Fernando Savater tras su despido de El País: los párrafos más polémicos del nuevo libro del filósofo
“Arrepentirme no es mi costumbre”, dice el filósofo Fernando Savater sobre las opiniones que esculpió en Carne gobernada -su último libro, que desde este miércoles está en las librerías en España- y por las que el diario El País decidió desvincularlo después de casi medio siglo de considerarlo una de sus plumas más prestigiosas.
“Lo que he escrito está hecho desde la sinceridad y con mi mejor intención. Nunca he ido por detrás, no soy de los que se arrodillan ante un jefe y luego van por la espalda criticándole”, dice el filósofo devoto de Borges.
Carne gobernada se define, en su contratapa, como “la biografía humana e intelectual de Fernando Savater en la que explica el viaje político desde su izquierdismo juvenil hasta un constitucionalismo ilustrado de derechas”.
Un sincericidio que le costó el espacio que El País le reservaba semanalmente.
Fue la actual directora de diario, Pepa Bueno -al frente del periódico desde julio de 2021-, quien llamó a Savater para informarle que no escribiría más en la contratapa de los sábados.
“Hemos hablado un rato en tono amistoso”, contó el filósofo a la publicación online El Confidencial. “Son 50 años de mi vida que dejo atrás. Pero hay que asumir que cuando uno se hace viejo está cerrando puertas constantemente, y ésta es una puerta que se cierra”.
Clarín intentó contactar a la dirección del Grupo Prisa, al que pertenece El País. Ni Bueno ni nadie de Prisa hicieron declaraciones.
Guiso asturiano
Hace años que Savater, que ya cumplió los 76, quería titular a un libro suyo “Carne gobernada”, que es un plato asturiano.
Así figura su definición, según Wikipedia, en las primeras páginas del libro: “La carne gobernada es un plato tradicional de la cocina asturiana. Se trata de un plato de carne de vaca que se elabora muy lentamente. Hoy en día es poco frecuente encontrar este plato”.
“La columna de los sábados que inicié en El País (…) se acoplaba especialmente bien a mi estilo: una columna de trescientas palabras en la última página de los sábados, el día que podía tener más lectores. Naturalmente, utilicé esa tribuna para desenmascarar en la medida de mis posibilidades a los nuevos salvapatrias que le habían caído encima a nuestro país”, sincera Savater en sus memorias intelectuales.
En esas páginas fue todo lo políticamente incorrecto que pudo. Como cuando, por ejemplo, no contento con haberlo ya dicho el año pasado en el diario digital The Objective, reproduce en su libro un fragmento de la columna en publicó allí en septiembre de 2023: “Los medios informativos como El País o la Ser (emisora radial), que pudieron llamase un día herederos de la Ilustración, pero hoy son sencillamente gubernamentales, bautizan como coaliciones ‘progresistas’ a la impía amalgama entre socialistas del oportunismo, separatistas fanáticos o aprovechados, deudores del dinero extranjero que viene de los financiados más repugnantes, etc.”
Y lo profundiza en Carne gobernada: “De ser un diario progresista, de centro izquierda, con las virtudes y defectos propios del caso, pasó a convertirse en un portavoz gubernamental y del peor Gobierno que ha tenido la democracia española desde la muerte del dictador”, apunta Savater en la página 129 de su libro.
“Eso naturalmente socavó el prestigio del periódico, que de ser el diario de referencia pasó a convertirse en un risible epítome de la prensa al servicio de la política”, señala a continuación.
Sus motivos
“Los primeros años mi periódico conservó su línea socialdemócrata habitual (…) Pero hubo un vuelco en el partido socialista y finalmente ocurrió lo peor que le ha pasado en toda su larga y polémica historia: se encontró sometido al liderazgo caudillista de Pedro Sánchez”, escribe Savater.
“En la evidente decadencia de EP (El País) intervienen diversos factores. A mi juicio, el primero de ellos es el mismo que ha roído al PSOE en sus mejores esencias: la colonización ideológica por parte del PSC (Partido Socialista de Cataluña), que es un elemento cancerígeno allí donde se implanta”, cree el filósofo.
Y luego dispara contra sus colegas columnistas: “Otro elemento que empeora este diario otrora prestigioso es una desafortunada invasión femenina -subraya-. En un momento como el actual, en que los mejores columnistas en todos los medios son mujeres y algunos ya casi no leemos otra cosa (…) en EP nos ha tocado el lote menos lucido: tanto las de casa como las importadas, salvo las honrosas y escasa excepciones de rigor, son tan sectarias y aburridas como los varones con quienes se codean”.
“Hay temas de los que no se debe hablar más que con una sinceridad que nos perjudique, sin cubrirse las espaldas”, dice Savater en las páginas del libro que terminó de prologar en Madrid, el 14 de octubre de 2023. Como si hubiera sido una premonición.
‘Peace through strength’: Trump and Netanyahu expected to discuss Iran, Hamas at White House meeting
TEL AVIV – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s meeting with President Donald Trump at the White House on Tuesday is geared toward bolstering ties with and securing guarantees from the Trump administration primarily over Iran and the war against Hamas, according to current and former Israeli officials.
«Prime Minister Netanyahu’s historic visit to Washington will mark a significant moment in Israel-U.S. relations, setting a tone of close cooperation and friendship between the Israeli government and the Trump administration,» Israeli Ambassador to the United States Yechiel Leiter told Fox News Digital.
