UK bans ninja swords in move to crack down on violent knife crime

Brits have until Aug. 1 to get rid of all their ninja swords as the U.K.’s Labour government looks to crack down on knife crime.
U.K. Prime Minister Keir Starmer announced Thursday that «ninja swords» specifically will be banned this summer after the 2022 murder of 16-year-old Ronan Kanda, who was stabbed to death by a ninja sword just outside his home.
«Confirmed: Ninja swords will be banned by this summer,» Starmer said in a post on X. «When we promise action we take it.»
An activist wearing a T-shirt with the slogan «Put Knives Down!» stands in front of pictures of victims of knife crime during a demonstration outside New Scotland Yard. (Vuk Valcic/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images)
The new ban, «Ronan’s Law,» will now make it illegal to possess, sell, make or import ninja swords.
«Since losing our beautiful boy Ronan, we have relentlessly campaigned for a ban on ninja swords, the lethal weapon which took his life,» Pooja Kanda, the mother to the 16-year-old boy, said, according to a government readout. «We believe ninja swords have no place in our society other than to seriously harm and kill.
«Each step towards tackling knife crime is a step towards getting justice for our boy Ronan.»
The British government has set up a surrender process for any owner of a ninja sword, defined as a blade between 14 inches and 24 inches «with one straight cutting edge with a tanto-style point.»
«From 1 August, anyone caught in possession of a ninja sword in private could face 6 months in prison, and this will later increase to 2 years under new measures in the Crime and Policing Bill,» the government said in a statement. «There is already a penalty of up to 4 years in prison for carrying any weapon in public.»
Knife crime has long plagued the U.K. and though offenses involving a «sharp instrument» committed last year across England and Wales were down from a 15-year peak in 2019, they were still substantially higher than crimes reported in 2010, when 33,800 crimes were reported, versus the 50,500 cases in 2024.

A person views knives available to purchase via an online website. (Yui Mok/PA Images via Getty Images)
A sharp instrument, according to the U.K., could include knives, but it could also include the use of a broken bottle to commit an offense.
The U.K. saw a significant drop from the 52,000 cases involving a «sharp instrument» reported in 2019 by the following year with 41,700 cases reported.
But these incidents have continued to increase each year since.
Nearly two dozen different types of knives are already banned in the UK, including swords that are not a part of a national uniform, switch blades, zombie knives, belt buckle knives or butterfly knives, to name a few.
Knives that are permitted are those used for cooking or while working and have a cutting edge of no more than three inches.
Though the government states that «it’s illegal to use any knife or weapon in a threatening way.»
Under Ronan’s Law, jail sentences were also increased for selling knives to minors and the illegal sale of banned knives.

An officer outside All Saints Catholic High School on Granville Road in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, after a 15-year-old boy died in a stabbing at the school Feb. 3, 2025. (Danny Lawson/PA Images via Getty Images)
«Knife crime is destroying young lives as too many teenagers are being drawn into violence, and it is far too easy for them to get hold of dangerous weapons,» Home Secretary Yvette Cooper said in a statement. «Ronan Kanda was just 16 when he was ruthlessly killed by two boys only a year older than him.
«We are acting with urgency to bring forward measures to prevent deadly weapons from getting into the wrong hands and will continue to do whatever is needed to prevent young people being killed on our streets as part of our mission to halve knife crime over the next decade.»
After debilitating strikes, Trump tells Houthis: Stop shooting at us and ‘we will stop shooting at you’

President Donald Trump on Monday touted the success of the U.S.’s two-week-long offensive against the Houthis in Yemen and issued a clear message: «Stop shooting at U.S. ships, and we will stop shooting at you.»
The Trump administration launched its operations earlier this month after the Houthi terrorist group once again renewed its threats against Israeli vessels earlier this month after Jerusalem cut off humanitarian aid headed for the Gaza Strip.
«The Iran-backed Houthi Terrorists have been decimated by the relentless strikes over the past two weeks,» Trump said in a post on his social media outlet Truth Social on Monday afternoon. «Many of their Fighters and Leaders are no longer with us.»
President Trump is taking action against the Houthis to defend U.S. shipping assets and deter terrorist threats, the White House posted on X on March 15, 2025. (The White House)
«We hit them every day and night – Harder and harder,» he added.
Trump said their capabilities that enable the Houthis to target shipping in the region are «being rapidly destroyed.»
The terrorist network, backed by Iran, began escalating its attacks on Western ships in the Red Sea following the Oct. 7, 2023, Hamas attacks on Israel. Notably, security experts have pointed out the Houthi attacks are not indiscriminate as they do not routinely target Chinese or Saudi Arabian vessels.
Trump also issued a message to Iran on Monday and warned if the attacks do not stop, Washington will come for Tehran next.

