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Russia and China veto US resolution calling for immediate cease-fire in Gaza



UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Russia and China on Friday vetoed a U.S.-sponsored United Nations resolution supporting «an immediate and sustained cease-fire» in the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza, calling the measure ambiguous and saying it was not the direct demand to end the fighting that much of the world seeks.

The vote in the Security Council became another showdown involving world powers that are locked in tense disputes elsewhere, with the United States taking criticism for not being tough enough against its ally Israel, whose ongoing military offensive has created a dire humanitarian crisis for the 2.3 million Palestinians in Gaza.



A key issue was the unusual language that said the Security Council «determines the imperative of an immediate and sustained cease-fire.» The phrasing was not a straightforward «demand» or «call» to halt hostilities.

Israel Palestinians UN Security Council

A general view shows a Security Council meeting at United Nations headquarters, Friday, March. 22, 2024. (AP Photo/Yuki Iwamura)

The resolution reflected a shift by the United States, which has found itself at odds with much of the world as even allies of Israel push for an unconditional end to fighting.


In previous resolutions, the U.S. has closely intertwined calls for a cease-fire with demands for the release of Israeli hostages in Gaza. This resolution, using wording that’s open to interpretation, continued to link the two issues, but not as firmly.

Before the vote, Russian U.N. Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia said Moscow supports an immediate cease-fire, but he criticized the diluted language, which he called philosophical wording that does not belong in a U.N. resolution.

He accused U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and U.S. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield of «deliberately misleading the international community.»


«This was some kind of an empty rhetorical exercise,» Nebenzia said. «The American product is exceedingly politicized, the sole purpose of which is to help to play to the voters, to throw them a bone in the form of some kind of a mention of a cease-fire in Gaza … and to ensure the impunity of Israel, whose crimes in the draft are not even assessed.»

China’s U.N. ambassador, Zhang Jun, said the U.S. proposal set preconditions and fell far short of expectations of council members and the broader international community.

«If the U.S. was serious about a cease-fire, it wouldn’t have vetoed time and again multiple council resolutions,» he said. «It wouldn’t have taken such a detour and played a game of words while being ambiguous and evasive on critical issues.»


The U.S. has vetoed three resolutions demanding a cease-fire, the most recent an Arab-backed measure supported by 13 council members with one abstention on Feb. 20.

Thomas-Greenfield urged the council to adopt the resolution to press for an immediate cease-fire and the release of the hostages, as well as to address Gaza’s humanitarian crisis and support ongoing diplomacy by the United States, Egypt and Qatar.

The vote in the 15-member council was 11 members in favor and three against, including Algeria, the Arab representative on the council. There was one abstention, from Guyana.


After the vote, Thomas-Greenfield accused Russia and China of voting for «deeply cynical reasons,» saying they could not bring themselves to condemn Hamas’ terrorist attacks in southern Israel on Oct. 7, which the resolution would have done for the first time.

She accused Russia of again putting «politics over progress» and having «the audacity and hypocrisy to throw stones» after launching its unwarranted invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

At the White House, national security spokesman John Kirby said Russia and China would «rather shoot down something we authored simply because we authored it.»


While the most recent resolution would have been officially binding under international law, it would not have ended the fighting or led to the release of hostages. But it would have added to the pressure on Israel amid global demands for a cease-fire at a time of rising tensions between the U.S. and Israeli governments.

Meanwhile, the 10 elected members of the Security Council have put their own resolution in a final form. It demands an immediate humanitarian cease-fire for the Muslim holy month of Ramadan that began March 10 to be «respected by all parties leading to a permanent sustainable cease-fire.» The Palestinian U.N. ambassador said the vote would take place Saturday morning.

The resolution also demands «the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages » and emphasizes the urgent need to protect civilians and deliver humanitarian aid throughout the Gaza Strip.


The Russian, Chinese and Algerian ambassadors urged council members to support it, but Thomas-Greenfield said the text’s current form «fails to support sensitive diplomacy in the region. Worse, it could actually give Hamas an excuse to walk away from the deal on the table.»

The Security Council had already adopted two resolutions on the worsening humanitarian situation in Gaza, but none has called for a cease-fire.

