Un largo silencio del Papa en la misa del Domingo de Ramos reaviva los rumores sobre su salud en plena Pascua
Las preocupaciones sobre la salud del Papa se han renovado después del episodio durante las celebraciones del Domingo de Ramos, cuando el Papa no pronunció la homilía, convirtiéndola en un largo silencio que rápidamente se extendió a los 60 mil fieles que asistían al comienzo de la Semana Santa.
Francisco reanudó la ceremonia con el Credo, mientras los fieles atribuían el silencio a una decisión del pontífice de reflexión colectiva en el silencio y el desconcierto de los que se preguntaban que había pasado.
La deducción inevitable fue la de un percance debido a los problemas que padece el pontífice argentino como resultado de un persistente trastorno bronquial que le impide pronunciar discursos.
Al final de la ceremonia el Papa afrontó la celebración del Angelus y habló brevemente, condenando el “vil ataque” terrorista que había causado 133 muertos en Moscú.
Francisco subió después al papamóvil y recorrió largamente la plaza de San Pedro saludando a los fieles que lo aclamaban.
El Vaticano no explicó el silencio del Papa. Simplemente aclaró a los vaticanistas que al no haber sido pronunciada, la homilía era “inexistente”.
Hasta ahora el Papa había afrontado sus problemas respiratorios que le dificultan pronunciar discursos largos por los ataques de tos que sufre desde hace meses. Uno de sus colaboradores se encarga de leerlos.
Dudas y preocupación
La del domingo es la única ocasión en la que el Papa desiste sin recurrir a la ayuda de un colaborador eclesiástico, ni dar explicaciones.
El principal diario italiano, el Corriere della Sera, preguntó qué había pasado el Domingo de Ramos en la Plaza San Pedro nada menos que al cirujano Sergio Alfieri, el especialista que operó dos veces al Papa y es el director de Cirugía del hospital Gemelli, donde el pontífice estuvo internado en diferentes ocasiones.
“Su silencio al terminar la lectura del Evangelio pareció eterno”, comentó el diario de Milán.
“Bergoglio se ha hecho ayudar con frecuencia por colaboradores. Ahora un nuevo imprevisto. ¿Fue culpa de la bronquitis, por las dificultades respiratorias que sufre?», le preguntó el periodista a Alfieri.
-No me resultan situaciones de preocupación-, fue la respuesta seca del cirujano.
-¿Cuáles son las condiciones de salud del Papa? Hace tres semanas le hicieron una nueva TAC total body un mes después de la anterior, del 25 de noviembre.
Alfieri respondió que “el Santo Padre está bien compatiblemente con su edad y sus episodios de dificultad respiratoria en períodos más fríos, incluso por la intervenciones pulmonares que sufrió hace muchos años”.
El cirujano se refiere a la operación que sufrió Jorge Bergoglio a los 21 años en Buenos Aires, en la que le extirparon una parte del lóbulo pulmonar derecho.
El Corriere della Sera pregunta al cirujano del Papa “¿por qué aparece tan fatigado en los últimos tiempos?»
Alfieri responde que “es un hombre con responsabilidad de jefe del Estado Vaticano, que debe asumir decisiones. Cuando se asoma a aquella ventana (los domingos, cuando pronuncia el Angelus del mediodía), se dirige a mil quinientos millones de católicos, lo que no les sucede a todos a su edad”.
El doctor Alfieri dice también que “el Santo Padre tiene la cabeza de un hombre de sesenta años y logra estar más adelante de nosotros, gobernando todavía el Estado Vaticano sin problemas, en primera personas. Tiene, como es normal, los achaque de los que tienen 87 años, y que generalmente conducen una vida más tranquila y se quedan en su caa viendo la televisión. El no se lo puede permitir. Pero no salta un compromiso, o casi”.
