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Reporter’s Notebook: Ukrainian spiritual leader says Russian Orthodox Church extension of Kremlin



As President Donald Trump’s administration works toward a diplomatic end to the war in Ukraine, the leaders of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU) are warning that Vladimir Putin’s Russia believes it’s actually fighting a «holy war» against the West.

A delegation from the OCU was in the United States recently for the International Religious Freedom Summit in Washington, D.C. The group was led by His Beatitude Metropolitan Epiphany, leader of Kyiv and all of Ukraine.

His translator spoke to Fox News about the spiritual war raging between Russia and Ukraine, which has played a big role in why the battle began and continues to escalate.


Russian President Vladimir Putin attends Easter Orthodox service at the Christ the Savior Cathedral, April 16, 2023 in Moscow. (Contributor/Getty Images)

His eminence Metropolitan Yevstratiy, the deputy head of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine’s external church relations, says of Russia, «From the point of religious view, this is a liberation of Ukrainians from [the] Godless West, from the evil. And Russia brings to Ukraine the light and truth.»


Yevstratiy, and other church watchers like Catholic intellectual George Weigel, have accused the Russian Orthodox Church of being nothing more than an arm of the Kremlin, dressed in religious vestments but doing Putin’s bidding.

Writing in the magazine First Things, Weigel noted «… Ukraine mounted and sustained a fierce resistance that denied Russia the quick victory Putin anticipated in February 2022, Russian justifications for the war began to take on a new coloration: The war was now a crusade in defense of Christian civilization.»

On Lighthouse Faith podcast, Yevstratiy recalled how at the start of the war, Moscow’s Patriarch Kirill sermonized to Russian soldiers fighting against Ukraine that if they die in battle they would immediately go to paradise… all sins forgiven. Even to an outsider looking at the complexity of Orthodox Christianity, that sounds more like ‘Political Jihad’ than the Gospel.

In 2019, Ukraine’s Orthodox Church was granted independence from the Russian Orthodox Church by the ecumenical patriarch in Constantinople (now Istanbul, Turkey). It caused an uproar in Moscow. Kirill and Putin refused to recognize the authority of Patriarch Bartholomew.


Metropolitan Epiphanius conducts the liturgical service and the Church of St. Andrew the First-Called consecration on Aug. 25, 2024, in Bucha, Kyiv Oblast, Ukraine.

Metropolitan Epiphanius conducts the liturgical service and the Church of St. Andrew the First-Called consecration on Aug. 25, 2024, in Bucha, Kyiv Oblast, Ukraine. (Andrii Nesterenko/Global Images Ukraine via Getty Images)

Yevstratiy also revealed a scarier version of the war in Ukraine. He says Putin’s ultimate goal is more than the reunification of the Soviet Union, or the defense of Christian civilization. It’s actually more apocalyptic. He’s focused on ushering in the third and final Rome…. in Moscow, which means, labeling the rest of Christianity, Catholics and Protestants alike… as heretics and pagans.

Describing the inner workings of the Orthodox churches may seem a little like ‘inside baseball’.  But these are the oldest churches of Christianity. They emerged from the five ancient churches led by the apostles who knew Jesus personally.

Archbishop Kirill

Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill conducts the Easter service at the Christ the Savior Cathedral in Moscow on Saturday, April 23. (Sergei Vlasov, Russian Orthodox Church Press Service via AP)

The apostle Andrew went to the east in Constantinople; Mark to Alexandria (Egypt); Peter to Antioch (Rome); James to Jerusalem, and Barnabas to Cyprus.  From these men, along with the itinerant Apostle Paul, Christianity spread throughout the globe. So, this conflict between Russia and Ukraine has deep spiritual roots. And Putin knows it.

Yestratiy and Epiphany were present at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington D.C. and heard President Trump declare his desire to be a peacemaker.


Vestratiy said, «We pray and we ask God Almighty to bless this very good and Christian desire.»

Adding, «May God bless Ukraine. May God bless America.»

The full interview is on Lauren Green’s Lighthouse Faith podcast, available on Apple, Spotify and here.



La salud del Papa Francisco “es seria y debe seguirse de cerca, pero por el momento no está comprometida”



La situación clínica del Papa Francisco “es seria y debe seguirse de cerca pero por el momento no esta comprometida”, dijo el neumólogo Stefano Nardini a la agencia Ansa “sobre la base de las informaciones recibidas».

“La situación parece grave porque estamos en presencia de una neumonía bilateral que afecta un organismos de 88 años y tal vez en presencia de enfermedades pulmonares previas resueltas o crónicas”, agregó.

Por el momento “el cuadro clínico no parece ser crítico ya que el Papa puede levantarse y sentarse, así como realizar algunas actividades”.

El neumólogo Nardini explicó que “sin embargo nos faltan una serie de datos relativos a si, por ejemplo, se administra o no oxigenoterapia contínua”, explicó a la agencia italiana de noticias.

“No sabemos cual es el compromiso general del organismo del pontífice, es decir si los de la insuficiencia respiratoria se limitan al órgano respiratorio, los pulmones, o si afectan también a otros sistemas, como es el cardiovascular”.

“Si la insuficiencia respiratoria determina una reducción del oxígeno en la sangre, esto pude tener repercusiones en la función cardíaca y de otro órganos”.


Nardini señaló que la terapia que cambió “depende mucho de la extensión de los pumlmones afectados por la neumonía bilateral”.

En cuanto a la terapia cambiada el especialista dijo que “depende mucho de la extensión de los pulmones afectada por la neumonía bilateral”.

“En la terapia que se cambia hay que tener que al principio en las infecciones pulmonares se hacen terapias antibióticas de amplio espectro y se utilizan antibióticos que pueden tener efecto sobre la mayoría de las bacterias”.

En el caso del Papa “es posible que las terapias hayan implicado adición de fármacos para controlar la situación cardiocirculatoria y prevenir cualquier descompensación cardiovastucular”, explicó el neurólogo italiano.

Nardini destacó que “la neumonía podría ser más o menos grave según exista o no la afectación pulmonar previa en una enfermedad crónica”.

Este caso “plantea la hipótesis de que el restablecimiento de un cuadro clínico normal podría tardar incluso dos o tres meses”.

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