Houthi followers burn the Israeli and American flags during a tribal gathering on Jan. 14, 2024 on the outskirts of Sana’a, Yemen. Houthi followers gathered to protest against the U.S.-U.K. airstrikes on positions in areas under their control. (Mohammed Hamoud/Getty Images)
«Our attacks will continue until they are no longer a threat to Freedom of Navigation,» Trump said. «Otherwise, we have only just begun, and the real pain is yet to come, for both the Houthis and their sponsors in Iran.»
Trump has increased his threats issued against Iran in recent days, warning of direct military repercussions not only if it doesn’t stop arming terrorist networks, but if it continues with its nuclear ambitions.
U.S. Central Command has not released an update about the Houthi leaders allegedly killed in the strikes or the most recent operations.

US President Donald Trump speaks to the press aboard Air Force One before arriving at Palm Beach International Airport in West Palm Beach, Florida, on March 28, 2025. Trump is traveling to his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach. (BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP via Getty Images)
According to Houthi representatives, three people were killed in an overnight strike around the Houthi-controlled capital of Sanaa — which the terrorist network has held its grip on since 2014, reported the Associated Press.
The strike, which apparently carried on into Monday morning, came just three days after the previous attack on Friday, which was reported to have been more «intense» than previous aerial campaigns and was carried out over several locations in and around Sanaa.
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Cuatro soldados de Estados Unidos desaparecen en Lituania, los hallan muertos en un pantano y uno sigue desaparecido

Tres soldados del Ejército estadounidense desaparecidos en Lituania fueron encontrados muertos en su vehículo blindado, rescatado de una zona pantanosa la madrugada del lunes, según el Comando de Europa y África del Ejército estadounidense. Otro soldado continúa desaparecido.
Los cuerpos de los tres soldados fueron recuperados tras un intenso esfuerzo de seis días por parte de las fuerzas armadas y autoridades estadounidenses, polacas y lituanas para extraer el vehículo M88 Hércules de una turbera en el extenso campo de entrenamiento General Silvestras Žukauskas, en la ciudad de Pabradė.
Los soldados se encontraban en un ejercicio de entrenamiento táctico cuando se reportó su desaparición y la de su vehículo la madrugada del martes, informó el Ejército.
El comando indicó en un comunicado que la identidad de los soldados del Equipo de Combate de la Brigada Blindada, 3.ª División de Infantería, se mantiene en reserva a la espera de la notificación a sus familiares.
“Acompañamos con profundo pesar a las familias y seres queridos de estos extraordinarios «Dogface soldiers» en este momento inimaginable”, declaró el mayor general Christopher Norrie, comandante de la 3.ª División de Infantería.
“Pero la búsqueda no termina hasta que todos estén en casa. No tenemos palabras para expresar nuestra gratitud a quienes siguen trabajando sin descanso durante estas extensas labores de búsqueda y recuperación, y a su inquebrantable compromiso de no descansar hasta que todos sean encontrados”.
Cientos de soldados y rescatistas lituanos y estadounidenses participaron en la búsqueda a través de los densos bosques y terreno pantanoso alrededor de Pabradė, a solo 10 kilómetros al oeste de la frontera con Bielorrusia. El vehículo blindado fue descubierto el miércoles sumergido a 4,5 metros de profundidad.
Las fuerzas armadas lituanas proporcionaron helicópteros militares, aeronaves de ala fija, sistemas aéreos no tripulados y personal de búsqueda y rescate. También trajeron excavadoras adicionales, bombas de esclusas y lodo, otros equipos pesados de construcción, expertos técnicos y varios cientos de toneladas de grava y tierra para facilitar la recuperación.
Los buzos de la Armada de EE.UU. lograron maniobrar a través de gruesas capas de lodo, arcilla y sedimentos «con visibilidad nula» para llegar al vehículo de 63 toneladas el domingo por la noche y encontrar dos puntos para conectar cables de acero, según el comando.
El comando indicó que, durante el esfuerzo por sacar el vehículo, este comenzó a perder tracción, por lo que se incorporaron excavadoras pesadas adicionales para proporcionar mayor agarre. El vehículo fue rescatado después de aproximadamente dos horas, según el comando.
“El vehículo blindado fue sacado a tierra a las 4:40 a.m., la operación de remolque ha finalizado, la Policía Militar Lituana y los investigadores estadounidenses continúan su trabajo”, dijo el ministro de Defensa, Dovilė Šakalienė, el lunes por la mañana en una publicación en Facebook.
El equipo de buceo de la Armada está rastreando la zona con radar para encontrar al cuarto soldado que sigue desaparecido.
El mayor general Curtis Taylor, comandante de la Fuerza de Tarea Hierro y de la 1.ª División Blindada, agradeció los heroicos esfuerzos de quienes participaron en la búsqueda y recuperación. El Ejército de EE.UU. y las autoridades lituanas están investigando la causa del incidente.
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