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Archaeologists discover privacy barrier possibly used by famous playwright in the UK’s oldest working theater



A doorway that could have been used by famous playwright William Shakespeare was discovered in the United Kingdom’s oldest working theater. 

The discovery in St. George’s Guildhall in King’s Lynn, Norfolk, which has been undergoing major conservation efforts, was sparked when the Guildhall’s creative director, Tim FitzHigham, noticed a «weird shape in the wall,» according to a news release put out by the Borough Council of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk on August 21, 2024. 

Upon further investigation, the boards were removed to reveal an archway. 

Investigation of a «weird shape in the wall» of St. George’s Guildhall in King’s Lynn, Norfolk, revealed an archway dating back to the 15th century. (Borough Council of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk)


«It has got to be pre-1405 as the hall’s medieval roof is held up above it,» FitzHigham said per the news release. 

«Further exploratory work identified the arch as the door to what is believed to be the Guild Robing Room. This room was used by the highest level of Guild members to dress in their finery before feasting upstairs,» he continued. 

«This is another mind-boggling discovery at the Guildhall,» FitzHigham said. «We’ve got a door that would definitely have been here in the years we think Shakespeare played here and, in all likelihood, was the door to a room where the players changed and stored props.»

A portrait of William Shakespeare

The archway found is thought to be linked to William Shakespeare. (Universal History Archive/UIG via Getty Images)


«It is simply staggering that again a slight hunch or weird shape in the wall has turned out to be something frankly extraordinary,» he added.

Last year, another discovery with possible links to Shakespeare was uncovered, when researchers found boards underneath the flooring of St. George’s Guildhall, which dated back to the early 15th century and could have been walked upon by the famous playwright. 

The earliest recorded production at the Guildhall was a nativity play in January 1445, according to Shakespeare’s Guildhall Trust. 

William Shakespeare performing for Queen Elizabeth I

Shakespeare joined Lord Chamberlain’s Men in 1594, an acting troupe that often performed before royals. (GraphicaArtis/Getty Images)

The Queen’s Men, a prestigious acting company in London formed in 1583, performed at the venue on numerous occasions through the late 1500s. 

Shakespeare’s association with the Guildhall came in 1592 or 1593, according to the news release, as he and his company of actors were on tour in King’s Lynn when London’s theaters were closed due to a plague outbreak. 

Shortly following this, Shakespeare joined the acting company Lord Chamberlain’s Men, later called the King’s Men, according to


Archaeologist Johnathan Clarke believes the archway never had a door in its frame, and rather provided privacy for performing actors with a sort of hanging. 

«This 15th century doorway appears to have provided access to a medium sized low status room, and not to have ever had a door closing up the arch; it may have been made private with a simple hanging when required,» Clarke said per the news release. 

«It is the type of room where traveling groups of players might change due to its location within the Guildhall.  It would have given them a private space where they could put things, change and then travel up the staircase to appear on the first floor in their costume,» he added.



Difundieron imágenes de las hermanas que fueron torturadas y asesinadas en Brasil en los instantes previos a su secuestro



Continúa la conmoción en Brasil por el brutal asesinato de dos hermanas, Rayane Alves Porto (28) y Rithiele (25), quienes fueron torturadas y luego apuñaladas en la localidad de Porto Esperidião. En las últimas horas de este martes se difundieron las imágenes previas al momento de ser secuestradas por una banda criminal, que exigió 100 mil reales de recompensa.

El macabro hecho, que derivó en la detención de 11 personas por el momento, sucedió a la salida de una fiesta en Beira Río. También fueron llevados por la fuerza el hermano de ambas y el novio de uno de ellas que, en un descuido de los perpetradores del crimen, logró escapar y dar aviso a la policía.

Cuando las autoridades arribaron al lugar, el escenario fue devastador: hallaron los cadáveres de Rayane y Rithiele en una habitación. En tanto, el hermano fue encontrado con vida, pero gravemente herido, con un dedo y una oreja cortada, además de lesiones similares la nuca.

“Mientras las torturaban, llamaron a los familiares y les pidieron 100 mil reales″, dijo el comisario Higo Rafael al sitio brasileño g1. En la misma línea, se investiga el homicidio fue ordenado por preso del Penal Central del Estado (PCE), en Cuiabá. Según completó Rafael, un recluso pasó cerca de tres horas en una videollamada con los presuntos autores del crimen y aparentemente guio las sesiones de tortura. Ante esto, se incautó un celular que será sometido a pericias.

Por otro lado, recientemente se descartó la versión de que las hermanas estaban relacionadas con una facción criminal, enfrentada a la que las secuestró, a raíz de los gestos con los dedos que realizaron para una foto que se tomaron en el río Jaurú. «Ellas no tenían relación con eso. Eran chicas responsables, maduras e íntegras”, aseguró el tío en diálogo con la prensa.

Rayane trabajaba como maquilladora y también era candidata a concejala en las próximas elecciones municipales. En tanto, Rithiele estudiaba derecho y también tenía intenciones de vincularse con la política.

“Con inmensa tristeza y profundo pesar anunciamos el fallecimiento de nuestra querida amiga y candidata a concejal Rayane, y su hermana Rithiele . Esta trágica pérdida deja en todos nosotros un dolor incalculable”, declaró el candidato a la alcaldía de Porto Esperidião, Herculis Albertini (PSD), el pasado domingo.

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