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Texas family sues Syria for death of loved one: ‘Plan to hold the regime fully accountable for its crimes’



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The family of Majd Kamalmaz, an American psychotherapist who was detained at a government checkpoint in Damascus, Syria, in 2017, have filed a civil lawsuit against the Syrian government, accusing it of abducting, torturing and killing him. 

The lawsuit, filed Monday in federal court in Washington, D.C., on behalf of Kamalmaz’s four children, his widow and sister, accuses Syrian officials of deliberately killing the humanitarian and attempting to cover up his death.

His daughter, Maryam, told Fox News Digital last month that U.S. officials had presented the Kamalmaz family with classified information in May, saying they believe he died in Syria’s notorious prison system.

American psychotherapist Majd Kamalmaz is believed to have died in Syria’s notorious prison system. (Kamalmaz Family)

The lawsuit, filed under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act’s «state sponsor of terrorism» exception, seeks compensatory damages for wrongful death, assault and battery, intentional infliction of emotional distress and false imprisonment.

The plaintiffs also seek punitive damages, bringing the total claim to at least $70 million.


«Today, on behalf of the Kamalmaz family, we have taken just the first step towards holding the Syrian regime accountable for its crimes against Majd Kamalmaz which culminated in his murder,» said Kirby Behre, lead counsel on behalf of the Kamalmaz family, according to a press release from the Syrian Emergency Task Force.

«The family filed this suit to bring international attention to Syria’s crimes against thousands of victims, and is counting on the U.S. government to initiate criminal charges against Syria.»

Majd Kamalmaz with his grandchildren.

Majd Kamalmaz with his grandchildren. (Kamalmaz Family)

Kamalmaz was visiting an elderly family member at the time of his detainment and intended to establish a clinic in Syria to aid victims impacted by the civil war.

His daughter, Ula, told Fox News Digital earlier this year that the family was never given a reason for their father’s detainment because there was never a case or crime against him. 

She suggested her father could have been detained due to his American passport.

«He didn’t do anything,» she said. «He wasn’t very political, you know, the only thing he was doing was just … he was a psychotherapist working with refugees.» 

«They set up a temporary checkpoint, and it was set up to kidnap him. And they probably thought they could make money off of him. That’s how they do things in Syria. Now, unfortunately, they’ll detain the person, and they won’t let him loose until the family pays a really large amount to get him out,» Ula added. «So, it’s just very corrupt.»

Syria map

Majd Kamalmaz was detained at a government checkpoint in Damascus, Syria, in 2017. (AP Photo)

The civil lawsuit alleges that Dr. Kamalmaz was unlawfully detained, falsely imprisoned and subjected to inhuman and unlawful treatment in notorious Syrian prisons, including the Mezzeh Military Airport, which is known for the «torture and murder of perceived enemies of the Syrian regime.»


«Syrian officials and agents purposefully killed Mr. Kamalmaz. Acting in concert and with premeditation, these officials and agents deliberately killed Mr. Kamalmaz and attempted to cover up his death,» the lawsuit read in part. 

«The Syrian regime’s killing of Mr. Kamalmaz was designed to intimidate and terrorize the civilian population of Syria, the victims’ loved ones, and the international community.»

FILE PHOTO: A man walks past a banner depicting Syrian president Bashar al-Assad in Douma, outside Damascus, Syria, September 17, 2018. 

FILE PHOTO: A man walks past a banner depicting Syrian president Bashar al-Assad in Douma, outside Damascus, Syria, September 17, 2018.  (REUTERS/Marko Djurica/File Photo)

The U.S. government has a fund set up for victims of state-sponsored terrorism that could provide compensation for the Kamalmaz family should the court rule in their favor and award them damages. 

The United States Victims of State Sponsored Terrorism Fund can pay out claims, with a cap of $20 million per person, or $20 million to $35 million per family. Depending on the amount of money in the fund, the family could get a certain percentage of whatever award is given over several years.


«I know that if my father was with me right now, he would not rest until all men, women and children are released from the Assad regime’s concentration camps,» said Maryam. «In his honor, we plan to hold the regime fully accountable for its crimes against Americans and Syrians alike, and we call on the U.S. Senate to urgently pass the Assad Anti-Normalization Act for the sake of Americans still held by this criminal regime.»



Lula da Silva vuelve a presionar a Nicolás Maduro para que muestre las actas de la elección: «Su comportamiento es inaceptable»



El presidente brasileño, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, reiteró este viernes que no reconoce el resultado de las elecciones en Venezuela e insistió en que su par Nicolás Maduro «pruebe» que ganó esos comicios, denunciados como fraudulentos.

«Creo que el comportamiento de Maduro es decepcionante», declaró Lula en una entrevista con la radio Difusora, en la cual apuntó que «en Brasil se aprendió de democracia con mucho sufrimiento», aunque aclaró que «cuando la gente es extremista no la acepta».

Aludió a la actitud del ex presidente Jair Bolsonaro, a quien derrotó en las elecciones de 2022, y sostuvo que el líder de la extrema derecha «pasó un mes llorando en su casa sin aceptar la derrota y pensando qué hacer» para impedir que él asumiera el poder.

«Creo que Maduro, como presidente, debería probar que fue el preferido del pueblo venezolano, pero él no lo hace», lamentó Lula.

El líder del Partido de los Trabajadores explicó que, junto con el presidente de Colombia, Gustavo Petro, insisten en propiciar el diálogo entre Maduro y la oposición venezolana, que se atribuye la victoria en los comicios del pasado 28 de julio y cuenta con respaldo de buena parte de la comunidad internacional.

En ese contexto, agregó que Brasil «no romperá relaciones» con Venezuela e insistirá en una salida negociada, aunque también aclaró que tampoco respalda «las sanciones unilaterales» contra ese país, porque eso «perjudica al pueblo, no a Maduro».

El presidente de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, insiste en que ganó las elecciones, sin mostrar las actas. Foto: EFE

Lula volvió a dejar en claro, además, que por ahora tampoco reconoce al candidato opositor Edmundo González Urrutia como presidente electo, como sí han hecho otros países, especialmente luego que el Centro Carter avalara el triunfo del diplomático.

Lula ya ha sugerido previamente la convocatoria de nuevas elecciones, una idea que no ha sido bien recibida por ninguna de las partes en Venezuela.

Denuncias de fraude

La victoria de Maduro fue proclamada por el Colegio Nacional Electoral (CNE) y ratificada luego en un controvertido proceso que impulsó el propio Maduro ante el Tribunal Supremo, aunque hasta hoy no han sido presentadas las actas de votación detalladas mesa por mesa.

Lula, junto con Petro y en menor medida con el mandatario mexicano, Andrés López Obrador, han intentado una mediación e insisten en la publicación de esas actas, que la oposición difundió en una página de internet con un resultado ampliamente favorable a su candidato, Edmundo González Urrutia.

r la publicación de esos documentos, la Fiscalía ha abierto una investigación penal y dictado una orden de prisión contra González Urrutia, a quien acusa de «usurpación de funciones», «forjamiento de documento público», «instigar a la desobediencia», «conspiración», «sabotaje a daños de sistemas» y «asociación para delinquir».

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