Russia and China vetoed a U.S.-sponsored resolution in late October calling for pauses in the fighting to deliver aid, protection of civilians and a halt to arming Hamas. They said it did not reflect global calls for a cease-fire.


A day earlier, the U.S. circulated a rival resolution, which went through major changes during negotiations before Friday’s vote. It initially would have supported a temporary cease-fire linked to the release of all hostages, and the previous draft would have supported international efforts for a cease-fire as part of a hostage deal.

The vote took place as Blinken, America’s top diplomat, was on his sixth mission to the Middle East since the war began, discussing a deal for a cease-fire and hostage release, as well as post-war scenarios.

Palestinian militants killed some 1,200 people in the surprise Oct. 7 attack into southern Israel that triggered the war, and they abducted another 250 people. Hamas is still believed to be holding some 100 people hostage, as well as the remains of 30 others.


In Gaza, the Health Ministry raised the death toll in the territory Thursday to nearly 32,000 Palestinians. The agency does not differentiate between civilians and combatants in its count but says women and children make up two-thirds of the dead.

A report from an international authority on hunger warned this week that «famine is imminent» in northern Gaza and that escalation of the war could push half of the territory’s population to the brink of starvation.

Israel faces mounting pressure to streamline the entry of aid into the Gaza Strip, to open more land crossings and to come to a cease-fire agreement. But Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to move the military offensive to the southern city of Rafah, where some 1.3 million displaced Palestinians have sought safety. Netanyahu says it’s a Hamas stronghold.



The final U.S. resolution eliminated language in the initial draft that said Israel’s offensive in Rafah «should not proceed under current circumstances.» Instead, in an introductory paragraph, the council emphasized its concern that a ground offensive into Rafah «would result in further harm to civilians and their further displacement, potentially into neighboring countries, and would have serious implications for regional peace and security.»

China’s Zun criticized the backtracking on unequivocal U.S. opposition, saying it «would send an utterly wrong signal and lead to severe consequences.»


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Reino Unido: desmantelan la joya más querida de los británicos, su sistema de salud, hundido en el desastre



Si hay una institución británica respetada, es el NHS, el servicio británico de salud. Un hijo laborista de la posguerra creado para combatir la pobreza y el atroz y elitista sistema sanitario del país de la época. Se convirtió en un experimento radical y justo, que los británicos defendieron con pasión.

Pero hoy hay que esperar 18 meses para derivaciones no urgentes, meses para un diagnóstico y más meses para una tomografía. Hay 7,2 millones de personas esperando un tratamiento en el reino. El sistema es gratuito para todos los residentes en el país. Pero se fue degradando y el Covid terminó con él.


El NHS «England» abolido

Con estos antecedentes, el gobierno ha anunciado la abolición del Servicio Nacional de Salud (NHS) de Inglaterra para reducir la burocracia y reformar la gestión del Servicio Nacional de Salud (NHS).

Los cambios no afectarán el acceso al NHS: seguirá siendo gratuito y cubrirá todos los servicios que ya ofrece.

Ambulancias del sistema de emergencia de salud, en Londres. Foto: EFE

Como parte de los cambios, se están eliminando alrededor de 9.000 puestos administrativos en el NHS de Inglaterra y el Departamento de Salud y Asistencia Social, lo que representa aproximadamente la mitad de todos los puestos en ambas organizaciones.

El jueves por la mañana, se produjo una gran conmoción en la sede del NHS England, cerca de la estación de Waterloo, cuando Sir Keir Starmer anunció en directo por televisión la disolución de la organización. La decisión del primer ministro tomó por sorpresa a los 15.000 empleados, que trabajaban para el organismo central del NHS.

Más de la mitad serán despedidos. El resto se integrará en puestos similares dentro del Departamento de Salud. Esta medida supone una de las mayores reorganizaciones en la historia del NHS, poniendo fin a un experimento de una década para dotar al servicio sanitario de mayor independencia del gobierno, pero multiplicó los managers y las obstrucciones.


El anuncio de Starmer

Después de una semana de alta estrategia diplomática por Ucrania y Rusia, el primer ministro británico Sir Keir Starmer regresó a las urgencias de la política doméstica y escuchó la experiencia de su esposa Victoria, exabogada y ahora terapista ocupacional del NHS. El Servicio Nacional de Salud (NHS) de Inglaterra, un organismo independiente que supervisa un gasto de 200 000 millones de libras, será abolido para «colocar al NHS en el centro del gobierno, donde debe estar».

