pleasing no one.

In a written introduction to the speech, Starmer urged patience, saying change would require «determined, patient work and serious solutions» rather than easy answers and «the snake oil charm of populism.»

The King’s Speech is the centerpiece of the State Opening, an occasion where royal pomp meets hard-nosed politics, as the king donned a diamond-studded crown, sat on a gilded throne and announced the laws his government intends to pass in the coming year.

Britain’s King Charles III, wearing the Imperial State Crown and the Robe of State, sits alongside Britain’s Queen Camilla, wearing the George IV State Diadem, as he reads the King’s Speech from the Sovereign’s Throne in the House of Lords chamber, during the State Opening of Parliament, at the Houses of Parliament in London, on July 17, 2024. (Henry Nicholls/POOL via AP)

Labour won a landslide election victory on July 4 as voters turned on the Conservatives after years of high inflation, ethics scandals and a revolving door of prime ministers. Starmer has promised to patch up the country’s aging infrastructure and frayed public services, but says he won’t raise personal taxes and insists change must be bound by «unbreakable fiscal rules.»

Wednesday’s speech included 40 bills – the Conservatives’ last speech had just 21 – ranging from house building to nationalizing Britain’s railways and decarbonizing the nation’s power supply with a publicly-owned green energy firm, Great British Energy.

The government said it would «get Britain building,» setting up a National Wealth Fund and rewriting planning rules that stop new homes and infrastructure being built.

Economic measures included tighter rules governing corporations and a law to ensure all government budgets get advance independent scrutiny. That aims to avoid a repetition of the chaos sparked in 2022 by then-Prime Minister Liz Truss, whose package of uncosted tax cuts rocked the British economy and ended her brief term in office.

The government promised stronger protections for workers, with a ban on some «zero-hours» contracts and a higher minimum wage for many employees. Also announced were protections for renters against shoddy housing, sudden eviction and landlords who won’t let them have a pet.


The government promised more power for local governments and better bus and railway services – keys to the «leveling up» of Britain’s London-centric economy that former Conservative Prime Minister Boris Johnson promised but largely failed to deliver.

Though Starmer eschewed large-scale nationalization of industries, the government plans to take the delay-plagued train operators into public ownership.

Trade unions and business groups gave the economic announcements a tentative welcome. Gary Smith, leader of the GMB union, called the speech a «breath of fresh air.» Rain Newton-Smith, chief executive of business group the Confederation of British Industry, said it «sets out a program of big choices and bold moves needed to deliver a shift in gear for the economy.»

The speech said the government «recognizes the urgency of the global climate challenge» — a change in tone from the Conservative government’s emphasis on oil and gas exploration. As well as increasing renewable energy, it pledged tougher penalties for water companies that dump sewage into rivers, lakes and seas.

The speech included new measures to strengthen border security, creating a beefed-up Border Security Command with counter-terrorism powers to tackle people-smuggling gangs.

It follows Starmer’s decision to scrap the Conservatives’ contentious and unrealized plan to send people arriving in the U.K. across the English Channel on a one-way trip to Rwanda.

The speech also tackled an issue that has foxed previous governments: reforming the House of Lords. The unelected upper chamber of Parliament is packed with almost 800 members – largely lifetime political appointees, with a smattering of judges, bishops and almost 100 hereditary aristocrats. The government said it would remove the «outdated and indefensible» presence of hereditary nobles, though there was no mention of Labour’s promise to set a Lords retirement age of 80.

There also was no mention of its pledge to lower the voting age from 18 to 16, though the government still plans to do it before the next election.

While Starmer’s agenda marks a break with the defeated Conservative government of former Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, he has revived Sunak’s plan to stop future generations from smoking by gradually raising the minimum age for buying tobacco.

The speech confirmed that the government wants to «reset the relationship with European partners» roiled by Britain’s exit from the European Union in 2020 and said there would be no change to Britain’s strong support for Ukraine.

Wednesday’s address was the second such speech delivered by Charles since the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, in September 2022.


He traveled from Buckingham Palace to Parliament in a horse-drawn carriage – past a small group of anti-monarchy protesters with signs reading «Down with the Crown» – before donning ceremonial robes and the Imperial State Crown to deliver his speech. Police said 10 members of an environmental activist group were arrested near Parliament over alleged plans to disrupt the ceremony.

For all its royal trappings, it is the King’s Speech in name only. The words are written by government officials, and the monarch betrayed no flicker of emotion as he read them out.

«The king has zero agency in this,» said Jill Rutter, senior research fellow at the Institute for Government think tank.



