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Panorama Internacional: Gaza, aranceles y la fabula del rey desnudo



«¡El rey está desnudo!, cállate niño, ¡es que el rey está desnudo!» Hans Christian Andersen

Desde cierta perspectiva han sido dos lunes negros para EE.UU. y el orden mundial. Primero fue la sorpresa del avance chino en Inteligencia Artificial con la irrupción de DeepSeek que desafió a las tecnológicas norteamericanas, arruinó su poder accionario y especialmente su vanguardia científica.


Siete días después, el aluvión arancelario del presidente Donald Trump contra sus tres principales socios globales, México, Canadá y China, barrera proteccionista de la que retrocedió de inmediato excepto en el caso de la República Popular, en medio de las criticas y azoramiento de aliados y adversarios por el daño auto infligido que comportaba.

Antes, también hubo un giro en U de la decisión de cortar las ayudas federales a programas sociales que sostienen la influencia de EE.UU. alrededor del planeta, tanto de asistencia como cultural. Una presencia que es parte sustantiva de la identidad de una potencia, que es lo que hacen los poderes hegemónicos, como en el pasado lo hizo España, el Reino Unido o lo intenta con intensidad China.

Este escenario disruptivo y caótico puede ser observado con el prisma de la fábula del rey vestido o el rey desnudo del danés Hans Christian Andersen. Para quienes visualizan en Trump a un estratega, estas idas y vueltas serían solo tácticas para negociar desde un lugar de fuerza. El rey vestido muestra el cañón y luego revolea una pistola de agua.


Pero la enorme improvisación que exhibió la Casa Blanca estas semanas iniciales y los golpes de la realidad, confirmarían más bien la moraleja del cuento sobre un monarca arrogante a quien nadie se atreve a avisarle que marcha desnudo.

Hubo incluso capítulos penosamente humorísticos en sus arremetidas. Trump y sus voceros, empeñados en probar el desastre de gastos de su predecesor, denunciaron una línea presupuestaria de más de 50 millones de dólares para abastecer de condones a la Franja de Gaza cuyas necesidades van distantes de ese requerimiento. Pero se trataba de la provincia Gaza de Mozambique que que sufre uno de los peores índices globales de Sida. Nadie investigó antes de propalar la medida.

Buenas noticias para China


Del mismo modo que no parece haber habido un análisis previo sobre la ofensiva arancelaria, que deja como primer beneficiado en muchos sentidos a China y entre sus víctimas inmediatas a los consumidores norteamericanos. “El presidente ha sido mal asesorado seguramente”, justificaba un leal votante republicano en declaraciones a Associated Press intentando entender de qué iba todo esto, preocupado porque los economistas alertaron sobre el golpe al bolsillo de los consumidores y la caída del crecimiento del país.

Soldados mexicanos patrullando la frontera con Estados Unidos. Foto Bloomberg

Los que creen que el rey esta vestido convalidan el argumento de dudoso de que el mandatario busca obligar a que esos países combatan la invasión de fentanilo como pretexta, un peligroso opiáceo artificial y también a la migración. Aparte de que el flujo de indocumentados ha venido cayendo desde el año pasado en la frontera sur y es insignificante desde Canadá, esa droga está siendo poco combatida en EE.UU. según una denuncia fundamentada del gobierno mexicano.

Los aranceles de 25% en cada caso fueron suspendidos luego de un dialogo de Trump con sus colegas que le prometieron movilizar fuerzas a la frontera y anularon sus represalias equivalentes. Pero, como señalan analistas y algunos funcionarios de Washington en off, el líder republicano esta menos preocupado por migrantes o drogas, que por estrangular con medidas proteccionistas la competencia de sus vecinos. Supone que revertiría así el déficit de US$63 mil millones con Canadá o de 171 mil millones con México, un rojo que creció 9% el año pasado.


