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Elecciones en Estados Unidos: Joe Biden recaudó más de 28 millones de dólares en un acto junto a Barack Obama, Julia Roberts y George Clooney



El presidente de Estados Unidos, Joe Biden, recaudó más de 28 millones de dólares en un acto realizado en la noche del sábado en Los Ángeles en el que se reunió con el expresidente Barack Obama (2009-2017) y personalidades de Hollywood como Julia Roberts, George Clooney, Barbra Streisand, entre otros.

La campaña de Biden-Harris afirmó haber recaudado la que se convirtió en una cifra histórica para un único acto demócrata de recaudación de fondos al sobrepasar los 26 millones de dólares que alcanzó en marzo un evento similar en Nueva York.

Biden dejó de lado el desfase horario internacional el sábado y voló directamente desde la cumbre del G7 en Italia hasta Los Ángeles para asistir a un evento de recaudación de fondos repleto de estrellas que traerá millones de dólares para su puja electoral contra Donald Trump en noviembre.

El presidente estuvo acompañado por el expresidente demócrata Barack Obama en un evento que incluyó la presencia de los actores Julia Roberts y George Clooney, así como de Barbra Streisand.

Rodeado de estrellas de Hollywood, Biden se tornó muy serio al referirse a su rival Trump, y dijo que quienquiera que gane las elecciones posiblemente tendrá que presentar al menos dos nuevas nominaciones a la Corte Suprema.

«Si es reelegido nominará otras dos banderas al revés», dijo Biden, refiriéndose al juez conservador en funciones que en 2021 tenía una bandera estadounidense invertida frente a sus casa, símbolo de las falsas afirmaciones de fraude electoral de Trump.

Trump, en un intento sin precedentes de volver a la Casa Blanca tras ser declarado culpable en un caso penal, también estuvo en campaña en Detroit, estado de Michigan, donde alardeó que su propia recaudación de fondos es «la más alta en la historia de la política».

Michigan es un estado que Biden debe ganar en las electorales de noviembre.

Con el objetivo de hacerse del apoyo electoral de los afroamericanos, Trump visitó una iglesia en Detroit, donde dijo a cientos de votantes que «el corrupto Joe Biden no ha hecho nada por ustedes excepto hablar».

Trump se dirigió luego a una convención de republicanos de extrema derecha de alto perfil y partidarios de su intento de anular las elecciones de 2020.

El presidente Joe Biden (i); el expresidente, Donald Trump (d); los actores Robert Deniro, George Clooney, y Dennis Quaid, y la actriz Julia Roberts. Foto EFE

Allí, Trump criticó el paquete de protección climática de Biden, se burló del presidente ucraniano Volodimir Zelenski calificándolo de «vendedor» y renovó su retórica incendiaria sobre lo que califica de «invasión de inmigrantes de Biden», diciendo que la detendrá con la mayor deportación en la historia de Estados Unidos.


Mientras tanto, Biden esperaba inyectar dinero en efectivo a su campaña.

Las estrellas de Hollywood se unieron a Obama en la velada de gala que ya ha recaudado 28 millones de dólares, según el equipo de campaña de Biden.

«Es la mayor recaudación de fondos demócrata jamás realizada», dijo Clooney.

En los exteriores del acto, grupos de manifestantes que coreaban consignas fueron alejados por policías antidisturbios.

Mientras tanto, Obama subió al escenario con Biden, su ex vicepresidente, para una conversación moderada por el comediante estadounidense Jimmy Kimmel.

«Tenemos alguien de quien preocuparnos», dijo Obama a los donantes al referirse a Trump. «Y hay toda una agenda que debería preocuparnos. Pero podemos enorgullecernos de afirmar el extraordinario trabajo que ha realizado Joe», exclamó.

La aparición de Biden en medio de las estrellas supuso su ausencia en la conferencia internacional de paz sobre Ucrania el sábado en Suiza, a la que asistió la vicepresidenta Kamala Harris.

Biden, de 81 años, ha tenido una reciente racha de agotadores viajes al extranjero centrados en los conflictos en Ucrania y Gaza y esta cita con las estrellas supuso un cambio en su agenda.

En la cumbre de naciones del G7 Biden ayudó a sellar un acuerdo para un préstamo de 50 mil millones de dólares para Ucrania utilizando activos rusos congelados y firmó un acuerdo de seguridad de 10 años con Zelenski.

Y la semana anterior estuvo en Normandía, Francia, para el 80º aniversario del desembarco del Día D de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

Biden se acompañó en la velada de familiares, incluida su hija Ashley y sus nietas Maisy y Naomi. Una muestra de apoyo familiar tras un momento difícil para Biden por la condena esta semana de su hijo Hunter por cargos de posesión de armas.

Las encuestas muestran que Biden y Trump están en gran medida empatados, y muchos votantes están decepcionados por esta revancha entre el presidente de mayor edad en la historia de Estados Unidos y un magnate polémico de 78 años y convicto tras un mediático proceso judicial.

Ambos aspirantes han librado una batalla por la recaudación de fondos: Biden logró recaudar más durante varios meses, pero a Trump le ha ido mejor en los últimos tiempos, mientras sus partidarios se unen para apoyarle tras el veredicto de culpabilidad en su juicio por pagar dinero en secreto a una estrella porno para comprar su silencio.