Son muchos los interrogantes que dejan abiertos estas palabras. ¿Está en condiciones el Papa de afrontar sus próximos compromisos, los de 2024? Algunas respuestas vendrán en estos días, por los intensos compromisos de la Semana Santa, que tendrán su culminación en la noche del viernes con la peregrinación en el Coliseo, y el Domingo de Pascua con las celebraciones que concluyen con la resurrección.
La agenda de Francisco
El Papa dice “andiamo avanti”, vamos adelante. El 28 de abril tiene previsto un viaje con muchos compromisos a Venecia, invitado a la Bienal.
Cuando le preguntan como está, invariablemnte Francisco responde con una broma: “Bien, sigo vivo”.
La realidad es que el Papa no está grave de salud pero no puede dejar de redimensionar su esfuerzo cotidiano agotador. Es el gobernante absoluto de la Iglesia, que ya lo obliga a un empeño físico e intelectual agotador. Además es un jefe de Estado que mantiene relaciones diplomáticas con 180 estados.
Prácticamente todos los días recibe en audiencia a gente venida de todo el mundo, a los que discursea como puede vista la bronquitis que lo fatiga y que sus médicos buscan controlar para que no se dañe los pulmones.
En octubre de este año tiene el trabajo más dificil. La segunda parte del Sínodo de los Sínodos, la asamblea mundial de obispos. La primera fase ya tuvo lugar en octubre de 2023. Pero ahora se deberán afrontar los problmeas cruciales de la Iglesia, lo que incluye el peligroso torneo entre progresistas y tradicionalistas. Será un gran esfuerzo controlar los enfrentamientos.
Además, Francisco tiene previstos varios viajes europeos, comenzando por Eslovenia en junio, que incluirá a la ciudad italiana de Triestre.
Pero la prueba más dura es un viaje de doce días, previsto para agosto, el viaje más largo de sus once años de pontificado, que iniciará en Papua Nueva Guinea y continuará en Indonesia el país con más población musulmana del mundo. Seguirán Timor del Este y se estudia un cuarto país, ente las islas Salomón o Singapur.
Francisco está acostumbrado a estos ajetreos. Ya ha ha realizado 44 viajes apostólicos a 60 países. Pero el úndécimo año, que comenzó el 13 de este mes, aniversario de su elección al pontificado, muestra tantos empeños que se considera dificil que pueda respetar.
Y queda un posible viaje a la Argentina y Uruguay, otro a Bélgica y su presencia, en diciembre, en la reapertura solemne de la basílica de Notre Dame de París, que se incendió el 15 de abril de 2019 y ha sido trabajosamente restaurada.
Pope Francis now eating solid foods, showing ‘slight gradual improvements,’ Vatican says
Pope Francis continued his therapy and prescribed diet, which now includes eating solid foods, the Vatican said in an update on Sunday.
The Vatican said he did respiratory and motor physiotherapy and his condition «appears stable, with slight gradual improvements.»
«However, the overall situation remains complex, prompting doctors to maintain a guarded prognosis,» the Vatican also warned in its update.
Earlier on Sunday, the Vatican said the pope was responding well to treatment and had shown a «gradual, mild improvement» in recent days as he remains in the hospital recovering from double pneumonia.
Pope Francis waves to believers as he leaves the Cercle Cite after a meeting Luxembourg’s Prime Minister during a four-day apostolic journey in Luxembourg and Belgium, in Luxembourg City on September 26, 2024. (Simon Wohlfahrt/AFP/Getty)
The night was quiet; the Pope is resting,» the Vatican said in its earlier statement.
Francis, 88, was admitted to Rome’s Gemelli Hospital on Feb. 14 after a week-long bout of bronchitis worsened. Doctors first diagnosed the complex viral, bacterial and fungal respiratory tract infection and subsequently the onset of pneumonia in both lungs.
This is the fourth Sunday in a row that the pope will not appear for his weekly noon blessing, but the Vatican plans to distribute the message he would have delivered.
The pope’s condition has remained stable, as he has had no fever and good oxygen levels in his blood for several days, doctors said. The doctors said that his stability «as a consequence testifies to a good response to therapy.»