Es también por eso, que sin fentanilo o migrantes, busca extender la represión comercial a la Unión Europea cuyo intercambio da en contra de EE.UU. por 182 mil millones de dólares. Trump y sus partidarios, por ejemplo, están convencidos de que las importaciones de automóviles chinos desde México están debilitando a los fabricantes estadounidenses. En verdad no se exportan, pero si cubren el mercado mexicano dejando afuera a los competidores del norte debido a beneficios arancelarios. Es por eso que sostienen que el Acuerdo EE.UU-México-Canadá, que une a los tres países y que Trump firmó en 2020 en relevo del NAFTA, necesita ser actualizado o sencillamente desechado.

Hay varios aspectos que vale contemplar sobre esta “guerra tonta” como la llamó The Wall Street Journal, que se sumaría a quienes ven desnudo al rey, y refleja la preocupación del establishment porque al ser inflacionarios los aranceles impactarán al alza en las tasas de interés. Además, la inexplicable tirria trumpista con las políticas verdes (el auto sabotaje a los vehículos eléctricos, es asombroso) amenaza un negocio multimillonario en el cual en muchos aspectos ya es dominante China.

Al revés de lo que sospecha, el mercado común que labraron los tres países norteamericanos ha sido una palanca de desarrollo de décadas de sus economías que son interdependientes. Pero Trump no cree en la globalización o el libre comercio, sino en el compre nacional y nativo. Recordemos que un gran admirador brasileño del magnate norteamericano y ex canciller llegó a calificar de comunista a la globalización.


Con la República Popular, EE.UU. mantiene también un histórico fuerte déficit comercial, pero el eje ahí es la batalla por el liderazgo tecnológico. Trump y su antecesor, Joe Biden, buscaron manejar esa lucha con medidas proteccionistas de relativo resultado a la luz de la impactante llegada del DeepSeek de I.A.

El mandatario canadiense Justin Trudeau con el presidente Donald Trump. Foto APEl mandatario canadiense Justin Trudeau con el presidente Donald Trump. Foto AP

Pero la potencia asiática no solo se mantuvo en carrera sino que amplificó su poder blando con acuerdos de libre comercio en el Sur mundial, con la Asociación de Naciones del Sudeste Asiático (Asean) y sobrevolando el reformado Acuerdo Transpacífico de Cooperación Económica, que representa el13% de la economía mundial y tiene ahí a México, Canadá, Japón, Nueva Zelanda, y sumó recientemente al Reino Unido entre otros socios y aliados privilegiados de Washington. En su primer gobierno, Trump retiró a EE.UU. de ese pacto que pretendía aislar a China.

El insólito plan sobre Gaza

Quienes ven desnudo al rey pueden sospechar que la realidad excede la capacidad estratégica de la que presume el líder republicano. Un ejemplo gravísimo lo acaba de formular con su propuesta de que EE.UU. tome la Franja de Gaza, y contribuya a la expulsión de sus habitantes construyendo ahí un símil de la Riviera Francesa, así lo dijo.


Como con el fentanilo o los migrantes, la excusa aquí es humanitaria, el enclave ha sido destruido por las bombas, dice. Y reclama que Egipto o Jordania se lleven a esa gente, que hace siglos vive ahí. La idea no solo viola la ley internacional que prohíbe el desplazamiento de poblaciones de sus tierras durante conflictos, sino que a nivel moral es una “limpieza étnica”, por caso como la que ejecutó el dictador Milosevic contra los musulmanes bosnios y llevó a la guerra a EE.UU. y la OTAN en la ex Yugoslavia en 1999. Tienta conocer lo que realmente habrá pensado el premier israelí Benjamín Netanyahu, un político con mucha mas dosis de picardía que Trump.

No parece que Trump haya consultado con asesores que, de haberse animado, le habrían aclarado que la solución de este drama no puede ser un proyecto inmobiliario que aproveche la desesperación de un pueblo bombardeado. El congresista Troy Carter, demócrata, salió de inmediato a cruzarlo con las palabras justas: «¿La próxima Riviera Francesa? ¿En serio? ¿Qué pasa con la gente de Gaza? ¿Qué pasa con una Solución de Dos Estados? ¿Qué pasa con la decencia? ¿Qué pasa con la humanidad?». El economista israelo-argentino, Daniel Kupervaser, un gran observador judío de Oriente Medio, exhibió a su vez la desmesura del planteo al recordar que al finalizar la Segunda Guerra los aliados juzgaron a los líderes nazis, pero no se les ocurrió exigir la deportación del pueblo alemán.