La presencia de submarinos y barcos rusos en el Canal de la Mancha eleva la tensión con Gran Bretaña



En plena tensión con Rusia por el desplazamiento de misiles de largo alcance en Ucrania, la Marina Real británica y la Fuera Aérea siguieron a varios barcos y submarinos rusos, a través del Canal de la Mancha, durante esta semana.

El HMS Iron Duke y el HMS Tyne han seguido a cuatro buques rusos, a través de aguas del Reino Unido en los últimos días, cuando los aviones de la RAF interceptaron un bombardero estratégico ruso el miércoles.

Los buques de guerra de la Marina han seguido de cerca los avances rusos para «proteger la seguridad nacional» mientras cuatro barcos navegaban por el Canal y el Mar del Norte.

El miércoles también se enviaron dos Typhoon de la RAF desde la RAF Lossiemouth, apoyados por un Voyager de la RAF Brize Norton, para interceptar aviones rusos Bear-F.

El HMS Iron Duke siguió de cerca al submarino de clase Kilo Novorossiysk y al remolcador que lo apoyaba, Evgeny Churov, a través del estrecho de Dover y hacia el Atlántico

Un destructor ruso lanza un torpedo, durante ejercicios navales en Rusia. Foto: AP

Amenazas de Rusia

El presidente ruso, Vladimir Putin, presidió una reunión con miembros del Consejo de Seguridad por videoconferencia en la residencia estatal de Novo-Ogaryovo, en las afueras de Moscú este viernes.

«Es probable que la isla llamada Gran Bretaña se hunda en los próximos años», publicó Dmitry Medvedev, el ex presidente ruso, en su cuenta personal de redes sociales. «Nuestros misiles hipersónicos ayudarán si es necesario», dijo.

La amenaza de Medvedev contra Gran Bretaña se produce tras una serie de declaraciones de los propagandistas de Putin, que exigen ataques nucleares para ahogar al Reino Unido bajo tsunamis, provocados por sus misiles hipersónicos o el dron submarino Poseidon de alta velocidad.

Putin ha advertido a Gran Bretaña y otros partidarios occidentales de Ucrania que se enfrentan a las más duras consecuencias si permiten que Ucrania lance misiles de largo alcance, suministrados por la OTAN, contra objetivos militares en el interior de Rusia.

El presidente ruso Vladimir Putin eleva el tono de sus amenazas a Ucrania y sus socios de Occidente. Foto: APEl presidente ruso Vladimir Putin eleva el tono de sus amenazas a Ucrania y sus socios de Occidente. Foto: AP

La defensa británica

John Healey, el secretario de Defensa británico, dijo que los «esfuerzos de la Marina Real y la RAF durante las últimas dos semanas demuestran su compromiso desinteresado con la protección de nuestra seguridad nacional».

«Este gobierno está comprometido a hacer que el Reino Unido sea seguro en casa y fuerte en el exterior», añadió en una declaración.

«Quiero agradecer a los miembros de nuestras fuerzas armadas que participaron en esta operación. Su profesionalismo y habilidad se pusieron de manifiesto al trabajar en perfecta armonía con nuestros aliados de la OTAN para mantener los estándares internacionales», dijo.

Coordinación con la OTAN

La Armada trabajó con sus aliados de la OTAN para coordinar el seguimiento del submarino de clase Kilo Novorossiysk y su remolcador de apoyo Evgeny Churov, a través del estrecho de Dover y hacia el Atlántico.

La cuidadosa operación comenzó a principios de septiembre, cuando el buque de guerra canadiense HMCS Shawinigan, escoltó al submarino con motor diésel y su buque de apoyo mientras navegaban desde el Báltico y se dirigían hacia el Mar del Norte.

El buque de patrulla canadiense entregó las tareas de monitoreo a la Marina Real mientras los buques rusos se acercaban al concurrido estrecho de Dover.

Desde allí, el HMS Iron Duke aseguró una vigilancia constante de los dos buques, utilizando sus numerosos sensores, incluido su helicóptero Wildcat, del Escuadrón Aéreo Naval, en el aire.

El submarino ruso permaneció en la superficie durante toda la operación.

Una vez que los buques rusos pasaron las aguas del Reino Unido, el HMS Iron Duke entregó las tareas de seguimiento a la Marine Nationale francesa frente a la costa noroeste de Francia, donde la fragata FS Auvergne asumió la misión.

El barco regresó inmediatamente al Mar del Norte para una operación casi idéntica, esta vez con la corbeta de clase Steregushchiy Stoiky y el petrolero MT Yaz mientras se acercaba a Dover, asumiendo las tareas de seguimiento de la Armada belga, cuyo buque patrullero BNS Castor había estado de vigilancia hasta ese momento.

La RAF británica también fue llamada para rastrear un avión Tupolev Tu-95 ruso.

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