Miembros de la asociación médica británica reclaman mejores salarios. Foto: AFPMiembros de la asociación médica británica reclaman mejores salarios. Foto: AFP

El principio era claro. “Durante demasiado tiempo”, argumentó Starmer, los sucesivos gobiernos, incluidos los laboristas, habían «escondido la responsabilidad democrática bajo la alfombra». “Hoy”, dijo, tenía que representar «una línea divisoria».

Starmer presentó dos argumentos fundamentales para la eliminación del NHS de Inglaterra. El primero se centraba en la responsabilidad democrática: los ministros, no los funcionarios, deberían ser responsables de tomar decisiones sobre cómo se debe gastar el dinero de los contribuyentes.


Pero también argumentó sobre los costos, afirmando que había demasiada duplicación. “El dinero”, dijo, “debería desviarse a la primera línea en lugar de gastarse en dos organizaciones —el Departamento de Salud y Asistencia Social y el NHS de Inglaterra— con funciones casi idénticas”. Starmer afirmó que no podía justificar gastar el dinero de los contribuyentes en «dos capas de burocracia».

Comprometerse con una gran reorganización del NHS, como diría cualquier ministro que lo haya intentado, implica muchos riesgos. El primero es de que los altos directivos del NHS pasen los próximos seis meses preocupándose por sus puestos y centrándose en reorganizaciones internas, en lugar de avanzar con el plan de reforma del gobierno.

También requerirá legislación: la independencia del NHS England está consagrada en la ley de 2012, que implementó las controvertidas reformas de Andrew Lansley. Un precedente que sirve de advertencia a Starmer.

Un centro del NHS en Londres. Foto: AFPUn centro del NHS en Londres. Foto: AFP

Lo que comenzó como un ejercicio tecnocrático, se convirtió en un foco de descontento político, a medida que avanzaba en la Cámara de los Comunes, robando energía al gobierno de David Cameron y desperdiciando la mayor parte de dos años de gestión del NHS.

Un plan laborista

El plan decenal del Partido Laborista para el NHS se presentará en primavera.

Se centrará en fortalecer el mercado interior del NHS, un tema que probablemente provocará la oposición de muchos dentro del Partido Laborista. Starmer se verá presionado por los diputados para que haga una serie de otras promesas sobre el NHS.


El primer ministro prometió ser radical en la reforma del estado. Pero comenzar con una reorganización del NHS desde arriba es lo que la administración pública podría llamar una «decisión audaz».

La prueba será si una reorganización a gran escala supone una verdadera diferencia en los servicios de primera línea y, fundamentalmente, si le ayuda a cumplir su promesa de reducir las listas de espera.

Starmer prometió ir «más lejos y más rápido» en la reducción de la burocracia. Se comprometió a reducir los «costos de cumplimiento» de la regulación en una cuarta parte, aunque ofreció pocos detalles sobre la métrica —a qué cifras se refería— ni sobre cómo pretende hacerlo.


Afirmó que Gran Bretaña se había convertido en un «estado guardián» y se comprometió a eliminar más organismos no gubernamentales (o quangos). Pero más allá del NHS England, aún no está claro cuáles desaparecerán.

Hay otro cálculo en el centro del anuncio de Starmer sobre el NHS England: si bien se trata de rendición de cuentas y reducción de costes, también se trata de poder político.

Si el gobierno va a ser juzgado por los votantes en función de su éxito en la reducción de las listas de espera, entonces debería tomar directamente las decisiones sobre su futuro.


Y ahí radica el desafío. Starmer se está apropiando de todo el poder sobre el NHS. ¿Podrá ahora marcar una verdadera diferencia?

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Canadá: Mark Carney asumió como primer ministro en medio de guerra comercial de Trump



El exgerente del Banco Central canadiense Mark Carney prestó juramento como el nuevo primer ministro de Canadá el viernes, y ahora intentará guiar a su país a través de una guerra comercial provocada por el presidente estadounidense Donald Trump, una amenaza de anexión y unas elecciones federales esperadas.

