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Morocco museum hosts one of Africa’s first exhibitions of Cuban art



  • The exhibition at Morocco’s Mohammed VI Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art showcases Cuban art.
  • It represents one of the first displays of Cuban artwork at an African museum.
  • Themes explored in the exhibition range from isolation and economic embargo to heritage and identity.

When Morocco ‘s King Mohamed VI visited Havana in 2017, Cuban-American gallery owner Alberto Magnan impressed him with a «full immersion» in the Caribbean island’s art and culture, drawing a line between the cultural and historical themes tackled by Cuban artists and those from across Africa.

Seven years after that encounter, one of the first exhibitions of Cuban art at an African museum is showing at Morocco’s Mohammed VI Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art.

It’s part of an effort to give visitors a view beyond the European artists who often remain part of the school curriculum in the North African nation and other former French colonies, museum director Abdelaziz El Idrissi said.


«The Moroccan public might know Giacometti, Picasso or impressionists,» El Idrissi said. The museum has shown them all. «We’ve seen them and are looking for other things, too.»


The Mohammed VI Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, where a Cuban art exhibition is being held, is seen on April 1, 2024, in Rabat. (AP Photo/Mosa’ab Elshamy)

The Cuba show contains 44 pieces by Wifredo Lam — a major showing of the Afro-Cuban painter’s work more than a year before New York City’s Museum of Modern Art will honor him with a career retrospective show in 2025.

«We’re kind of beating MoMA to the punch,» Magnan said.


The Morocco show also marks the first time that the work of another luminary, Jose Angel Toirac, is being displayed outside Cuba. Previously, his paintings depicting the country’s late anti-capitalist president Fidel Castro in the iconography of American advertisements and consumer culture were not allowed off the island.

Other works in «Cuban Art: On the other side of the Atlantic» — open until June 16 — show prevalent themes in Cuban art ranging from isolation and economic embargo to heritage and identity.

In Cuba, almost half of the population identifies as mixed race and more than 1 million people are Afro-Cuban. The island’s diversity is a recurring subject for its painters and artists, including Lam. That’s why it was important to show his work — including paintings of African-inspired masks and use of vibrant color — in Africa, Magnan said.

Morocco is among countries that have shown new interest in Cuban art since the United States restored diplomatic ties with Cuba in 2014 and Castro died in 2016. American art dealers and major museums flocked to the previously difficult-to-visit island.


But the intrigue was curbed by the COVID-19 pandemic and former U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to redesignate the country as a «state sponsor of terrorism,» Magnan said.

Meanwhile, Morocco has increased funding for arts and culture in an effort to boost its «geopolitical soft power» in North Africa and beyond.


In both Morocco and Cuba, 20th century artists responded to political transition — decolonization in Morocco, revolution in Cuba — by drawing from history and engaging in trends shaping contemporary art worldwide.

But the current show does not touch on Moroccan-Cuban diplomatic relations, which were restored following King Mohamed VI’s 2017 visit to Cuba.

The countries had cut ties decades ago over Cuba’s position on the disputed Western Sahara, which Morocco claims. Cuba has historically trained Sahrawi soldiers and doctors and backed the Polisario Front’s agenda at the United Nations.

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Encuentran las dos cajas negras del avión que se estrelló en Washington



Los investigadores recuperaron el grabador de voces de la cabina del piloto y el registrador de datos de vuelo, que serán analizados por la Junta Nacional de Seguridad en el Transporte, a cargo de la investigación, informaron fuentes anónimas a CBS News y ABC News.

Más temprano, los investigadores señalaron que esperan tener dentro de 30 días las conclusiones preliminares sobre los motivos por los que se produjo el accidente.»Nuestra intención es tener un informe preliminar dentro de 30 días. El informe final se emitirá una vez que hayamos completado toda nuestra investigación y determinación de hechos», explicó Todd Inman, miembro del equipo de investigación, en una rueda de prensa en el Aeropuerto Nacional Ronald Reagan de la capital estadounidense.

Por su parte, la directora de la Junta Nacional de Seguridad en el Transporte (NTSB, en inglés), Jennifer Homendy, afirmó que los investigadores deben «verificar» la información, al tiempo que pidió no «especular» sobre las causas del accidente.

Su mensaje contrasta con la postura del presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, quien en una rueda de prensa previa en la Casa Blanca dijo no conocer los motivos pero insinuó que la culpa habría sido del piloto del helicóptero.

También, señaló sin pruebas a los gobiernos demócratas de Barack Obama (2009-2017) y de Joe Biden (2021-2025) por haber contratado a controladores aéreos, a su juicio, poco calificados siguiendo políticas de diversidad e inclusión.

La NTSB rechazó referirse a los comentarios de Trump e insistió que en este momento se desconoce si el accidente fue causado por un error humano o un error técnico.


El siniestro ocurrió cuando un helicóptero militar, con tres personas a bordo, y un avión comercial Bombardier CRJ700 de American Eagle (filial regional de American Airlines), con 60 pasajeros y cuatro tripulantes, colisionaron el miércoles sobre las 20:48 hora local (01:48 GMT del jueves) en el momento de la aproximación de este último al aeropuerto Ronald Reagan (DCA) de Washington.

Las autoridades descartan que haya supervivientes del accidente aéreo, que es ya el más mortífero en Estados Unidos desde 2001.

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