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Evan Gershkovich's closed-door trial on espionage charges begins in Russia, where a conviction is expected



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Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich’s trial in Russia on espionage charges is starting Wednesday behind closed doors in the city of Yekaterinburg.

Gershkovich, 32, was arrested in March 2023 in Yekaterinburg on espionage charges, with Russian authorities alleging he was gathering secret information for the CIA, a claim he, his employer and the U.S. government deny.

«Evan Gershkovich is facing a false and baseless charge. … The Russian regime’s smearing of Evan is repugnant, disgusting and based on calculated and transparent lies. Journalism is not a crime,» Wall Street Journal publisher Almar Latour and chief editor Emma Tucker said after his trial date was announced. «We had hoped to avoid this moment and now expect the U.S. government to redouble efforts to get Evan released.»

He is the first known Western journalist to be arrested on espionage charges in post-Soviet Russia.


Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich stands in a glass cage in a courtroom in Yekaterinburg, Russia, Wednesday, June 26, 2024. (AP)

The journalist appeared in the courtroom Wednesday morning in a glass cage, with his head shaven, according to The Associated Press.

Gershkovich’s appeals seeking his release have thus far been rejected.

«Evan has displayed remarkable resilience and strength in the face of this grim situation,» U.S. Ambassador to Russia Lynne Tracy said on the anniversary of Gershkovich’s arrest.

If convicted, which is expected, Gershkovich faces up to 20 years in prison. Russian courts convict more than 99% of defendants and prosecutors can appeal sentences that they believe to be light. Prosecutors can even appeal acquittals.

The Russian Prosecutor General’s office said Gershkovich is accused of gathering secret information on orders from the CIA about Uralvagonzavod, a plant that produces and repairs military equipment about 90 miles north of Yekaterinburg.

Gershkovich dressed in black in Moscow court box

If convicted, Gershkovich faces up to 20 years in prison. (NATALIA KOLESNIKOVA/AFP via Getty Images)

Another American detained in Russia, American corporate security executive Paul Whelan, was arrested in Moscow for espionage in 2018 and is serving a 16-year sentence.

Gershkovich’s arrest came about a year after Russian President Vladimir Putin pushed laws that drew concerns about journalism in the country, criminalizing criticism of the war against Ukraine and statements viewed by officials as discrediting the military. 

Foreign journalists largely left the country after the laws passed. Many gradually moved back in subsequent months, but concerns still remained about whether Russian authorities would take action against them.

Several Western reporters have been forced to leave following Gershkovich’s arrest because Russia would not renew their visas.


Gershkovich being escorted to a van

Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich is escorted from the Lefortovsky court in Moscow, Russia, Friday, Jan. 26, 2024. (AP Photo/Alexander Zemlianichenko)


Following Gershkovich’s arrest, many feared Russia was targeting Americans amid tensions with the U.S.

Russia has suggested a prisoner exchange for Gershkovich could potentially happen in the future, but such a swap is not possible until a verdict is reached in his case. Putin has floated the idea that he might be interested in freeing Vadim Krasikov, a Russian imprisoned in Germany for the assassination of a Chechen rebel leader.

In 2022, Russia and the U.S. worked out a swap that released WNBA star Brittney Griner, who was serving a 9 1/2-year sentence for cannabis possession in Russia, in exchange for arms dealer Viktor Bout, also known as «the Merchant of Death.»

The Biden administration would likely be sensitive when negotiating a swap for Gershkovich, not wanting to appear to be giving away too much after intense criticism of trading Bout for Griner.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.



Estados Unidos: un editorial de The New York Times le pidió a Joe Biden que renuncie a su candidatura para «servir al país»



El diario The New York Times, a través de un editorial, le pidió este viernes al presidente de Estados Unidos, Joe Biden, que renuncie a su candidatura para seguir al frente de la Casa Blanca, luego de los cuestionamientos que recibió por su performance en el debate electoral contra su contrincante Donald Trump.

«Para servir a su país, el presidente Biden debería abandonar la carrera electoral«, tituló el periódico que, en su análisis, expuso las «debilidades» del candidato, de 81 años, «mermado por el factor de la edad«. En ese sentido, se señaló que el mandatario en su exposición «titubeó en varias ocasiones, pronunció frases inconexas e introdujo datos inexactos».

“Es una apuesta demasiado grande esperar simplemente que los estadounidenses pasen por alto o descarten la edad y la debilidad del señor Biden”, destacó el medio que, a la vez, también se encargó de aclarar que la petición al demócrata no es un halago a Trump, sino todo lo contrario: lo consideran un enemigo común.

Respecto de Biden, pese a su tono crítico, el Times destacó: “Ha sido un presidente admirable. Bajo su liderazgo, la nación ha prosperado y ha comenzado a abordar una serie de desafíos a largo plazo, así como las heridas abiertas por Trump, que gracias a él han comenzado a sanar».

Sin embargo, actualmente, el periódico consideró que el Presidente “ya no es el hombre que era hace cuatro años” y que fracasó durante el debate en su intento de “convencer al público estadounidense de que estaba a la altura de las formidables exigencias”.

«El mayor servicio público que Biden puede hacer ahora mismo es anunciar que no seguirá postulándose para la reelección”, indicó el Times sobre los comicios que se desarrollarán el próximo 5 de noviembre.

The New York Times también apuntó contra el «peligro» de un posible regreso de Donald Trump a la presidencia de Estados Unidos

En otro tramo del editorial, el periódico además consideró que un hipotético regreso de Trump a la presidencia representaría un “peligro” que comprometería “el futuro de la democracia estadounidense”, si lleva adelante “sus promesas y amenazas más extremas”.

Donald Trump quiere volver a la presidencia de Estados Unidos. Foto Parker Michels-Boyce/Bloomberg.

En la misma línea, el diario tuvo duras adjetivaciones hacia el ex mandatario de la Casa Blanca entre 2017 y 2021. Lo tildó de “figura errática, interesada e indigna de la confianza pública y candidato definido por sus mentiras”.

“Es una tragedia que los propios republicanos no hagan un examen de conciencia más profundo tras el debate (…) Mintió descarada y repetidamente sobre sus propias acciones, su historial como presidente y su oponente”, concluyó el periódico.

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