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Russia sounds off on Trump’s threat to retake the Panama Canal



Russia’s foreign ministry has called on President Donald Trump to reaffirm the current international agreement surrounding the Panama Canal and to leave it in control of the nation of Panama. 

Alexander Shchetinin, the director of Russia’s foreign ministry’s Latin American department, told Russian news outlet TASS that he expects Trump «will respect the current international legal regime» of the canal as laid out in two 1977 treaties between the U.S. and Panama.


The agreement relinquished American control over the canal by the year 2000 and guaranteed its neutrality.

President Donald Trump, left, and the Danish cargo ship Lars Maersk sails through the Agua Clara Locks of the Panama Canal in Colon City, Panama, on Dec. 28, 2024, right. (Jim WATSON / AFP, left, ARNULFO FRANCO / AFP, right.)



Trump has railed against Panama since his sweeping election win in November, accusing the Central American country of letting China dominate the critical maritime trade route and leaving U.S. ships getting «ripped off» in the process.

During his inaugural speech on Monday, President Trump doubled down on his grievances and declared that the U.S. would be «taking it back.»

«We expect that during the expected discussions between the leadership of Panama and President Trump on issues of control over the Panama Canal, which certainly falls within the sphere of their bilateral relations, the parties will respect the current international legal regime of this key waterway,» Shchetinin said.


He said that 40 countries also joined a protocol agreement, of which Russia is one, to recognize the canal’s neutrality and to keep it «safe and open.»

«[The U.S. and Panama] must protect the canal from any threat to the neutrality regime,» Shchetinin said. «At the same time, a reservation was made that the said right of the United States to defend the Panama Canal does not mean and should not be interpreted as the right to interfere in the internal affairs of Panama, and any actions by the American side will never be directed against the territorial integrity or political independence of Panama.»

Trump speaks

Trump gives his second presidential inaugural address on Jan. 20, 2024.



Trump has been critical of the agreement and said previously it was a «big mistake» on Carter’s part.

«The United States… spent more money than was ever spent on a project before and lost 38,000 lives in the building of the Panama Canal,» Trump said at his inaugural address on Monday.

«We have been treated very badly from this foolish gift that should never have been made. And Panama’s promise to us has been broken. The purpose of our deal and the spirit of our treaty has been totally violated.»


«American ships are being severely overcharged and not treated fairly in any way, shape or form, and that includes the United States Navy. And above all, China is operating the Panama Canal. And we didn’t give it to China, we gave it to Panama, and we’re taking it back.»

The canal’s administrator, Ricaurte Vásquez, said this month that China is not in control of the canal and that all nations are treated equally under a neutrality treaty.

The 51-mile maritime trade route uses a series of locks and reservoirs to cut through the middle of Panama and connect the Atlantic and Pacific. The United States built the canal in the early 1900s as it looked for ways to facilitate the transit of commercial and military vessels between its coasts.


The canal spares ships having to sail around Cape Horn at South America’s southern tip, saving it a roughly 7,000-mile journey. 

ships pass through panama canal

The Marshall Islands cargo ship Cape Hellas, left, and the Portuguese cargo ship MSC Elma sail on Gatun Lake near the Agua Clara Locks of the Panama Canal in Colon City, Panama, on Dec. 28, 2024.  (ARNULFO FRANCO/AFP via Getty Images)


Panama President José Raúl Mulino issued a statement rejecting Trump’s comments and said, «The Canal is and will continue to be Panama’s and its administration will continue to be under Panamanian control with respect to its permanent neutrality.»


«There is no presence of any nation in the world that interferes with our administration,» he added, taking issue with Trump’s suggestion that the U.S. «gave» the canal to Panama.

«Dialogue is always the way to clarify the points mentioned without undermining our right, total sovereignty and ownership of our Canal,» Mulino said. 

Fox News’ Caitlin McFall and The Associated Press contributed to this report. 




Otro polémico gesto de Nicolás Maduro: entregó 180 mil hectáreas expropiadas por Hugo Chávez al movimiento Sin Tierra de Brasil



Con el objetivo de aumentar la producción de alimentos, Nicolás Maduro entregó este jueves 180 mil hectáreas agrícolas expropiadas durante la era de su predecesor, Hugo Chávez, al Movimiento Sin Tierra (MST) de Brasil.

La adjudicación de esta importante extensión de tierras ocurrió en el marco del proyecto agroproductivo «Patria Grande del Sur», orientado a fortalecer la producción agroecológica y la soberanía alimentaria en la región, según indicó el líder del régimen venezolano.


Y, en la misma línea, agregó: «Buscamos producir alimentos orgánicos a gran escala para nuestro pueblo, para el norte de Brasil y para exportar al mundo».