Existe una realidad estratégica y geopolítica en la región que no ha sido tenida en cuenta. Un nuevo éxodo del pueblo palestino de Gaza y posiblemente de Cisjordania como pretenden los ultranacionalistas del gabinete israelí y sugirió Trump, supone el exilio forzado de cinco millones de personas.


La Casa Blanca ya comenzó, por supuesto, el complicado retroceso de esa incómoda vidriera. Es que aparte de la imposibilidad del planteo, encendería el conflicto en Oriente Medio a extremos que aprovecharían los extremistas, claramente Irán, desbarataría cualquier acuerdo de Israel con las capitales árabes, los sauditas delante de todos que exigen una solución de dos Estados y nuevamente dejaría a China, ya presente diplomáticamente en ese entuerto, como los adultos en el cuarto. El rey desnudo.


Romania blocks frontrunner from postponed presidential race



Romania’s central election authority has banned Calin Georgescu, a populist candidate and frontrunner, from running in May’s presidential election re-run.

«Europe is now a dictatorship, Romania is under tyranny!» Georgescu said in a post on X, following the decision. «I have one message left! If democracy in Romania falls, the entire democratic world will fall!»


Trump’s administration has taken an interest in Romania’s presidential election since it was canceled in May because of Russian collusion allegations in Georgescu’s favor. 

SpaceX CEO and DOGE leader Elon Musk chimed in and shared his reaction to the decision.



Calin Georgescu, the winner of Romania’s first round of presidential election, annulled by the Constitutional Court, uses crutches walking between supporters gathered for a protest outside the Romanian parliament in Bucharest, Romania, Saturday, Feb. 22, 2025.  (AP Photo/Alexandru Dobre, File)

«This is crazy,» Musk wrote on X.

Kari Lake, Trump administration senior advisor for the US agency for global media, also reacted and compared what is happening in Romania to what «they tried with Trump here in America.»


«Do you love your country & want to put it first?» Lake posted on X. «Then, the Globalists want you removed from the ballot & silenced. They tried it with Trump here in America. They did it to Bolsanaro in Brazil. Now, they’re doing it to Georgescu in Romania. The people should dictate their country’s future. Not the international order & their captured court.»

Georgescu, who won the first round of Romania’s canceled presidential election last year, was taken into custody for questioning by the country’s top prosecutors back in February.


Romanian presidential candidate Calin Georgescu sits at a desk.

Calin Georgescu, the independent candidate for presidency who won the first round of presidential elections, speaks after an interview with the Associated Press in Izvorani, Romania, Wednesday, Dec. 4, 2024. (AP Photo/Vadim Ghirda)

Romania’s Constitutional Court made the unprecedented move to annul the election two days ahead of the Dec. 8 runoff after Georgescu’s first-round win. He had polled in single digits and declared zero campaign spending, according to The Associated Press. Allegations of Russian interference and electoral violations quickly emerged. After the election cancelation, prosecutors launched an investigation into alleged campaign funding fraud, as well as alleged antisemitism and hate speech. 

The Trump administration has criticized Romania for canceling last year’s presidential election, with Vice President JD Vance alleging that the court’s ruling was based on «flimsy suspicions» and «enormous pressure» from Romania’s neighbors.

Vance and Georgescu cropped side by side

JD Vance and Romania presidential frontrunner Georgescu. (Getty Images)

Vance said in December, «Romania straight up canceled the results of a presidential election based on the flimsy suspicions of an intelligence agency and enormous pressure from its continental neighbors.» 


He also warned European leaders that they cannot win a «democratic mandate» by «censoring your opponents or putting them in jail,» nor by «disregarding your basic electorate on questions like who gets to be a part of our shared society.» 