This marks the first time doctors have reported that Francis, who has chronic lung disease and had part of one lung removed when he was younger, was responding well to the prescribed therapies since he was admitted to the hospital more than three weeks ago.
Pope Francis waves from his popemobile after the weekly Angelus prayers, at Saint Peter’s Square in the Vatican on October 20, 2024. (Filippo Monteforte/AFP/Getty)
Despite Francis’ absence, the Vatican’s daily operations continued alongside celebrations of its Holy Year, the once-every-quarter-century Jubilee that brings pilgrims from around the world to Rome. The Holy Year is celebrating volunteers this weekend, and many are extending their pilgrimage to pray for Francis outside the hospital.
Pope Francis attends a mass at the Esplanade of Tasitolu in Dili, East Timor, on September 10, 2024. (Tiziana Fabi/Pool/AFP/Getty)
Canadian Cardinal Michael Czerny will preside over the Holy Year Mass on Sunday for the volunteers.
The pope has been using high flows of supplemental oxygen to help him breathe during the day and a noninvasive mechanical ventilation mask at night.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
Mark Carney wins Liberal Party nomination to replace Trudeau as Canada’s next PM
OTTAWA, Canada – Former Central Bank Governor of Canada Mark Carney will become Canada’s next prime minister after winning the Liberal leadership race on Sunday night. Carney told cheering supporters that «Canada will never become part of America in any way, shape or form.»
Carney received 86% of the vote, or 131,764 votes of the 151,899 ones cast from the nearly 400,000 party members who registered to participate in the leadership election.
The new Liberal leader told members that they should be prepared to fight «the most important election of our lives» where the «stakes have never been higher.»
He said, Canada is the «greatest country in the world and now our neighbors want to take us. No way,» said the incoming Canadian prime minister referring to President Donald Trump’s repeated desire for the U.S. to annex Canada as the «51st state.»
Canada’s new Prime Minister Mark Carney speaks to supporters in Ottawa, Ontario, Sunday, March 9, 2025.. (Sean Kilpatrick/The Canadian Press via AP)
When Trump announced his tariffs against Canada last month, Carney issued a statement that «Canada will not bow down to a bully. We won’t stand by as illegal U.S. tariffs hurt our workers and their families. As Canadians, we need to face this challenge as one united team.»
In December, outgoing Prime Minister Justin Trudeau reportedly approached Mark Carney to serve as Canadian finance minister, which caused the incumbent, Chrystia Freeland, to leave the Cabinet and publicly release her resignation letter in which she wrote that she and the prime minister had «found [themselves] at odds about the best path forward for Canada.»
FILE – Prime Minister Justin Trudeau waves as he leaves the offices of Salesforce on Feb. 8, 2018, in San Francisco. (Ryan Remiorz/The Canadian Press via AP, File) (AP)
Less than a month later, Trudeau announced his intention to step down as Liberal leader and prime minister, in which he conceded that if he’s «having to fight internal battles, [he] cannot be the best option» in a general election scheduled to be held no later than Oct. 20.
But opposition parties have vowed to force an earlier national vote through a non-confidence motion in the House of Commons against the Liberal minority government when Parliament is recalled on March 24.
On Saturday, Canada’s Globe and Mail newspaper reported that Carney will likely call a snap election the week before the March 24 resumption of Parliament, with voting day on either April 28 or May 5.
The new Liberal leader is expected to meet with Trudeau on Monday to discuss the transition that will find Carney and a slimmed-down Cabinet sworn into office by Friday.
Pierre Poilievre, leader of Canada’s Conservative Party, during the Canada Strong and Free Networking Conference in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, on Thursday, April 11, 2024. Prime Minister Trudeau has been under fire over the past year due to Canada’s soaring cost of housing, and is trailing badly in the polls to Poilievre, who’s the favorite to win the next election. (David Kawai/Bloomberg via Getty Images)
But regardless of the Liberals having a new leader with some momentum in the polls, Canada’s Conservatives under their leader Pierre Poilievre are ready for a «change election,» said Laura Kurkimaki, who served as deputy national campaign manager for the Conservative Party during the last federal election in 2021.