El plan en la hacienda «La Vergareña», que fue estatizada en 2008 como resultado de una serie de expropiaciones que, según estimaciones privadas, alcanzaron unas nueve millones de hectáreas en el país, contempla el cultivo de caraotas, maíz, yuca, plátano, ñame, sorgo, hortalizas y frutas, además de la cría de gallinas ponedoras, ganado porcino y vacuno.

«Creo en la unión de los pueblos, por eso es que le he pedido al Movimiento Sin Tierra de Brasil recibir estas 180 mil hectáreas de las mejores tierras de Venezuela para dirigir un proyecto suramericano», dijo Maduro en cadena nacional respecto del predio, ubicado en el estado Bolívar (sur) y productivo en el momento de su expropiación, que es más grande que Isla Margarita, uno de los principales destinos turísticos del país caribeño.


«(Son) tierras bien buenas para producir, es uno de los rescates más importantes que hubo en su momento y ya hemos avanzado tremendamente para activar todos los planes productivos», añadió el mandatario, en alusión a las expropiaciones que el gobierno denominó «rescates».

Por su parte, Roxana Fernández, del MST, indicó que buscan reforzar «la soberanía alimentaria» en Venezuela, que en los años más duros de recesión vivió una aguda escasez de alimentos, algo que expertos atribuyeron a los férreos controles estatales, hoy flexibilizados, además de las expropiaciones.

«Es un acto de reafirmación de compromiso de MST con el pueblo venezolano de hacer en estas tierras de la antigua Vergareña un modelo y un ejemplo para el mundo», apuntó Fernández.


El MST -originalmente Movimiento de los Trabajadores Rurales Sin Tierra- fue fundado en 1984 como una organización social y política integrada por campesinos y sus familias en busca de tierras para los pobres en Brasil, convirtiéndose en un movimiento muy controvertido.

Con información de agencias.

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Netanyahu slams ‘terrorist-supporting’ UN council that accused Israel of committing sexual crimes



The United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) is facing intense backlash from Israel over its report accusing Israel of employing sexual violence against Palestinians since October 2023. The report, entitled «’More than a human can bear’: Israel’s systematic use of sexual, reproductive and other forms of gender-based violence since October 2023» contains serious allegations against the Jewish state.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu released a statement on the report, calling the UNHRC «an antisemitic, corrupt, terrorist-supporting and irrelevant body.»


«Instead of focusing on crimes against humanity and the war crimes committed by the Hamas terrorist organization during the worst massacre against the Jewish people since the Holocaust, the UN once again chooses to attack the State of Israel with false accusations, including outrageous and baseless allegations of sexual violence. This is not a Human Rights Council – it is a Blood Rights Council,» Prime Minister Netanyahu said in a statement.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks during a press conference in Jerusalem on December 9, 2024. (MAYA ALLERUZZO/POOL/AFP via Getty Images)



Multiple Israeli officials said the report constituted a «blood libel» and said it ignored the acts of sexual violence on Oct. 7. 

US Ambassador Designate to the United Nations Elise Stefanik also condemned the «baseless report» as «antisemitic and anti-Israel slander.»

«The so-called ‘Human Rights Council’ has failed to condemn the barbaric atrocities committed by Hamas terrorists against Israel including the brutal slaughter, torture, kidnapping of thousands of innocent civilians, and Hamas’ horrific use of rape and sexual violence against Israeli women and girls, yet disgracefully attacks Israel with unfounded smears,» Stefanik said in a statement. 


Additionally, Israeli U.N. Ambassador Danny Danon called the report «another vile and distorted document from the UN.»

«This report is not even worth the paper it was printed on. Anyone who supported this false publication is complicit in whitewashing Hamas’ war crimes and trampling on the truth,» Danon said in a statement. «The UN is busy looking for ways to blame Israel instead of facing reality. History will judge you.»

United Nations Assembly

Israeli Permanent Member to the United Nations Danny Danon speaks during a session of the Security Council at the New York City headquarters. (Israel United Nations mission)



UNWatch Executive Director Hillel Neuer told Fox News Digital, «the U.N. inquiry is as objective as a Stalinist show trial, and that’s why they completely twisted the facts to falsely accuse Israel of the crimes that Hamas actually committed.»

The report documents a wide range of alleged abuses by Israeli troops, which it calls the Israel Security Forces (ISF), rather than the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), the military’s actual name in both Hebrew and English. The report also condemned how Israel was carrying out the war, saying that the destruction led to «disproportionate violence against women and children.»

Additionally, there are complaints in the report of forced public stripping. However, Israel has said that this is necessary to ensure detainees are not hiding explosives. Former IDF Spokesperson Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus was quoted in the report as saying this in a 2023 CNN interview. Even the report acknowledges that «strip-searches for security justifications are not unlawful,» but claims that Israel’s process was not up to international standards.