Carney, de 59 años, reemplaza al primer ministro Justin Trudeau, quien anunció su renuncia en enero, pero permaneció en el poder hasta que el Partido Liberal eligió a un nuevo líder. Se espera ampliamente que Carney convoque a elecciones generales en los próximos días o semanas.


El Partido Liberal en el poder parecía estar preparado para una histórica derrota electoral este año hasta que Trump declaró la guerra económica y amenazó con anexar todo el país como un 51er estado de Estados Unidos. Ahora el partido y su nuevo líder podrían salir victoriosos.

Carney ha afirmado que está listo para reunirse con Trump si éste muestra “respeto por la soberanía canadiense” y está dispuesto a adoptar “un enfoque común, un enfoque mucho más integral para el comercio”.

Trump impuso aranceles del 25% al acero y aluminio canadienses y está amenazando con aranceles generales sobre todos los productos canadienses a partir del 2 de abril. Ha amenazado con coerción económica en sus amenazas de anexión y sugirió que la frontera es una línea ficticia.


La guerra comercial de Estados Unidos y los comentarios de Trump sobre convertir a Canadá en el 51er estado de Estados Unidos han enfurecido a los canadienses, quienes abuchean el himno estadounidense en los partidos de la NHL y la NBA. Algunos están cancelando viajes al sur de la frontera, y muchos evitan comprar productos estadounidenses cuando pueden.

El aumento del nacionalismo canadiense ha fortalecido las posibilidades del Partido Liberal en unas elecciones parlamentarias que se esperan en días o semanas, y los resultados del Partido Liberal han mejorado en las encuestas de opinión.

Carney, quien navegó la crisis al frente del Banco de Canadá desde 2008, y luego en 2013 cuando se convirtió en el primer no ciudadano británico en dirigir el Banco de Inglaterra —ayudando a gestionar los peores impactos del Brexit en el Reino Unido— ahora intentará guiar a Canadá a través de la guerra comercial provocada por Trump.


Carney, un exejecutivo de Goldman Sachs sin experiencia en política, se convierte en el 24to primer ministro de Canadá.

Le irá muy bien. Es respetado internacionalmente”, dijo el ex primer ministro Jean Chrétien a los periodistas el viernes. Pero, añadió: “No hay una solución mágica. Esta no es una situación normal. Nunca hemos visto a alguien que cambia de opinión cada cinco minutos como presidente de Estados Unidos. Crea problemas en todas partes, no solo en Canadá”.

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Israel faces new Syria challenge as it adjusts to new strategy amid regional power struggle for influence



TEL AVIV — The Israeli Air Force on Thursday struck the headquarters of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist organization in Damascus, Syria, amid ongoing instability in the country following the overthrow of Bashar al-Assad by an al Qaeda-linked insurgency.

After the fall of Damascus on Dec. 8, 2024, Israel deployed troops to the demilitarized buffer zone with Syria while also launching a diplomatic offensive to shape the balance of power.


«The deployment of Israeli forces is concentrated around the Syrian [side of Mount] Hermon, the high grounds in that area and below that on the northern part of the Syrian Golan Heights — more or less along, but not beyond, the Bravo Line [marking the end of the buffer zone],» Lt. Col. (ret.) Jonathan Conricus, a former IDF spokesman and now a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, told Fox News Digital.


The Chief of the General Staff, Lt. Gen. Eyal Zamir, visited and conducted a situational assessment in the Area of Separation in Syria. (IDF)


He continued, «The primary threat is a ground invasion towards Israeli communities on the Golan Heights by various jihadi elements. Until the political and military situation stabilizes and Israel can have security guarantees that there is indeed a sovereign entity in control of Syria, which will limit the approach by various terror organizations, Israeli troops will be deployed.»

While many global players may be willing to turn a blind eye to the carnage in Syria in hopes of resolving the nearly 15-year crisis, analysts say Israel has no such illusions, prompting the IDF to conduct over 300 strikes in the country, including against Assad regime air force bases and suspected chemical weapons sites, in the immediate aftermath of the regime change.

On Sunday, Israel seemingly upped the ante when the new IDF Chief of Staff, Lt. Gen. Eyal Zamir, held a situational assessment in the buffer zone with Syria. Zamir was the first chief of staff to have entered Syria.