Julian Assange secures freedom following plea deal with US, sentenced to time served



WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange pleaded guilty and was sentenced to time served on Wednesday as part of a deal he reached with the U.S. Justice Department to end his imprisonment.

Assange, an Australian publisher, entered the guilty plea Wednesday morning in federal court in Saipan, the capital of the Northern Mariana Islands, a U.S. commonwealth in the Pacific. The sentence was imposed by U.S. District Judge Ramona Manglona. 

The plea in the commonwealth accommodated Assange’s wish to avoid the continental U.S. The deal was first disclosed Monday night in a letter from the Justice Department.

Assange arrived in court after flying from Britain – where he had been imprisoned – on a charter plane accompanied by members of his legal team and Australian officials.


WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange (left) is escorted as he arrives at the U.S. courthouse to enter a plea deal in the Saipan, Mariana Islands, on Wednesday. (AP)

This comes after years of Assange trying to avoid being extradited from the U.K. to the U.S. to face charges for publishing classified U.S. military documents leaked to him by a source.

Before his plea deal, Assange, 52, was facing 17 counts under the Espionage Act for allegedly receiving, possessing and communicating classified information to the public, as well as one charge alleging conspiracy to commit computer intrusion. By reaching a plea deal, he now avoids the potential of spending up to 175 years in an American maximum security prison.

The charges were brought by the Trump administration’s DOJ over WikiLeaks’ 2010 publication of cables leaked by U.S. Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning, and the Biden administration had continued to pursue prosecution until the plea deal. The cables detailed alleged war crimes committed by the U.S. government in Iraq, Afghanistan and the Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, detention camp, as well as instances of the CIA engaging in torture and rendition.

WikiLeaks’ «Collateral Murder» video showing the U.S. military gunning down civilians in Iraq, including two Reuters journalists, was also published 14 years ago.

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said Australia has been «using all appropriate channels to support a positive outcome» in Assange’s case when speaking to reporters in the country’s capital of Canberra on Wednesday.

«I’ve been very clear as Labor Leader and as Prime Minister, that regardless of your views about Mr Assange’s activities, his case has dragged on for too long,» Albanese said. «There is nothing to be gained from his continued incarceration. And we want him brought home to Australia.»

As a condition of his plea, Assange must destroy classified information provided to WikiLeaks.


WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was the first journalist to be charged under the Espionage Act. (AP)

The plea deal required Assange to admit guilt to a single felony count but allowed him to avoid prison time in the U.S. and return home to his family in Australia. Assange’s release was welcomed by his family and supporters, but concerns about press freedom were still raised since he was forced to admit to journalistic activities.

«It’s good news that the DOJ is putting an end to this embarrassing saga,» Seth Stern, director of advocacy at Freedom of the Press Foundation, told Fox News Digital. «But it’s alarming that the Biden administration felt the need to extract a guilty plea for the purported crime of obtaining and publishing government secrets. The plea deal won’t have the precedential effect of a court ruling, but it will still hang over the heads of national security reporters for years to come.»

One of Assange’s lawyers, Jennifer Robinson, told reporters that her client’s case «sets a dangerous precedent that should be a concern to journalists everywhere.»

«It’s a huge relief to Julian Assange, to his family, to his friends, to his supporters and to us — to everyone who believes in free speech around the world — that he can now return home to Australia and be reunited with his family,» she said.


Assange had been held at London’s high-security Belmarsh Prison since being removed from the Ecuadorian Embassy on April 11, 2019, for breaching bail conditions. He had sought asylum at the embassy since 2012 to avoid being sent to Sweden over allegations he raped two women because Sweden would not provide assurances it would protect him from extradition to the U.S. The investigations into the sexual assault allegations were eventually dropped.

With the end to this case, the Justice Department avoided an appeal hearing in which Assange would have challenged his U.S. extradition on First Amendment grounds. Last month, Assange was granted the right to appeal after his lawyers successfully argued that the U.S. provided «blatantly inadequate» assurances that he would have the same free speech protections as an American citizen in a U.S. courtroom.

Assange said in court Wednesday that he believed the Espionage Act contradicted the First Amendment, but accepted the consequences of soliciting classified information from sources.

He was the first journalist to be charged under the Espionage Act.

«This is a prosecution that should not have been brought,» Ben Wizner, director of the ACLU’s Speech, Privacy, and Technology Project, told Fox News Digital. «Julian Assange has pled guilty to activities that are at the heart of national security investigative journalism, and that journalists perform every day. It’s the job of journalists to pry out the government secrets and to reveal them in the public interest.»


WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange left London’s Belmarsh prison on Monday after being granted bail during a secret hearing last week. (AP)


Assange’s wife, Stella, told the BBC it was «touch and go» for about 72 hours whether the deal would go through but that she felt «elated» at the news her husband would be freed. She said details of the agreement would be made public after the judge signed off.

The WikiLeaks founder left the London prison on Monday after being granted bail during a secret hearing last week. He boarded a plane that landed hours later in Bangkok to refuel before heading toward Saipan.

In 2013, the Obama administration decided not to indict Assange over WikiLeaks’ 2010 publication of classified cables because it would have had to also indict journalists from major news outlets who published the same materials.

President Obama also commuted Manning’s 35-year sentence for violations of the Espionage Act and other offenses to seven years in January 2017, and Manning, who had been imprisoned since 2010, was released later that year.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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