United Nations facade

A view of the United Nations Headquarters building in New York City, United States on July 16, 2024. (Jakub Porzycki/NurPhoto via Getty Images)


Chair of the Commission Navi Pillay condemned the «deplorable increase in sexual and gender-based violence.»  She also says that Israel uses sexual violence to «terrorize» Palestinians and to create «a system of oppression that undermines their right to self-determination.»

«For decades, the head of the Inquiry, Navi Pillay, has been the world’s leading champion of the 2001 UN ‘Durban Declaration’ slander that a Jewish state is a racist state. Inquiry members have referred to the ‘Jewish lobby’ controlling social media and then complained that antisemitism is ‘always raised as a diversion,’» Anne Bayefsky, Director of the Touro Institute on Human Rights and the Holocaust and President of Human Rights Voices told Fox News Digital.


The commission claims that sexual violence, including rape, is part of the IDF’s «standard operating procedures towards Palestinians.»

Bayefsky alleges the commission «ignored hundreds of thousands of submissions which challenged their conclusions… They have also refused to hear testimony from NGOs that would have contradicted the veracity of their pre-determined end product.»

«The Independent International Commission of Inquiry is an independent body mandated by the Human Rights Council, over which the secretary-general has no authority,» Secretary-General António Guterres’ spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric told Fox News Digital. «The secretary-general has spoken out repeatedly at the horrors we have seen in this conflict. He  continues to be deeply alarmed by the humanitarian situation in Gaza and reiterates his call for all parties to respect international humanitarian law and international human rights law. He underlines that there needs to be accountability.»


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Un terremoto sacude Nápoles en plena noche y la gente huye hasta por las ventanas



Un terremoto de magnitud 4,4 en la caldera volcánica de Campi Flegrei sacudió la zona de Nápoles durante la noche, provocando que la gente, asustada, saliera a las calles, generando algunos daños y dejando a una persona herida.

El sismo, que se produjo a la 1:25 a. m. del jueves, fue el más fuerte en la zona en 40 años, junto con uno de la misma magnitud que la azotó en mayo del año pasado.

Los coches fueron alcanzados por la caída de escombros. Foto: Reuters

Los bomberos de la ciudad de Bagnoli rescataron a una persona de entre los escombros después de que el sismo provocara el derrumbe de un techo. La persona resultó ilesa.

Algunas personas en la misma ciudad tuvieron que salir por las ventanas para escapar de sus casas debido a los daños causados por el temblor. Los coches fueron alcanzados por la caída de escombros y aparecieron grietas en algunos edificios.

La primera ministra, Giorgia Meloni, monitoreaba este jueves constantemente la situación en estrecho contacto con el secretario de Gabinete, Alfredo Mantovano, el ministro de Protección Civil, Nello Musumeci, y el jefe del Departamento de Protección Civil, Fabio Ciciliano, informó la oficina de la premier.


La zona de Campi Flegrei actualmente está siendo afectada por el fenómeno conocido como bradisísmo, o levantamiento del suelo, y ha habido una serie de terremotos durante el último año.

«Recientemente, la tasa de elevación del suelo se ha triplicado, pasando de 1 a 3 centímetros al mes», declaró a ANSA Francesca Bianco, directora del departamento de volcanes del Instituto Nacional de Geofísica y Vulcanología.


«Lo ocurrido anoche no es inesperado: se observa una mayor intensificación de la crisis bradisísmica en comparación con 2023, pero no hay evidencia de magma superficial, lo cual sería un indicio típico de una erupción inminente», agregó.


Desarrollo urbano en una zona volcánica

El ministro de Protección Civil, Nello Musumeci, nombró a un comisionado especial para la zona de Campi Flegrei para que se encargue de las medidas de prevención de riesgos. El ministro se ha quejado de cómo se ha permitido el desarrollo urbano en la zona volcánica durante décadas.

El alcalde de Nápoles, Gaetano Manfredi, afirmó que el último terremoto fue «una importante prueba de resistencia para el patrimonio arquitectónico de esta parte de la ciudad».

Bomberos inspeccionan el campanario de una iglesia. Foto: EFEBomberos inspeccionan el campanario de una iglesia. Foto: EFE

«El hecho de que no haya daños estructurales significa que existe una buena capacidad sísmica», continuó al término de una reunión sobre la situación en la prefectura.

«Es obvio que ahora debemos continuar trabajando en esta vulnerabilidad. Debemos continuar con los controles, porque la única solución para vivir con bradisismo es contar con estructuras seguras, y debemos trabajar en ello», añadió.

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