Los terroristas de Hamas rechazan extender alto al fuego para liberar a más rehenes y culpan a Israel: «Evitan comprometerse al fin de la guerra»
Uno de los portavoces de la organización terrorista Hamas, Hazem Qasem, confirmó este sábado en una entrevista con el canal de televisión Al Araby que el grupo islamista rechaza la propuesta de Israel de extender la primera fase del acuerdo del alto el fuego en la Franja de Gaza porque considera que, con esa medida, «evita comprometerse a poner fin a la guerra».
«Prolongar la primera fase del acuerdo en el formato que Israel quiere es inaceptable para la organización«, dijo Qasem durante la entrevista.
La primera fase del acuerdo de tregua, que entró en vigor el pasado 19 de enero, termina este sábado después de 42 días durante los cuales Israel y Hamás han intercambiado 33 rehenes (ocho de ellos muertos, entre ellos la familia argentina Bibas) por cerca de 1.800 presos palestinos.
Según el texto, mañana domingo debería arrancar la segunda fase en la que Hamas liberaría al resto de rehenes que todavía retiene e Israel excarcelaría a presos palestinos además de retirar todas sus tropas de la Franja, incluido del corredor de Filadelfia, para dar paso al fin de la guerra.
«Israel busca devolver a los rehenes mientras conserva la opción de reanudar los combates en Gaza», agregó el portavoz Qasem sobre la propuesta lanzada ayer en El Cairo por la delegación israelí, y que después difundieron fuentes egipcias a medios, de extender 42 días más la primera fase y mantener simplemente los intercambios de rehenes por presos.
Medios israelíes informaron ayer de que la delegación israelí regresó a Israel esta pasada noche y que la intención era reanudar este sábado las negociaciones sobre la fase dos de forma remota si bien Qassem aseguró que «actualmente no hay conversaciones».
«La ocupación es responsable del fracaso en el inicio de las negociaciones sobre la segunda fase», criticó.
El primer ministro israelí, Benjamín Netanyahu, mantuvo esta pasada reuniones con diversos ministros y altos cargos de defensa para abordar el acuerdo de tregua, pese a que habitualmente no suele mantener encuentros de trabajo durante el sabath judío (periodo de descanso).
De momento, no han trascendido más detalles de esa reunión ni Israel se ha pronunciado sobre su postura respecto al futuro del acuerdo de alto el fuego en Gaza.
Bassem Naieem, un alto cargo de Hamas, insistió a EFE que «siguen comprometidos en implementar el acuerdo tal y como fue firmado por ambas partes» supervisado por los mediadores.
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Vatican gives health update as Pope enters third week in hospital
Pope Francis’ condition remains stable, and he is alternating between mechanical ventilation and high-flow oxygen therapy, the Vatican said on Saturday. The 88-year-old pontiff apparently does not have a fever and has not experienced another bronchospasm.
Vatican sources say the pope’s is in a «complex,» but «stable» situation as he enters his third week in Rome’s Gemelli Hospital. His white blood cell count is apparently «so low» that infections are likely under control, the sources added.
Pope Francis waves from his popemobile after the weekly Angelus prayers, at the Saint Peter’s Square in the Vatican on October 20, 2024. (Filippo Monteforte/AFP/Getty)
The pope is apparently in a good mood and is able to move, eat and walk. However, according to Vatican sources, his doctors are advising him to stay cautious. He opted to rest on Saturday instead of doing work with his secretaries, Vatican sources say.
Pope Francis was originally hospitalized on Feb. 14 for what was believed to be a bout of bronchitis. He was later diagnosed with bilateral pneumonia, meaning it is in both of his lungs.
The 88-year-old pontiff has a history of respiratory issues, and had part of his lung removed when he was just 21 years old.
A candle with a portrait of Pope Francis is set at the bottom of a statue of Pope John Paul II at the Gemelli hospital where Pope Francis is hospitalised for tests and treatment for bronchitis, in Rome on Feb. 17, 2025. (TIZIANA FABI/AFP via Getty Images)
Catholics across the globe have been praying for the pope’s health, with many gathering around the hospital where he is receiving treatment.
On Friday, while speaking at the annual National Prayer Breakfast, Vice President JD Vance spoke about the pope’s health struggles and said he had been praying daily since he first heard that Pope Francis was hospitalized.
The vice president acknowledged that the pope and the Trump administration had butted heads, but he emphasized the importance of praying for Pope Francis and led the crowd in prayer.
«I believe that the pope is fundamentally a person who cares about the flock of Christians under his leadership, and he’s a man who cares about the spiritual direction of the faith,» Vance said. «Every day me and my children have said a prayer for the Holy Father, and we pray for his health, and we pray for his comfort as he deals with what appears to be a pretty serious health crisis.»
«If the Holy Father can hear us, I hope he knows that there are thousands of faithful Catholics in this room and millions of faithful Catholics in this country who are praying for him as he weathers his particular storm,» the vice president concluded.
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