«To many of us on the other side of the Atlantic, it looks more and more like old, entrenched interests hiding behind ugly Soviet-era words like misinformation and disinformation, who simply don’t like the idea that somebody with an alternative viewpoint might express a different opinion or, God forbid, vote a different way, or even worse, win an election,» Vance said. 



Georgescu, a staunch critic of NATO and Western support for Ukraine, has sparked controversy in the past for describing Romanian fascist and nationalist leaders from the 1930s and 1940s as national heroes, according to The AP. 

He has also praised Russian President Vladimir Putin in the past as «a man who loves his country,» and has called Ukraine «an invented state.»

Fox News Digital’s Danielle Wallace, Reuters and The Associated Press contributed to this report. 


Stepheny Price is a writer for Fox News Digital and Fox Business. She covers topics including missing persons, homicides, national crime cases, illegal immigration, and more. Story tips and ideas can be sent to

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Pope Francis now eating solid foods, showing ‘slight gradual improvements,’ Vatican says



Pope Francis continued his therapy and prescribed diet, which now includes eating solid foods, the Vatican said in an update on Sunday.

The Vatican said he did respiratory and motor physiotherapy and his condition «appears stable, with slight gradual improvements.»


«However, the overall situation remains complex, prompting doctors to maintain a guarded prognosis,» the Vatican also warned in its update.

Earlier on Sunday, the Vatican said the pope was responding well to treatment and had shown a «gradual, mild improvement» in recent days as he remains in the hospital recovering from double pneumonia.



Pope Francis waves to believers as he leaves the Cercle Cite after a meeting Luxembourg’s Prime Minister during a four-day apostolic journey in Luxembourg and Belgium, in Luxembourg City on September 26, 2024. (Simon Wohlfahrt/AFP/Getty)

The night was quiet; the Pope is resting,» the Vatican said in its earlier statement.

Francis, 88, was admitted to Rome’s Gemelli Hospital on Feb. 14 after a week-long bout of bronchitis worsened. Doctors first diagnosed the complex viral, bacterial and fungal respiratory tract infection and subsequently the onset of pneumonia in both lungs.


This is the fourth Sunday in a row that the pope will not appear for his weekly noon blessing, but the Vatican plans to distribute the message he would have delivered.

The pope’s condition has remained stable, as he has had no fever and good oxygen levels in his blood for several days, doctors said. The doctors said that his stability «as a consequence testifies to a good response to therapy.»

This marks the first time doctors have reported that Francis, who has chronic lung disease and had part of one lung removed when he was younger, was responding well to the prescribed therapies since he was admitted to the hospital more than three weeks ago.

Pope Francis in better health

Pope Francis waves from his popemobile after the weekly Angelus prayers, at Saint Peter’s Square in the Vatican on October 20, 2024. (Filippo Monteforte/AFP/Getty)

Despite Francis’ absence, the Vatican’s daily operations continued alongside celebrations of its Holy Year, the once-every-quarter-century Jubilee that brings pilgrims from around the world to Rome. The Holy Year is celebrating volunteers this weekend, and many are extending their pilgrimage to pray for Francis outside the hospital.


Pope Francis

Pope Francis attends a mass at the Esplanade of Tasitolu in Dili, East Timor, on September 10, 2024. (Tiziana Fabi/Pool/AFP/Getty)



Canadian Cardinal Michael Czerny will preside over the Holy Year Mass on Sunday for the volunteers.

The pope has been using high flows of supplemental oxygen to help him breathe during the day and a noninvasive mechanical ventilation mask at night.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.


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Mark Carney wins Liberal Party nomination to replace Trudeau as Canada’s next PM



OTTAWA, Canada – Former Central Bank Governor of Canada Mark Carney will become Canada’s next prime minister after winning the Liberal leadership race on Sunday night. Carney told cheering supporters that «Canada will never become part of America in any way, shape or form.»

Carney received 86% of the vote, or 131,764 votes of the 151,899 ones cast from the nearly 400,000 party members who registered to participate in the leadership election.


The new Liberal leader told members that they should be prepared to fight «the most important election of our lives» where the «stakes have never been higher.»

