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Poland adopts resolution protecting Netanyahu from arrest if he attends Auschwitz liberation commemoration



  • The United Nations’ International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and others in connection with the war in Gaza, accusing them of crimes against humanity.
  • Member countries of the ICC, like Poland, are required to detain suspects facing a warrant if they set foot on their soil, but the court has no way to enforce that. 
  • The Polish government passed a resolution to ensure the free and safe participation of Israeli representatives who attend commemorations for the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau on Jan. 27.

The Polish government adopted a resolution on Thursday vowing to ensure the free and safe participation of the highest representatives of Israel — including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu — who chose to attend commemorations for the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau later this month.

Netanyahu became an internationally wanted suspect last year after the International Criminal Court, the world’s top war crimes court, issued an arrest warrant for him and others in connection with the war in Gaza, accusing them of crimes against humanity.


«The Polish government treats the safe participation of the leaders of Israel in the commemorations on January 27, 2025, as part of paying tribute to the Jewish nation, millions of whose daughters and sons became victims of the Holocaust carried out by the Third Reich,» read the resolution published by the office of Prime Minister Donald Tusk.

The government published the statement after Polish President Andrzej Duda asked Tusk to ensure that Netanyahu can attend without the risk of being arrested.

German forces occupied Poland at the start of World War II and set up a system of ghettos and death camps where they killed millions of Jews and others.

The International Criminal Court issued a warrant for the arrest of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (center). In response, Poland passed a resolution ensuring the free and safe participation of the highest representatives of Israel, including Netanyahu, who chose to attend commemorations for the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau later this month. (Yoav Dudkevitch/TPS-IL)


There had been reports suggesting that the arrest warrant could prevent Netanyahu from traveling to Poland to attend observances marking the anniversary of the liberation in 1945 of the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp by Soviet forces on Jan. 27.There had been reports suggesting that the arrest warrant could prevent Netanyahu from traveling to Poland to attend observances marking the anniversary of the liberation in 1945 of the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp by Soviet forces on Jan. 27.

Member countries of the ICC, such as Poland, are required to detain suspects facing a warrant if they set foot on their soil, but the court has no way to enforce that. Israel is not a member of the ICC and disputes its jurisdiction.


The court has more than 120 member states, though some countries, including France, have already said that they would not arrest him. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán even said he would defy the warrant by inviting Netanyahu to Hungary.

It was not even clear if Netanyahu wanted to attend the event. The Polish Foreign Ministry said earlier Thursday that «it has not received any information so far indicating that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is going to attend the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz.»

«Poland is a safe country and any leader visiting Poland is entitled to protection granted by the Ministry of the Interior,» it added. The ministry also suggested that any idea that Netanyahu could be arrested in Poland is «fake news» that spread in U.S. media.



The commemoration will be attended by international officials and elderly survivors. It is to take place in Oswiecim, a town that was under German occupation during the war.

More than 1.1 million people were murdered at Auschwitz. Historians say that most of them, about a million, were Jewish, but the victims also included Poles, Roma, Soviet prisoners of war, and others.



Venezuela: los países que apoyan a Nicolás Maduro solo enviarán representantes y su asunción estará marcada por la ausencia de presidentes



A horas de que Nicolás Maduro asuma nuevamente el poder en Venezuela, el día después de una jornada convulsionada en las calles de Caracas que incluyó la detención de la referente opositora María Corina Machado, el sucesor de Hugo Chávez apenas cuenta con el respaldo de Rusia, China, Qatar, Irán, Cuba, Honduras, Nicaragua, Guinea Ecuatorial, Bielorrusia y Corea del Norte con vistas a su tercer mandato, luego de que estos países lo reconocieran como ganador de las elecciones del pasado 28 de julio frente a Edmundo González Urrutia.

No obstante, a pesar del respaldo de estos gobiernos, la participación de los jefes de Estado será prácticamente nula en la ceremonia y enviarán a representantes de menor rango.

Ante la ausencia confirmada de Luis Arce por cuestiones de agenda, una delegación de Bolivia, encabezada por la canciller Celinda Sosa, acompañará a Maduro este viernes en el Palacio Federal Legislativo ubicado en Caracas, según anunció esta semana la viceministra de Comunicación, Gabriela Alcón. La misma medida tomará Honduras (la presidenta es Xiomara Castro), tal como adelantó el vicecanciller Gerardo Torres.

Por su parte, la Cancillería china anunció este jueves que estará un enviado especial del presidente Xi Jinping, mientras que Rusia envió al presidente de la Duma de Estado, Viacheslav Volodin, quien ya se encuentra en Venezuela.

Aún no se confirmó si estarán los mandatarios Daniel Ortega, de Nicaragua, y Miguel Díaz-Canel, de Cuba, cuyo gobierno volvió a manifestarse en favor del régimen tras los incidentes de este jueves en Caracas y, al mismo tiempo, apuntó en un comunicado contra los medios de prensa “hegemónicos” por “satanizar” a Maduro y propiciar “el linchamiento” del modelo político de la revolución bolivariana.

Brasil, a pesar de las tensiones con Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva en los últimos tiempos, será representado por la embajadora en Caracas, Glivânia Maria de Oliveira, informó el Ministerio de Exteriores, mientras que México enviará a un representante oficial. Después de las elecciones del 28 de julio, ambos exigieron una verificación independiente de los resultados como condición para reconocer la victoria de Maduro.


Argentina y los países que rechazan la asunción de Nicolás Maduro

Las ausencias en la asunción de Nicolas Maduro también estarán marcadas por el rechazo a su legitimación en el poder, puesto que consideran vencedor a González Urrutia. Además de Argentina, donde Javier Milei recibió recientemente al líder opositor al que le mostró su respaldo, se encuentran Estados Unidos, Uruguay, Perú, Panamá, República Dominicana, Costa Rica, Chile (en la semana retiró a su embajador del país) y Paraguay, entre otros.

Javier Milei respaldó al opositor venezolano Edmundo González Urrutia en su reciente visita a la Casa Rosada Foto: EFE/ Juan Ignacio Roncoroni

En el caso de Colombia, el Gobierno reafirmó este jueves que mantendrá las relaciones diplomáticas con Venezuela, pero sostuvo que no avala los resultados oficiales que dieron como ganador a Maduro.

Por último, la Unión Europea tampoco reconoce la victoria de Maduro y el pasado mes de diciembre acordó en Bruselas que los embajadores de los países miembros no asistieran a la ceremonia del 10 de enero.

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