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UK man who killed 2 college students, janitor sentenced to high-security hospital



  • Valdo Calocane, 32, was sentenced to likely spend the rest of his life in a high-security medical facility for fatally stabbing two college students and a school janitor in Nottingham, England.
  • Doctors say Calocane felt controlled by external influences and posed a danger to his family if he didn’t obey voices in his head.
  • Judge Mark Turner sentenced him to likely spend his life in Ashworth Hospital rather than prison.

A 32-year-old man with paranoid schizophrenia who fatally stabbed two college students and a man just months away from retirement in the city of Nottingham, in central England, was told Thursday that he would «most probably» spend the rest of his life in a high-security medical facility.

The sentencing of Valdo Calocane followed three days of hearings in which family members of the victims, including those of three people he deliberately tried to run over in a van stolen from one of the victims soon after his killing spree, condemned him as «evil.»

Bereaved families slammed the verdict, local mental health services and the whole legal process, arguing that Calocane should have been tried for murder, rather than for manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility as a result of his mental illness.


Doctors had argued that Calacone felt he was being controlled by external influences and that his family were in danger if he didn’t obey the voices in his head. As a result, prosecutors concluded «after very careful analysis of the evidence» that he could forward a defense for manslaughter.

Nottingham victims

Photos provided by Nottinghamshire Police show, from left, school janitor Ian Coates and students Barnaby Webber and Grace O’Malley-Kumar, who were fatally stabbed in Nottingham, England, on June 13, 2023. (Nottinghamshire Police via AP)

In his sentencing, Judge Mark Turner said Calocane, who had been on the radar of authorities for years and was wanted by police at the time of the attack, had «deliberately and mercilessly» stabbed students Barnaby Webber and Grace O’Malley-Kumar, both 19, and school caretaker Ian Coates, 65, in the early hours of June 13 last year.

Satisfied that Calocane was suffering from paranoid schizophrenia, the judge said the killer would «very probably» spend the rest of his life detained in high-security Ashworth Hospital in Liverpool, where he has been since November, rather than prison.

«Your sickening crimes both shocked the nation and wrecked the lives of your surviving victims and the families of them all,» he added.

Calocane repeatedly stabbed Webber and O’Malley-Kumar as they walked home around dawn after celebrating the end of exams at the University of Nottingham, where they had both excelled, particularly on the sports field.

A short while later, Calocane encountered school caretaker Coates, who was five months shy of retirement, and stabbed him and stole his van. He then ran down three people in the streets before he was stopped by police and Tasered.

Prosecutors decided not to seek a trial on murder charges after accepting Calocane’s guilty plea to manslaughter on the basis of diminished responsibility. Doctors said he suffered from paranoid schizophrenia and was in a state of psychosis.

Calocane, who had formerly been a student at the university, did admit to three counts of attempted murder relating to the pedestrians he deliberately targeted with the van he had stolen from Coates.

At the time of his rampage, Calocane was wanted on a warrant for failing to appear in court for assaulting an officer nine months earlier, on one of several occasions when police had taken him to a mental hospital.

At the doorsteps of the courthouse surrounded by friends of the victims, Barnaby’s mother, Emma Webber, said police had «blood on their hands» and that there was «a very good chance our beautiful boy would be alive today» if they had done their job «properly.»


She also criticized prosecutors, arguing that the families had been railroaded last November into accepting their decision to not try Calocone for murder.

«At no point during the previous five-and-a-half-months were we given any indication that this could conclude in anything other than murder,» she said. «We trusted in our system, foolishly as it turns out.»

She said the bereaved did not dispute the fact that Calocane had been «mentally unwell» for years but that the «pre-mediated planning, the collection of lethal weapons, hiding in the shadows and brutality of the attacks are that of an individual who knew exactly what he was doing. He knew entirely that it was wrong but he did it anyway.»

The son of Ian Coates, James Coates, also slammed the verdict as well as how Calocane was able to enter a plea of manslaughter.