«We’ve had 10 years of a Liberal government and Canadians are tired of that,» said Kurkimaki, who also served as principal secretary to former Conservative official opposition leader Erin O’Toole whose party won the popular vote but not enough House seats to win the 2021 election.
Furthermore, she said the new Liberal leader would be running on «Trudeau’s record,» and while Carney wasn’t a member of the prime minister’s government, he was appointed last September by the Liberal Party to chair a task force on economic growth for Trudeau.
«The next election will be about who is going to make life more affordable for Canadians,» said Kurkimaki. «What’s going on in the U.S. impacts that, of course, and creates economic uncertainty in Canada.»
President Trump looks toward likely Trudeau successor Mark Carney of Canada. (Getty Images)
She added that the longer Carney waits to call an election, the Conservatives get more time to launch their attack-ads against him.
During an election, parties face spending limits. But before the writ is dropped to launch the election period, parties can spend as much as they want on advertising, and the Conservatives raised more than double (about $29 million) last year than the Liberals, at about $11 million.
In an interview with The Spectator, President Trump, commenting on the Conservative party leader, said Poilievre’s «biggest problem is he’s not a MAGA guy … He’s not a Trump guy at all.»
The Canadian Conservative leader replied on X, stating: «Mr. President, it is true. I am not MAGA.»
«I am for Canada First. Always,» Poilievre posted. «Canada has always been America’s best friend & ally. But we will NEVER be the 51st state.»
Trump critic Mark Carney poised to replace Trudeau as Canada’s prime minister
OTTAWA – Mark Carney has never held elected office, but for years has been touted as a future leader of the Liberal Party of Canada, and if the polling goes as expected, he is the favorite to win his party’s leadership race on Sunday.
Carney, the former governor of both the Bank of Canada and the Bank of England, and Goldman Sachs executive, is expected to win the race to succeed Justin Trudeau as both the 14th Liberal leader and 24th Canadian prime minister by the party’s nearly 400,000 members.
Carney recently criticized President Donald Trump as a «bully» in a statement he released in response to American tariffs being put on the northern neighbor. «Canada will not bow down to a bully. We won’t stand by as illegal U.S. tariffs hurt our workers and their families. As Canadians, we need to face this challenge as one united team.»
Canada’s CBC reported Carney compared Trump to Harry Potter’s Voldemort in reaction to the president’s comments on making Canada the 51st state.
«When you think about what’s at stake in these ridiculous, insulting comments of the president, of what we could be, I view this as the sort of Voldemort of comments… Like I will not even repeat it, but you know what I’m talking about.»
Mark Carney speaks at the Sustainable Finance conference, Nov. 28, 2024. (Adrian Wyld/The Canadian Press via AP, File)
More than half of the Liberals’ 153-member caucus in the House of Commons has endorsed him for leader over former Cabinet ministers Chrystia Freeland and Karina Gould, as well as past member of Parliament (MP) Frank Baylis – all three of whom served in Trudeau’s government.
On fundraising, Carney has amassed the most campaign contributions with $1.3 million – or more than double what Freeland, a former foreign affairs minister, collected last month.
Polls have also shown that Carney is the frontrunner to become the next Liberal leader. Should he hold that job and automatically become Canadian prime minister as Trudeau’s successor, he would help boost his party’s fortunes at the ballot box.
A survey by the Angus Reid Institute, released on March 5, found that a Carney-led Liberal Party was only three points (37%) behind the official opposition Conservative Party, at 40%.
The results of a Leger poll, released on March 3, reported a slightly wider margin, with the Conservatives at 41% and the Liberals, with Carney as leader, at 33%.
However, the same recent Angus Reid poll also found that 43% of Canadians believe Carney would be best suited, as prime minister, to deal with Trump, compared to Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre, at 34%.
Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre speaks during a «Spike the Hike – Axe the Tax» rally on March 27, 2024, in Edmonton, Alberta. (Artur Widak/NurPhoto via Getty Images)
Even Poilievre has acknowledged that he will face the frontrunner in the Liberal race in the next general election, regularly calling him «Carbon Tax Carney,» with reference to the Canadian government’s consumer tax on carbon emissions that Carney initially supported. During his leadership run, the former central bank governor said he would replace it with an incentive program that rewards Canadians for «making greener choices,» such as purchasing an energy-efficient appliance.
In a Jan. 26 open letter to Carney, Poilievre asked him whether he would be «any different than the man you are trying to replace» and commit to «banning any prior Trudeau minister from serving in your Cabinet» or «pursue the same Trudeau agenda?»
Norman Spector, who served as chief of staff to former Progressive Conservative Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, views Carney’s political-rookie status as serving him well as prime minister when dealing with the White House.
«He doesn’t start out with any baggage with Trump, and I think that’s very, very important,» said Spector. He suggested that Carney meet with the president as soon as possible to address areas where Canada and the U.S. can closely collaborate, such as on continental security.
Mark Carney officially announced his bid for the Liberal Party leadership at Laurier Heights Community League in Edmonton, Canada, on Jan. 16, 2025. (Artur Widak/NurPhoto via Getty Images)
Carney cannot appear to be «Justin Trudeau in a different set of clothes or with a different resume,» John Manley, a former Canadian Liberal deputy prime minister and finance minister, told Fox News Digital.
«He’s got to be a candidate for change and be seen as the serious dude who can take on Donald Trump,» while noting that the ballot-box question in Canada has shifted from the unpopularity in Canada of Trudeau to Trump.
No longer a member of Canada’s Liberal Party, Manley said Carney has «promised to move the party back toward the center and make the economy his focus, and those would both be welcome.»
Last Wednesday, Carney said he would remove domestic trade barriers between the 10 provinces and three territories that would expand the Canadian economy by up to $140 billion.
On the same day, Trudeau and the provincial and territorial premiers agreed to do the very same to reduce reliance on trade with the U.S. in response to the Trump administration’s tariffs on Canada.
Manley said the Liberals «have got to stop focusing on identity politics,» which he said is only «important to a small band of people.»
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau waves as he leaves the offices of Salesforce on Feb. 8, 2018, in San Francisco. (Ryan Remiorz/The Canadian Press via AP, File)
«We can’t keep fighting cultural wars. It badly hurt the Democrats in the U.S.»
He also said Carney needs to quickly call a general election before Parliament is scheduled to resume on March 24.
Should he become Liberal leader on Sunday, Carney would also automatically become the prime minister-designate since the Liberals lead the government under Trudeau.
The formal transition date for Carney to assume office has yet to be determined, but he would be the first Canadian prime minister to have never held elected office and would need to win a seat in the House of Commons. Therefore, the need for a national vote is also personal as it would enable Carney to run in a yet-to-be-determined riding (district) to become a member of Parliament.
Manley, who ran for the Canadian Liberal leadership in 2003, won by former prime minister Paul Martin, said Carney will need new faces in his Cabinet.
He also sees Carney – a Harvard and Oxford universities graduate with a doctorate in economics – as holding an advantage over Poilievre in the next election.
Born in Canada’s Northwest Territories, 59-year-old Carney was also a longtime Goldman Sachs executive, who additionally served as the United Nations special envoy for climate action and finance.
Canada’s Liberals vote on a new leader on Sunday. (iStock)
By contrast, 45-year-old Poilievre has «done nothing but politics for his adult life,» said Manley.
The opposition leader was first elected as a Conservative MP for an Ottawa riding in 2004 when he was 24.
But Manley said, «Poilievre is a very effective communicator,» and Carney has to «prove that he can relate to the ordinary man on the street.»
«Can he appeal to people who elect governments, many of whom don’t particularly read books – and may not even read newspapers?»
«Being a successful politician today requires a different skill set than it was even in my time,» he said.
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