«The prime minister will be the first foreign leader to visit the White House in President Trump’s second term, and his visit will spur bilateral efforts to promote security and prosperity in the U.S., Israel and the Middle East,» he added.
Leiter, appearing on «America’s Newsroom» last week, told Dana Perino that Iran would be front and center during the Trump-Netanyahu meeting. «We will make the point that to allow Tehran to maintain its nuclear capabilities, which they can raise very quickly toward nuclear weapons, is simply unacceptable,» he stated.
Netanyahu was last at the White House on July 25, 2024, with then-President Biden having only invited the Israeli leader some 20 months after his re-election. This was widely viewed as a snub by Biden, whose party has increasingly distanced itself from traditional bipartisan support for the Jewish state.
Netanyahu told reporters ahead of his departure that it was «telling» Trump chose to meet him first, describing it as «a testimony to the strength of the American-Israeli alliance.»
«This meeting will deal with important issues, critical issues facing Israel and our region, victory over Hamas, achieving the release of all our hostages and dealing with the Iranian terror axis and all its components – an axis that threatens the peace of Israel, the Middle East and the entire world,» he said.
There are currently 79 hostages held by Hamas in Gaza, including six dual US-Israeli citizens. «Regarding agenda terms, Trump will want Netanyahu to proceed to the second phase of the truce agreement with Hamas. This is very difficult for Israel, since this basically leaves the terror group in power in Gaza,» former Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Michael Oren told Fox News Digital.
While Trump has said he was «not confident» the ceasefire deal would hold, his Mideast envoy Steve Witkoff visited Israel last week and reportedly pushed for the implementation of all three phases. According to Netanyahu, Trump has committed to supporting the resumption of the war if negotiations with Hamas prove «futile.»
«There may also be discussion about the future of the Palestinian issue and ways in which the Trump peace plan unveiled during his first term can be revived, as well as how a normalization push between Israel and Saudi Arabia can be concluded,» Oren said. «I think the major pressure point would be the ‘P’ word, which refers to the Saudis insisting on a pathway to Palestinian statehood. Parts of Netanyahu’s coalition and even some within his own party will not discuss the ‘P’ word.»
On this point, the two leaders may be aligned, with Trump insisting that Gaza be rebuilt «in a different way.» He also indicated his desire to relocate Gazans to Arab countries. «You’re talking about probably a million and a half people, and we just clean out [Gaza] and say, ‘You know, it’s over,’» he said.
During his first term, Trump pulled Washington out of the 2015 nuclear deal with Tehran, which was orchestrated by the Obama administration. However, the Biden administration undid most of Trump’s «maximum pressure» campaign on Tehran – consisting primarily of crippling sanctions – by rehashing many Obama-era policies.
«I believe that Trump is prepared to immediately snap back paralyzing sanctions and issue a credible military threat to bring Iran back to the negotiating table for an agreement on its nuclear infrastructure, ballistic missile testing and terror financing,» Danny Ayalon, former Israeli deputy foreign minister and ambassador to the U.S., told Fox News Digital.
«If not, the Iranians will be subject to a major operation that may be through an American-led coalition or different structures with or without Israel,» he added, while referencing an Axios report last month that the U.S. president might «either support an Israeli military strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities… or even order a U.S. strike.» However, Ayalon said Trump will express a preference for a diplomatic solution, possibly placing him at odds with Netanyahu.
Ayalon also noted Netanyahu’s appreciation for Trump’s initiative to punish the International Criminal Court, which in November issued arrest warrants for the Israeli premier and then-Defense Minister Yoav Gallant over the prosecution of the war against Hamas, while suggesting that normalization between Jerusalem and Riyadh would be raised as part of a broader effort to reshape the Middle East.
«A potential economic corridor from Asia to Europe through Saudi Arabia, Israel, Jordan, maybe even the Palestinian Authority, works very well with Trump’s agenda of countering aggressive Chinese expansionism through the Belt and Road Initiative,» Ayalon said.
Other agenda items might include a possible U.S.-backed push to apply Israeli sovereignty over parts of the West Bank, also known by Israel as Judea and Samaria – a prospect Netanyahu shelved during Trump’s first term in favor of forging the Abraham Accords – and expanding overall defense ties, including by advancing the American president’s goal of developing an Iron Dome-like missile shield for the United States.
«It is very different from the Biden administration. Of course, it is more aggressive but that’s only part of it. Trump sees the problem of Gaza in a wider perspective» that includes the Saudis, Qataris, Egyptians and other regional players, Brig. Gen. (Res.) Hannan Gefen, the former commander of IDF’s elite Unit 8200, told Fox News Digital.
«Trump, in his second term, is repeating his willingness to withdraw from the Kurdish-controlled northeastern part of Syria, which may contrast with Israel’s interest,» he explained. «In Lebanon, there might be a disagreement if Israel sees Hezbollah [violating the ceasefire and] regaining power, and wants to strike terror bases. Regarding the Houthis in Yemen, Israel and the Saudis will try to direct Trump’s policy to be more assertive than Biden was toward the Iranian proxy.»
While any gaps between the sides will be overshadowed by the pomp and circumstance accompanying a visit by Netanyahu to D.C., Likud lawmaker Boaz Bismuth told Fox News Digital that the prime minister «won’t make any concessions on issues that relate to Israel’s national security.
«Our national interests come above all else – the state has an obligation toward its civilians and the right to defend itself,» Bismuth said. «Fortunately, Trump has a thriving relationship with Israel and is a great friend of ours.»
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