El bitcoin alcanza nuevo récord por encima de los 109.000 dólares antes de la toma de posesión de Trump
La principal moneda digital por capitalización de mercado subió repentinamente alrededor de las 06H30 de la mañana hasta alcanzar un máximo de 109.241 dólares. Hacia las 07H40 GMT cotizaba a 107.765 dólares.
La mayor criptomoneda del mundo se ha disparado desde que Trump ganó las elecciones presidenciales en noviembre, y el bitcoin superó los 100.000 dólares por primera vez a principios de diciembre.
Esto se produjo después de que Trump nombrara a Paul Atkins, partidario de las criptodivisas, para dirigir la Comisión de Bolsa y Valores (SEC, por sus siglas e inglés), el ente regulador financiero estadounidense, una decisión que reforzó el optimismo de que el nuevo presidente desregulará el sector.
A pesar de haber considerado que las criptodivisas eran una «estafa», Trump cambió su postura y fue uno de sus principales defensores durante su campaña electoral.
El fin de semana lanzó su propia criptomoneda, llamada $TRUMP, lo que desató una altísima demanda disparando su capitalización bursátil hasta varios miles de millones de dólares.
El domingo, la futura primera dama, Melania Trump, presentó en Internet su propia criptomoneda, bautizada Melania.
El bitcoin había despegado a finales de la semana pasada, impulsado por una información de Bloomberg, que cita fuentes cercanas a este debate, según la cual el presidente electo planea emitir una orden ejecutiva que eleve las criptodivisas al rango de prioridad política y dé voz a los actores del sector en su gobierno.
El artículo también indicó de que hay planes para crear una reserva estratégica nacional de bitcóins, que englobaría las actuales participaciones del Gobierno en la criptomoneda.
El bitcoin fue concebido en 2008 por una persona o grupo que escribía bajo el nombre de Satoshi Nakamoto y se presentó como una forma de liberarse de las principales instituciones financieras mediante una plataforma descentralizada para realizar las transacciones.
Las principales críticas ante estas divisas digitales es que permite realizar pagos imposibles de rastrear en la llamada ‘web oscura’, una parte oculta de Internet utilizada para actividades delictivas como el blanqueo de dinero y permitir la extorsión.
Poland calls on US to place nukes within its borders amid Russia threat
Poland’s President Andrzej Duda has once again called on the U.S. to place nuclear weapons within its borders in a show of deterrence to Russia’s continued aggression just over the border in Ukraine.
A similar request was apparently made to the Biden administration in 2022, which was never agreed to, but Duda has not given up on the idea. This time he addressed his appeal to the Trump administration during an interview with the Financial Times that was published Thursday.
«Russia did not even hesitate when they were relocating their nuclear weapons into Belarus,» Duda told the Financial Times in reference to actions Russia took beginning in 2023, a year after it invaded Ukraine. «They didn’t ask anyone’s permission.»
The White House did not immediately respond to Fox News Digital’s questions about where President Donald Trump stands when it comes to this form of deterrence.
President Andrzej Duda speaks during the Polish parliament meeting in Warsaw on March 7, 2025. (Jakub Porzycki/NurPhoto via Getty Images)
The Trump administration this week took steps to try and bring about an end to the war in Ukraine, which has been raging for more than three years following Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion.
While Ukraine has agreed to the U.S.’s initial 30-day ceasefire contingent on Russia’s acceptance of the terms, Moscow has not, and it is unlikely that the Trump administration would take steps to jeopardize those negotiations by agreeing to put U.S. nukes in Poland – which shares a border with Russia and could be viewed as a threat by the Kremlin.
But Duda’s advisor on international affairs, Wojciech Kolarski, echoed the Polish president’s plea and, in a Thursday interview with Poland’s RMF FM radio, argued that as a NATO member who shares a border with Russia’s Kaliningrad region, as well as Ukraine and Belarus, the steps were important for Warsaw’s security.
Aerial view taken on Nov. 17, 2022 shows the site where a missile strike killed two men in the eastern Poland village of Przewodow, near the border with war-ravaged Ukraine on Nov. 15, 2022. (Wojtek Radwanski, Damien Simonart/AFP via Getty Images)
But should the U.S. again refuse Poland’s request, there is another nuclear-armed nation in the NATO alliance that may be willing to assist in «nuclear sharing.»
Amid mounting concern in the European Union that the U.S. could withdraw forces from the bloc or become an unreliable defense partner in countering Russia, French President Emmanuel Macron opened discussions on a strategy that could help extend its nuclear deterrence to other EU nations.
French President Emmanuel Macron meets with President Donald Trump. (Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images)
While the specifics of that strategy remain unclear, including whether France has proposed actually dispersing nuclear arms to other nations, Poland has reportedly been in talks with France about the issue.
Russia has already called France’s strategy to re-evaluate its extension of nuclear deterrence «extremely confrontational.»
Despite Moscow’s objections, France’s defense concept is far from new as the U.S. deterrence umbrella during the Cold War was intended to ensure NATO allies would be protected under America’s nuclear power in case of a direct threat by another nuclear-armed nation, like Russia, China or North Korea.
While France is the EU’s only nuclear power, it has the third-largest nuclear stockpile when it comes to nuclear-armed nations in NATO, which also includes the U.S. and the U.K.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
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