«This man has made a mockery of the system and he has got away with murder,» he said outside the courthouse.

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La policía de Brasil acusa al ex presidente Jair Bolsonaro de lavado de dinero y asociación delictiva



La policía federal de Brasil ha encausado al expresidente Jair Bolsonaro por lavado de dinero y asociación delictuosa en relación con los diamantes no declarados que recibió de Arabia Saudita durante su mandato, según una fuente con conocimiento de las acusaciones.

Una segunda fuente confirmó la acusación, aunque no por qué delitos concretos. Ambos funcionarios hablaron bajo condición de anonimato porque no estaban autorizados a declarar públicamente.

El Supremo Tribunal Federal de Brasil aún no ha recibido el informe policial con la acusación. Una vez que lo tenga, el procurador general del país, Paulo Gonet, analizará el documento y decidirá si formula cargos y lleva a Bolsonaro a juicio.

Bolsonaro y sus abogados han negado que haya cometido delito alguno en relación con el caso, así como la gran cantidad de investigaciones que enfrenta. Entre ellas se incluye una supuesta orden que el expresidente dio a un ayudante para que manipulara los registros de salud pública con el fin de falsificar su certificado de vacunación de COVID-19 —algo por lo que ya fue acusado—, así como su participación en la incitación a un levantamiento en la capital, Brasilia, el 8 de enero de 2023, que buscaba destituir a su sucesor.

El año pasado, la policía federal acusó a Bolsonaro de intentar meter a escondidas joyería con diamantes supuestamente valorada en 3 millones de dólares y de vender dos relojes de lujo.

La policía dijo en agosto que Bolsonaro recibió casi 70.000 dólares en efectivo por la venta de dos relojes de lujo que recibió como regalos por parte de Arabia Saudí. Brasil exige a sus ciudadanos que llegan en avión desde el extranjero que declaren los bienes por valor de más de 1.000 dólares y que, por cualquier cantidad superior a esa exención, paguen un impuesto equivalente al 50% de su valor.

Las joyas habrían estado exentas del impuesto si hubieran sido un regalo de Arabia Saudita a Brasil, pero no eran para que Bolsonaro se las quedara. Más bien, se habrían añadido a la colección presidencial.

Las joyas, parte de una investigación sobre los obsequios recibidos por el expresidente Jair Bolsonaro durante su mandato. Foto AP

La investigación mostró que uno de los principales colaboradores de Bolsonaro, Mauro Cid, vendió en junio de 2022 un reloj de la marca Rolex y otro de la marca Patek Philippe a una tienda de Estados Unidos por un total de 68.000 dólares. Ambos relojes fueron regalos por parte del gobierno de Arabia Saudí en 2019. Cid firmó un acuerdo de culpabilidad con las autoridades y confirmó todo ello.

Bolsonaro goza de una lealtad incondicional entre su base política, como lo demuestra una avalancha de apoyo en febrero, cuando se estima que 185.000 personas obstruyeron la principal avenida de Sao Paulo para protestar por lo que el expresidente señaló que era una persecución política.

Sus detractores, sobre todo los miembros del Partido de los Trabajadores al que pertenece su rival, el presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, han celebrado cada avance de las investigaciones y han pedido su arresto en varias ocasiones.

El año pasado, el máximo tribunal electoral de Brasil falló que Bolsonaro abusó de sus poderes presidenciales durante su campaña de reelección de 2022, lo cual lo inhabilita para postularse a cualquier cargo hasta 2030. El caso se centró en una reunión en la que Bolsonaro utilizó a miembros del personal del gobierno, la televisora estatal y el palacio presidencial de Brasilia para decir a embajadores extranjeros que el sistema de voto electrónico del país estaba amañado.

Bolsonaro tiene previsto reunirse con el presidente de Argentina, Javier Milei, este fin de semana en una conferencia conservadora que se celebrará en Balneário Camboriú, en el sur de Brasil.

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