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Luis Lacalle Pou se hizo viral por un video que lo muestra sentado en una vereda, sin custodios, hablando con un amigo en Maldonado



Los uruguayos suelen hablar con orgullo de ese espíritu que de este lado del Río de la Plata llamaríamos «provinciano». Esa atmósfera tranquila y relajada que se vive en su país y que parece inalterable. Incluso si en plena calle aparece el presidente de la Nación caminando sin custodia y vestido de sport, como un vecino más.

Así ocurrió en Maldonado. En plena temporada de verano, el presidente Luis Lacalle Pou apareció caminando por una calle comercial de Punta del Este y se sentó a conversar con un amigo.

El testimonio quedó grabado en un video que rápidamente circuló por redes sociales y cosechó elogios por el estilo descontracturado de Lacalle Pou, que se ha manifestado ya anteriormente amante de las playas esteñas y suele visitar la ciudad balnearia cuando sus ocupaciones se lo permiten.

Frente a un local comercial, el presidente estuvo unos minutos conversando, sin custodia a la vista, y en ese lapso algunos de los que pasaban por allí y lo reconocían se acercaron a pedirle una foto, a lo que el mandatario accedió gentilmente.

El presidente uruguayo ya estuvo caminando por las calles de Punta del Este en los primeros dias del año. Foto: Ramiro Souto.El presidente uruguayo ya estuvo caminando por las calles de Punta del Este en los primeros dias del año. Foto: Ramiro Souto.

«Mirá el presidente sentado ahí, como un transeúnte más. Solo. Es un crack. ¡Que lindo no deberle nada a nadie, eh!», se escucha decir a quien grababa el video, con un tono admirativo ante la sencillez de Lacalle Pou.

Las apariciones del presidente uruguayo por las playas esteñas se han vuelto habituales en el último tiempo. En los primeros días de este año fue grabado mientras recorría Punta del Este en su moto y se sacaba fotos con las personas que se acercaron a saludarlo.

El mandatario del país vecino se había tomado unos días de vacaciones y en esa ocasión se lo vio paseando por el puerto de la ciudad costera, también sin custodia a su alrededor, arriba de su Harley Davidson o caminando con amigos.

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95 Libyan nationals arrested in South Africa at suspected secret military training camp



South African police arrested 95 Libyan nationals in a raid on a suspected secret military training camp on Friday and authorities said they were investigating whether there were more illegal bases in other parts of the country.

The camp was discovered at a farm in White River in the Mpumalanga province, about 360 kilometers (220 miles) northeast of Johannesburg, police said.


National police spokesperson Athlenda Mathe said in a post on the social media site X that the Libyans stated they had entered the country on study visas to train as security guards, but police investigations suggest they have received military training.

The Newzroom Afrika TV news channel broadcast pictures of the site of the arrests, showing a military-style camp with large green and khaki tents set up in a row. Dozens of men were seen lining up as they were arrested. They were wearing civilian clothing.

Local government official Jackie Macie said investigations were ongoing and the owner of the farm would be questioned. He said authorities received information that there were similar secret camps near two other towns in Mpumalanga province.

A camp where 95 Libyan nationals were arrested on suspicion of running an illegal military camp are seen lining up after their arrest on Friday, July 26, 2024 in White River, South Africa. Police say that 95 Libyan nationals were arrested on suspicion of receiving training at a secret military camp in the north of the country. (AP Photo/Bulelwa Maphanga)

The province borders neighboring countries Mozambique and Swaziland and is an area of concern for South African authorities with regards to illegal immigration.

Police and authorities have not said whether the camps are suspected of being connected to a particular group or conflict.

Macie said investigations would establish if there was a network of camps in South Africa and show «why they are here doing military training in our country.»

Police said the men may be linked to crimes reported in communities close to the farm in recent months.

«We have serious cases which have been opened with the police, including cases of rape and armed robberies, which complainants claim were committed by unknown foreigners who seem to be of Asian descent,» said police spokesman Donald Mdhluli.

«We take what we have found here today very seriously because we don’t know who was training them, what were they being trained for and why that training is happening here in South Africa. It may be a threat not only to South Africa but also to the entire southern Africa region.»

Police said the operation to arrest the Libyans and close down the camp began two days ago. Macie said the Libyan nationals had been in the country since at least April.

«The 95 individuals taken into custody are all Libyan nationals and are currently being questioned by the relevant authorities,» Mpumalanga acting provincial police commissioner Maj. Gen. Zeph Mkhwanazi said in a statement.


Mdhluli, the police spokesman, said the country’s security regulator had confirmed that the kind of training that appears to have been taking place at the camp was well beyond the scope of training for security guards.

«The kind of equipment we found here shows that there was intense military training taking place here. This was basically a military base.»

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