«Immediately upon the fall of the regime, [Israel] devastated Syrian military capabilities to make sure some advanced capabilities and air defense [systems] would not fall into the hands of this regime and would be cleared in case Israel has any future desire to overfly [in] Syria,» said John Hannah, a Senior Fellow at the Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA).

Fighters loyal to the interim Syrian government are pictured

Security forces loyal to the interim Syrian government ride in the back of a vehicle moving along a road in Syria’s western city of Latakia on March 9. (Omar Haj Kadour/AFP via Getty Images)

«They’ve [also] set up checkpoints in certain Druze areas right on the border [and] declared their willingness to protect the Druze. Israel has a significant Druze minority of its own who are loyal and good citizens of Israel who fight in its army. So, Israel has a deep domestic concern and interest with making sure that Druze communities near its borders [in Syria] are not subject to the kinds of threats and slaughter that we saw over the weekend along the [Syrian] coast,» he added.



Some 1,000 Alawites, a minority sect of Shiite Islam, as well as a number of Christians were murdered over the course of a few days last week in the coastal provinces of Tartus and Latakia. The killings have laid bare concerns over the new Sunni Islamist government led by al-Sharaa, commander of the al Qaeda-linked Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) that deposed Assad.

Assad and Putin billboard

A banner depicting then-Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and Russian President Vladimir Putin and reading «Justice Prevails» is displayed along a highway in the Syrian capital of Damascus on March 8, 2022. (Louai Beshara/AFP via Getty Images)

Conricus said that the massacres have validated Israel’s strategy, emphasizing that the persecution of the Alawites, Christians, Kurds and Druze population constitutes a danger to regional stability.

«There is a lot of sectarian violence by various foreign jihadi groups, which is a threat. Until only the Syrian state controls the weapons, Israel cannot jeopardize the life of Israeli civilians,» he said.


«We know Hezbollah and Iranian factions continue to try to smuggle weapons into Syria, with Tehran still trying to operate proxies. This is compounded by Turkish imperialistic behavior, which can lead to confrontation,» he added. «I think trying to keep the borders defined by the French at the end of World War I will be a challenge for the Syrian state.»


Ahmed al-Sharaa Hayat, former al Qaeda terrorist and current Interim President of Syria

Ahmed al-Sharaa Hayat, former al Qaeda terrorist and current Interim President of Syria, in Idlib, Syria, on the border with Turkey on Feb. 7, 2023.  (Omar Haj Kadour/AFP via Getty Images)

Jonathan Spyer, director of research at the Middle East Forum who has reported from Syria, told Fox News Digital that Jerusalem’s aim is for Syria to remain decentralized and weak, rather than united under the leadership of jihadi forces.


 «Turkey is the main backer of HTS, and Israel regards Ankara as a hostile country where Hamas had an active operations office. Turkey has been supportive of Hamas in the war,» he said.

«While Russia is opposed to the global bloc led by the U.S., of which Israel is a part, there is no direct clash between the two nations. Russia did not seek to impede Israel’s bombing campaign against Iran in Syria.»

Israel is reportedly pressuring the Trump administration to ensure Syria remains fragmented, by giving the Russians a green light to maintain its bases in the country to counter Turkey.

People celebrate in Damascus after fall of Assad regime

People wave guns in the air as they gather to celebrate the fall of the Syrian regime in Umayyad Square in Damascus, Syria, on Dec. 8, 2024. (Ali Haj Suleiman/Getty Images)

In 2015, Russia intervened in Syria on behalf of the Assad regime, setting up outposts in the Middle East for the first time since the end of the Cold War. Jerusalem and Moscow have created a deconfliction mechanism to avoid direct military encounters when the IDF strikes Iranian terror assets in Syria, along with those destined for Hezbollah in Lebanon.


«HTS is an organization that Israel knows well. It was there for several years prior to fall of Assad and its record shows it is a Sunni Jihadi Islamist organization supportive of [Hamas’] Oct. 7 [massacre] and opposed to Israel and Jews,» Spyer said.


«Israel’s experience prior to Oct. 7, on Oct. 7, and in the Gaza war taught Israelis not to have illusions regarding Sunni Islamists even when they say they are moderate,» he added.

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