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Yemen's Houthi rebels use missiles, drones to attack 2 more ships in Red Sea



  • On Monday, three small Houthi vessels, two of which were crewed and one uncrewed, attacked the Panama-flagged, Israeli-owned MT Bently I off the coast of Al Hudaydah, Yemen, according to British and American authorities.
  • The U.K. Maritime Trade Operations center reported that the MT Bently I conducted self-protection measures, and after 15 minutes the small watercraft aborted the attack.
  • Later the same day, the MT Chios Lion, a Liberian-flagged, Marshall Islands-owned oil tanker, was attacked by a Houthi drone.

Two attacks by Yemen’s Houthi rebels targeted ships in the Red Sea on Monday as a new U.S. aircraft carrier approached the region to provide security for the key international trade route that has been under assault since the Israel-Hamas war erupted nine months ago.

Three small Houthi vessels, two of which were crewed and another uncrewed, attacked the Panama-flagged and Israeli-owned MT Bently I off the coast of Al Hudaydah, Yemen, according to British and American authorities.

The «reported unmanned small craft collided with the vessel twice and the 2 manned small craft fired at the vessel,» the British military’s United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations center reported. «The vessel conducted self-protection measures, after 15 minutes the small craft aborted the attack.»


The captain later reported three separate waves of missile attacks that exploded in close proximity to the vessel.

Later on Monday, in a separate incident off the same coast, the MT Chios Lion, a Liberian-flagged and Marshall Islands-owned oil tanker, was attacked by an uncrewed Houthi aerial vehicle, which «impacted on the port side causing some damage and light smoke,» the UKMTO said.

Both ships and all crew were reported safe, the UKMTO said in a warning to mariners.

Yemen’s Iranian-backed Houthi rebels launched two more attacks in the Red Sea on Monday against the ships MT Bently I and MT Chios Lion. (AP Photo)

Late Monday, the Houthis claimed responsibility for the attacks on Bently I and Chios Lion.

Early Tuesday, the U.S. Central Command confirmed the attacks and identified the names and flags of the ship.

«This continued reckless behavior by the Iranian-backed Houthis threatens regional stability and endangers the lives of mariners across the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden,» a Central Command statement said. «The Houthis claim to be acting on behalf of Palestinians in Gaza and yet they are targeting and threatening the lives of third country nationals who have nothing to do with the conflict in Gaza.»

Also on Monday, the Central Command said U.S. forces destroyed five uncrewed Houthi aerial vehicles, three over the Red Sea and two in Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen.

The aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt is approaching the Middle East to replace the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, which spent months in the Red Sea to counter the Houthis.

The rebels have targeted more than 70 vessels by firing missiles and drones in their campaign, killing four sailors. They have seized one vessel and sank two since November.


In June, the number of Houthi attacks on merchant vessels increased to levels not seen since December, according to the Joint Maritime Information Center, a coalition which is overseen by the U.S. Navy. U.S.-led airstrikes have targeted the Houthis since January, with a series of strikes on May 30 killing at least 16 people and wounding 42 others, the rebels say.

The Houthis maintain that their attacks target ships linked to Israel, the United States or Britain, as part of the rebels’ support for the militant group Hamas in its war against Israel. However, many of the ships attacked have little or no connection to the war — including some bound for Iran, which backs the Houthis.

Last week, the Houthis said they launched missiles at a U.S.-flagged container ship in the Gulf of Aden, marking what authorities acknowledged as the rebels’ longest-range attack yet on a U.S.-flagged vessel near the Arabian Sea. The JMIC identified the ship as the Maersk Sentosa. Maersk, a Danish firm that is the world’s biggest shipping company, confirmed to The Associated Press that its vessel had been targeted.



Putin advirtió que la OTAN estará «en guerra con Rusia» si autoriza a Ucrania el uso de armas de largo alcance



El presidente Vladimir Putin advirtió este jueves que autorizar a Ucrania a usar armamento occidental de largo alcance contra objetivos en Rusia significaría que la OTAN está «en guerra con Rusia».

«Si esa decisión se toma no significará otra cosa que la participación directa de los países de la OTAN, de Estados Unidos y de los países europeos, en la guerra en Ucrania», lanzó en la televisión pública tras intervenir en un foro cultural en San Petersburgo.

«Eso significará que los países de la OTAN, Estados Unidos y los países europeos, combaten contra Rusia», agregó.

Putin subrayó que dicha decisión cambiará «la misma naturaleza del conflicto», en alusión a que ya no se reducirá a una guerra entre los ejércitos ruso y ucraniano.

«Si eso es así (…), tomaremos las correspondientes decisiones partiendo de las amenazas que nos creen«, dijo.

El líder ruso insistió en que, en realidad, la OTAN no está autorizando a Ucrania el uso de esos misiles de largo alcance, sean los ATCAMS o los Storm Shadow, ya que el ejército ucraniano no tiene la capacidad técnica para hacerlo.

Putin subrayó que, según la opinión de expertos rusos y occidentales, esos misiles sólo se pueden lanzar contra territorio ruso con la ayuda de los datos de inteligencia de los satélites de Estados Unidos o los países de la Unión Europea, ya que Ucrania carece de ellos.

«Y lo más importante es que, de hecho, las misiones de vuelo sólo pueden ser determinadas por los militares de los países de la OTAN», dijo.

La advertencia del líder del Kremlin llega en momentos en que Ucrania espera recibir por fin el permiso para atacar territorio ruso con misiles occidentales de largo alcance, ya que eso aumentaría significativamente la capacidad defensiva ucraniana al poner en la mira cientos de objetivos militares rusos, entre ellos más de una decena de aeródromos.

El levantamiento de la prohibición se convertirá en uno de los temas centrales de la reunión que mantendrán este viernes los líderes de Estados Unidos y el Reino Unido, Joe Biden y Keir Starmer, tras la visita conjunta a Kiev el miércoles de los representantes de Relaciones Exteriores de ambos países, Anthony Blinken y David Lammy, respectivamente.

Al respecto, el canciller ruso, Serguéi Lavrov, aseguró que Occidente ya dio permiso «hace mucho» a Ucrania para atacar territorio ruso con misiles de largo alcance.

Lavrov calificó de «escenificación» la visita por parte de Blinken y Lammy, quienes habrían abordado dicho asuntos con el presidente ucraniano, Volodímir Zelenski.

«Cada día aumenta de manera drástica el número de ataques (ucranianos) contra objetivos civiles y los disparos contra civiles. (…) Los especialistas militares occidentales coordinan literalmente de manera manual los ataques con armas de alta precisión», dijo.

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