He said, Canada is the «greatest country in the world and now our neighbors want to take us. No way,» said the incoming Canadian prime minister referring to President Donald Trump’s repeated desire for the U.S. to annex Canada as the «51st state.»



Canada’s new Prime Minister Mark Carney speaks to supporters in Ottawa, Ontario, Sunday, March 9, 2025.. (Sean Kilpatrick/The Canadian Press via AP)

When Trump announced his tariffs against Canada last month, Carney issued a statement that «Canada will not bow down to a bully. We won’t stand by as illegal U.S. tariffs hurt our workers and their families. As Canadians, we need to face this challenge as one united team.»

In December, outgoing Prime Minister Justin Trudeau reportedly approached Mark Carney to serve as Canadian finance minister, which caused the incumbent, Chrystia Freeland, to leave the Cabinet and publicly release her resignation letter in which she wrote that she and the prime minister had «found [themselves] at odds about the best path forward for Canada.»

FILE - Prime Minister Justin Trudeau waves as he leaves the offices of Salesforce on Feb. 8, 2018, in San Francisco. (Ryan Remiorz/The Canadian Press via AP, File)

FILE – Prime Minister Justin Trudeau waves as he leaves the offices of Salesforce on Feb. 8, 2018, in San Francisco. (Ryan Remiorz/The Canadian Press via AP, File) (AP)

Less than a month later, Trudeau announced his intention to step down as Liberal leader and prime minister, in which he conceded that if he’s «having to fight internal battles, [he] cannot be the best option» in a general election scheduled to be held no later than Oct. 20.

But opposition parties have vowed to force an earlier national vote through a non-confidence motion in the House of Commons against the Liberal minority government when Parliament is recalled on March 24.

On Saturday, Canada’s Globe and Mail newspaper reported that Carney will likely call a snap election the week before the March 24 resumption of Parliament, with voting day on either April 28 or May 5.


The new Liberal leader is expected to meet with Trudeau on Monday to discuss the transition that will find Carney and a slimmed-down Cabinet sworn into office by Friday.


Canada Conservative leader

Pierre Poilievre, leader of Canada’s Conservative Party, during the Canada Strong and Free Networking Conference in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, on Thursday, April 11, 2024. Prime Minister Trudeau has been under fire over the past year due to Canada’s soaring cost of housing, and is trailing badly in the polls to Poilievre, who’s the favorite to win the next election.  (David Kawai/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

But regardless of the Liberals having a new leader with some momentum in the polls, Canada’s Conservatives under their leader Pierre Poilievre are ready for a «change election,» said Laura Kurkimaki, who served as deputy national campaign manager for the Conservative Party during the last federal election in 2021.


«We’ve had 10 years of a Liberal government and Canadians are tired of that,» said Kurkimaki, who also served as principal secretary to former Conservative official opposition leader Erin O’Toole whose party won the popular vote but not enough House seats to win the 2021 election.

Furthermore, she said the new Liberal leader would be running on «Trudeau’s record,» and while Carney wasn’t a member of the prime minister’s government, he was appointed last September by the Liberal Party to chair a task force on economic growth for Trudeau.

«The next election will be about who is going to make life more affordable for Canadians,» said Kurkimaki. «What’s going on in the U.S. impacts that, of course, and creates economic uncertainty in Canada.»



President Trump and Mark Carney

President Trump looks toward likely Trudeau successor Mark Carney of Canada.  (Getty Images)

She added that the longer Carney waits to call an election, the Conservatives get more time to launch their attack-ads against him.

During an election, parties face spending limits. But before the writ is dropped to launch the election period, parties can spend as much as they want on advertising, and the Conservatives raised more than double (about $29 million) last year than the Liberals, at about $11 million.


In an interview with The Spectator, President Trump, commenting on the Conservative party leader, said Poilievre’s «biggest problem is he’s not a MAGA guy … He’s not a Trump guy at all.»

The Canadian Conservative leader replied on X, stating: «Mr. President, it is true. I am not MAGA.»

«I am for Canada First. Always,» Poilievre posted. «Canada has always been America’s best friend & ally. But we will NEVER be the 51st state.»


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